All State Express

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Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
Do you have vans on here at ASE? no.So how do you now we have dropped or keep dropping our rates? Isnt that funny,mine havent dropped once since I have been here..All of this bashing youre doing on ASE...seems to be based on what other drivers are telling you..But, have you experienced it firsthand? By being leased here?

Kind of off the subject here, about a month ago, I was heading north on 69 in Indiana, when one of youre trucks blew by me like I was standing still, with youre name on the side of it.The team in it delivered to the GM plant south of Fort Wayne.What gets me is youre talking about breaking rules,but yet,that truck was excessively speeding,with no box marker lights what so ever.Before of accusing others of breaking the rules,look at youre self first.

The main reason you may be slamming ASE is that you are a fleet owner with Panther.And want to be fed freight, right?

4 years ago I was in orientation in Seville.I used to be an o/o for them in 95,and Craig was a great guy to work for back then.I walked out after 15 minutes of the start of orientaion.Why? I caught them in 3 lies in that short period of time,and thought to myself,is this is starting in orentation, how is it going to be once I am on the road with these people? Called ?ASE and havent looked back yet.

Before this turns bad on saying that i'm breaking the rules. 1st off all my trucks are limited to 65 mph. So if that is speeding in a state where the speed limit is 65 mph you may want to get your van checked. As far as the box lights I don't know I wasn't there. I have nine trucks and NONE of them said anything about box lights not working in the past month. If it was one of my trucks and they was speeding as you say at night with no box lights on how did you see the Mayfield Express signs? Why didn't you call Panther if you was so worried about it and why are you bringing this up a month later.

The only reason your saying this is because your trying to stick up for the company you work for. I'm glad your happy with them as you say. I'm not always happy with my carrier either, but Panthers CEO has never came on here saying that I was posting BS either like yours did. Now I have kept my mouth shut about other things that are facts about ASE because people need to find out for themselfs. I'm not here to bash them, but don't telling me i'm posting BS either. I tell it like it is. I'm all for the drivers, remember I'm a driver too. If companies wants to lower their rates that's find, then take it out of their cut not the O/O cut. As far as cargo vans I do know, My family has been in trucking over 80 years now. Just because I don't own a van doesn't mean someone else in my family doesn't. why do you think I don't own any?

I don't get fed freight at Panther, just because we have nine trucks doesn't mean they play favorites with our trucks because they don't. Remember we can get our own loads also. Ask DaveKC, he will tell you the same thing. I been in the business long enough to know how to keep our trucks moving.

As far as Panther I don't know, I wasn't there when you went to class. I don't have any issuse with them. I do with the doctor that does their DOT Exams. But that is another story.
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Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
I even went back and checked every run our trucks was on for the last two months and only one of our trucks has delivered in the state of Ind near Fort Wayne during this time. That truck is set at 65 mph and no more. Like I said as for the lights, I don't know because I can't be in 9 trucks at one time. As for lowing rates other carriers do place loads on load board for other carriers to bid on.
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Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
It's not safe for the driver or public??? Once again, after seeing how youre truck was being driven onit's way to Fort Wayne Assy,I dont see how that is evena concern of yours

Look, I am enjoying the conversation, but I have better things to do than sit here at 1:45 in the morning,like sleep.Gotta make sure I am rested up for tomarrows load.Good

It's not safe for both. It is a concern of mine, was I driving the truck? No I wasn't, but don't come on here make out like our trucks speed all over when that is not the case. I had Freightliner turn everyone of our trucks down to 65 mph over a year ago. Didn't you meet me at the Expo this year?


Retired Expediter
not directed solely at ASE

You know you say market driven...and rates are cut...BUT on the flip side you keep on a glut of trucks to support your volume thinking hence keeping rates low....why not do what the oil companies do, and control the market? Get rid of some trucks, take out the trash, and create a shortage of trucks and get higher rates for the hard working individual...your "partner"

You are being told over and over again by us experienced guys but you continue to flood the market with trucks and depress our rates....why don't you listen? Because it does not support your volume theory...

