"Something of Historic Proportion is Happening" by Pam Geller


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
As is the case with any politician, one should focus on what they DO rather than what they SAY. Although he campaigned as a centrist, Obama's record indicated he has always been a radical liberal, and what he has DONE in his first 70 days in office confirms exactly that. To make matters worse, he is the most inexperienced president to have ever held office. He's a rank amateur, completely in over his head with such people as his lovely wife, Tim Geithner and Rahm Emanual to guide him and his policies.

He once again stubbed his toe today in a lame attempt with the traditional gift swap with the Queen of England - he gave her an Ipod (she already has one) with pictures of her visit to the US in 2007. This following the ridiculous gaffe with the Gordon Brown gift - a useless set of US movies on DVDs that weren't even in European format. Barack Hussein Obama is fast becoming a joke across the pond.

"There was widespread criticism in Britain and from Anglophiles in the US of Mr Obama's recent present to Mr Brown of a box set of classic American movies on DVDs that were not compatible with British DVD players."

Whoops! Browser Settings Incompatible

Of course these gift miscues are just small potatoes in the big picture, but here's the troubling point: if BHO and his staff overlook the details in minor events like this, what happens when they're faced with the pressures of a major crisis? How many details in this economic calamity are they letting slip through the cracks? What will they fail to grasp when dealing with the Taliban or Iran? May God help us all while this guy is in office.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
I guess it could be worse, he could have given the Queen an autographed picture of himself.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
What other than these "gafs" can you expect when you hire a person that frankly " 'Taint got a clue about nutin?" Obama is a Putz, and that is being nice to the bum. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Here's an excellent article by Thomas Sowell (far and away the best conservative columnist of our time) about our inexperienced "rookie" president. He makes some great points about this guy that trying to pose and act his way across the world stage during dangerous times. From the article:

"There is no sign that President Obama has impressed the Russians, the Iranians or the North Koreans, except by his rookie mistakes-- and that is a dangerous way to impress dangerous people.

What did his televised overture to the Iranians accomplish, except to reassure them that he was not going to do a d*mn thing to stop them from getting a nuclear bomb? It is a mistake that can go ringing down the corridors of history."

Link to the entire article: Thomas Sowell


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well, they wanted "Change" they got it!! Our forgien policy is now being run by total rookies. It does show. Shoot a 2 year intell agent has a better idea what is going on than they do. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I guess it could be worse, he could have given the Queen an autographed picture of himself.

My response to this was "He probably included one in the Ipod he gave her", and I was joking. Little did I know how prescient this statement was. The Ipod content was even more narcissistic and crass than we could have imagined.

From Jake Tapper of ABC News:
What Does One Get a Queen?

April 01, 2009 1:57 PM
President and First Lady Obama gave Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II a video iPod with inscription, songs uploaded and accessories, plus a rare musical songbook signed by Richard Rodgers.

Uploaded onto the iPod:
  • Photos from the Queen's 2007 White House State Visit
  • Photos from the Queen's 2007 Jamestown, Va., Visit
  • Photos from the Queen's 2007 Richmond, Va., Visit
  • Video from the Queen's 1957 Jamestown Visit
  • Video from the Queen's 2007 Jamestown Visit
  • Video from the Queen's 2007 Richmond Visit
  • Photos from President Obama's Inauguration
  • Audio of then-state senator Obama's speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, and
  • Audio of President Obama 2009 Inauguration Address
What Does One Get a Queen? - Political Punch

In addition to this nonsense, his charming wife - who is now being compared by the mainstream media to Jackie Kennedy:confused: - violated all manner of protocol by manhandling the Queen of England. And to think we've got 3 3/4 more years of this never-ending Gong Show going on at the head of our Government. Just think of the ridicule George Bush would have received from the media in general and the late night shows in particular if he or his wife would have done something like this. In this case however, the media consider this clumsiness "charming." I think I'm gonna puke.
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Veteran Expediter
In addition to this nonsense, his charming wife - who is now being compared by the mainstream media to Jackie Kennedy:confused: - violated all manner of protocol by manhandling the Queen of England.

Well as some want to point out Michelle is one of us. Like the lady who hugged the queen a while ago at the jamestown celebration, Michelle thinks it's ok to be insulting and side step protocol. You can't tell me that she wasn't informed about it, almost all the people who get an audience with the queen have a two minute "Do this not that" talk with her staff.

It is obvious that Michelle's highly paid staff (why the hell does a first lady need a staff anyways?) dropped the ball, the queen may have appreciate something along the lines of something for her dogs or like that, iPod? please! Maybe we should all write a letter to her apologizing for a poor representation of our country by an unelected official.

The entire comparing these two to the Kennedys is rather a stretch, seeing Jackie went to Vassar, was a debutant and Michelle was a Chicago high school 'gifted student' who knew Jessie Jackson and his family and that may have helped her get into Princeton on a her parent's paupers salary.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Imaturatiy, dis-respect. That is what it shows. Maybe Arrogence. They feel no need to act as most civilized people do, they are the "Elite" They are the Obama's. They feel that they should be bowed too. They are just over-paid, under qualified employees of the People of the United States. Too bad that it is not the cream rising to top. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Do you people know that Alaska has more socialistic policies BY FAR than any other state? Handouts are just a way of life. The "Executive Experience" card is rediculous. If Alaska were a nation, it would fall somewhere behind Bengladesh in prosperity..What can you possibly see in this woman?

By the way, Aristotle, the original one, was gay. How would that square with your conservative bretheren?

Letzrock... did you pen this puddle of poo? Lets hope not.
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Veteran Expediter
Britain's Press Office reports the Royal couple gave the Obamas a framed and signed portrait of themselves.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Britain's Press Office reports the Royal couple gave the Obamas a framed and signed portrait of themselves.

That's the traditional gift for any and all heads-of-state that meet the Queen for the first time. I won't begin the rant on the relevance of British Royalty - that's a reality that has been and