As for ASE..Guido sometimes gets caught in straight thinking mode, forgetting he's a CV took him a good 6 months to learn ASE's lanes and where they did good and now he stays away from areas where they do poorly..he is doing alot better now, he is taking care of HIS needs before the companies needs...he has learned the NO word...

Dynamite 1

Staff member
Fleet Owner
Your volume statement says it all. I have always said and told newbies coming into the business that there are two kinds of companies, those who lease on trucks to cover their freight and those who find freight for their trucks. There is a difference between the two models.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
Blizzard, spot on my good man.

Blizzard begged it folks, anyone running for a major carrier like us or the others, and are getting anything above for a standard van rate of .95 all in, sorry I call BS. Come see me and show me the money.

Blizzard you begged it

How many ASE drivers are on here complaining about not making money? How many of the competition drivers are on here complaining?

It's because there is not that many, because they went to other CARRIERS!!!! You had to pay Stoops to put signs on their truck at the Expo because you didn't have a nice truck for the expo. Now I'm done with all of this, before you say someone is posting BS on here you better stop posting yours.


Retired Expediter
Blizzard you begged it

It's because there is not that many, because they went to other CARRIERS!!!! You had to pay Stoops to put signs on their truck at the Expo because you didn't have a nice truck for the expo. Now I'm done with all of this, before you say someone is posting BS on here you better stop posting yours.

Bruno..easy up buddy...lets keep cool jets here..WE know the real truth no matter what BS these volume pushers say....ASE, Panther, Bolt, E-1 are all pushing this volume idea...and look at what THEY did to depress O'O's rates...not the shippers..
Shippers will use any advantage they see and these three are putting it out there for them to use...
Yes Bruno I included the Kitty cat as well...and YOU know it is true....anyone with a pulse is out there in a CV...
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Dynamite 1

Staff member
Fleet Owner
You mentioned names, I did not. That is exactly what i meant by my statement. The big three do lease trucks to have enough of them to cover their freight. instead of the other way. It is a volume of trucks that these carriers work off of. By this i mean the mentality of putting 10 trucks in ? board this tuesday because we had 10 loads last tuesday. that doesnt and never has made any sense to me for my business but i do see where it is very profitable for the carrier in the aspect of not missing any load opportunities.


Expert Expediter
Mr. Mayfield/Bruno, to make a comment such as you did about the Expo was a bit premature. Many dealers contact all of us carriers to allow them an opportunity to showcase their equipment to make sells to people such as yourself that may be in the market to buy. ASE doesn't pay to put logo's on trucks in these situations. Surely you would know this instead of jumping to a conclusion. I am sure you have stellar equipment and your trucks have many times over been showcased, congratulations on that, or if they weren't, I feel confident in saying, you appreciate us companies bringing in nice, newer equipment for you the buyer. We help bring the product to the buyer. Jeff is a great guy and we have worked with Stoops, two plus years running.

Our van rate was compared to the competition and we as a company went upward and will continue that trend, once we are convinced that we're all not in for a double dip in the recession. Many economic signs are pointing the way and potentials of a double dip, not as severe, but a softer dip. Please stay tuned to the WallStreet Journal, CNBC, or whatever business outlet you seem to favor. As a business owner such as yourself, it is important you stay current to know how things could potentially affect your revenue stream. Also, our pay packages for all trucks are higher than the competition, we have drivers migrate from many competitors and we have had drivers migrate to the competition as well, we are very intone and seen first hand on all types of equipment, what their contract says vs what they have been given. If our contract states $1.15 per mile and what ever the weekly fuel surcharge is, that is what they get, guaranteed. No asking can you do it for this mess. If our drivers are happy, in turn we are happy. Fleet owners with multiple trucks can command a higher rate per mile. Hopefully you are enjoying that opportunity at your current.

This is a small sector in the broad scape of things in transportation, and if you benchmarked our program for all types of equipment, you may be shocked to find ASE is actually a minimum of .5 higher than others. You may have a better rate at your current, this is merely do to the fact you were grandfathered in. But who knows, maybe the recession allowed your current carrier the option to renegotiate your contract down a tad. We are very well informed of our competition, as they are with us.

I would love to talk with you in person and discuss any issues you have with ASE, as they are concerning to me. If problems exist, I want to make a conscious effort to fix it. If you haven't had the opportunity to have equipment with ASE and are making these type comments, I am deeply concerned with the intel you provide, because maybe someone misinformed you. I am very unfamiliar with you and your company in the industry. I've never seen one of your trucks in all the years traveling visiting customers in the Midwest. Let's have coffee, my treat.

If you don't mind sir, please limit the negative comments downward until you are fully educated first hand on ASE and what it could do for you and your trucks. Please, no Bloviating.

You seem like a nice guy, I want to see that positive side of you.

As a company owner, this forum is a great place to gain feedback on what drivers are looking for. I will post from time to time, why, because if I or any other owner doesn't listen to you guys/gals, who will.

Mr. Mayfield, if we don't have an opportunity to meet or work together, I wish you well and good luck in growing your organization.


Retired Expediter
You mentioned names, I did not. That is exactly what i meant by my statement. The big three do lease trucks to have enough of them to cover their freight. instead of the other way. It is a volume of trucks that these carriers work off of. By this i mean the mentality of putting 10 trucks in ? board this tuesday because we had 10 loads last tuesday. that doesnt and never has made any sense to me for my business but i do see where it is very profitable for the carrier in the aspect of not missing any load opportunities.
Ok I am more direct...bad me....:rolleyes:

But we are on the same track in the same direction...:D


Veteran Expediter
It's not safe for the driver or public??? Once again, after seeing how youre truck was being driven onit's way to Fort Wayne Assy,I dont see how that is evena concern of yours

Look, I am enjoying the conversation, but I have better things to do than sit here at 1:45 in the morning,like sleep.Gotta make sure I am rested up for tomarrows load.Good

Be honest and tell us how many times just in the past months you had to run a load for ASE more than 1000-1200 miles without a 5 hour break?If we are talking about safety....But please get us an honest answer.


Expert Expediter
Happy Halloween to all.

Stay safe on the roads and be mindful of the public. Good luck to you all.


Veteran Expediter
Transportation has indeed become a commodity, to not think that is ridiculous thinking. Our industry is being traded on an exchange boards just like the boards used on WallStreet for bananas and oranges.

Sorry dude but that is wrong.

Our industry is not traded anywhere, companies are traded on the different exchanges and those companies provide either services or products but not the industry as a whole. You don't make an investment into an industry, it never works that way.

I want 15 trucks of ASE and three trucks of Panther please.

The capacity that exists (vans, trucks and tractors) are no where to be found on any commodity board either, a commodity is something tangible product and capacity is not.

A lot of people have defined value and service as a commodity but that's Marx's theory and used to justify things within other theories.

What I mean is capacity is not something that is equal to say bananas or apples, it is unique in both its need and application and to consider that it is a commodity, makes me think that you are looking at your fleet only as a commodity to fulfill a profit making purpose without the respect or understand of the importance of that fleet component but most definitely not capacity to fulfill customer's needs. We as owners and operators don't have a shelf life, we are not a one time use product or rot without use and don't sit in inventory.

Bananas, Apples, Cooper and Zinc are not traded in New York, they are traded in Chicago. There is a different set of rules with each exchange, for one(stocks) you are not liable for a close date where the purchase expires (that is a commodity).

I can't be apologetic about the facts, and to me I don't ever want to be considered a commodity or what ever the spun term is because it removes my real purpose to the carrier and the customer that as an owner I serve which is the most important piece of the equation.

I have thought about this niche market for a long time in regards of these companies and FedEx people actually seemed to confirmed; many carrier lack the understanding of the true big picture and only focus on their operations being the most important among all the components. Without the way to fulfill the need of the customer directly, they don't respect or even possibly understand the importance of how all the components work together in this industry. BY using flat rate, it seems that this is true. Flat rate does not afford the owner a part of the action but rather being told this is what you get, take it or leave it. It allows the company to become complacent to the point there is a lack of any push for better sales positions within the markets or hedge against slower times.


Veteran Expediter
I don't think .90 cpm on all loaded miles is a cheap freight rate, fsc included.The key to this is keeping the deadhead miles down to an absolute minimum, when possible.
It's not a cheap rate, Guido because you are getting the same rate every time you get a load. At my carrier I have to haggle with them to get a better rate. Sometimes I will get 70 CPM all inclusive, sometimes 83 CPM all inclusive, and sometimes I will get 95 CPM all inclusive. It all averages out to about 85-90 CPM in the end. I'd rather just get one set rate and be done with the haggling over the phone. The only time the set rate hurts you is on shorter runs, but ASE seems to be keeping you moving fairly well.

So if I had the option of doing 10k miles a month for 90 CPM rather than 5k miles a month at a dollar, i'd take the 10k miles a month at 90 CPM. I'd rather stay busier on the road and generate more revenue with less deadhead. Another problem i'm having right now with Bolt hiring on so many vans is being say number 10 in Laredo. This is ridiculous. I never see ASE vans parked all over the place; not like the panther, Fedex, Bolt, E-1, and other vans out there on the road. That is just my opinion.


Veteran Expediter
It's not a cheap rate, Guido because you are getting the same rate every time you get a load. At my carrier I have to haggle with them to get a better rate. Sometimes I will get 70 CPM all inclusive, sometimes 83 CPM all inclusive, and sometimes I will get 95 CPM all inclusive. It all averages out to about 85-90 CPM in the end. I'd rather just get one set rate and be done with the haggling over the phone. The only time the set rate hurts you is on shorter runs, but ASE seems to be keeping you moving fairly well.

So if I had the option of doing 10k miles a month for 90 CPM rather than 5k miles a month at a dollar, i'd take the 10k miles a month at 90 CPM. I'd rather stay busier on the road and generate more revenue with less deadhead. Another problem i'm having right now with Bolt hiring on so many vans is being say number 10 in Laredo. This is ridiculous. I never see ASE vans parked all over the place; not like the panther, Fedex, Bolt, E-1, and other vans out there on the road. That is just my opinion.

Ok. The problem is that they pay only 85 cents per mile including fuel not 90. Second you know ,I know 85 cents per mile is kind of a cheap rate. You say that you not see to many ASE trucks parked all over like Fedex or Panther . For example how many T&K vans you see parked. Panther and Fedex has 10 time or 20 times more trucks that ASE. And finaly the problem wasn't how much ASE paying per mile, is their problem, but comming on the forum and say that their rate is an excellent rate in the industry is to much.Because we all know that 85 cents including fuel per mile IS NOT A GOOD RATE>


Retired Expediter
Last 3 loads...including FSC

$1.079......FSC .169
$1.074......FSC .204
$1.034......FSC .229

nothing special all CV loads...the very same that if I were with my last carrier I'd have done for .81...

Hows that for VOLUME pricing...

and come the drivers FSC rate has not changed for like 6 months? Pegged at .11 never that also a flat rate?


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
OVM, you truly have woke up and seen the light. Better, ain't it?


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
Very much so...I can even afford not to do NY, NY now...*L*

I may even afford to come down to the Keys with you sometime now....;)

Thats because John Elliott at Load1 see's the big picture. Which would rather have? 60 vans that you make 30% off of or 20 vans that you make 50% off of. That is why vans are making more at Load1. Part of the reason FedEx and Panther had to drop their rates because the small carriers was under cutting business to get more freight and the customers know that. Are they getting the best service? Maybe, maybe not but cheap isn't always better. It's like going to the cleaners, you can take your pants to a cheaper cleaners hoping they clean and press your pants right. I would rather pay a little more at a place that I know is going to do the job right the 1st time.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
Dave, you have NEVER been in a position to be injured by ASE so what is the problem here? Had you neen leased to, or been a partner carrier with, you MIGHT have a beef of some kind. I tink maybe, your time might be better spent managing your "FLEET" or, something.
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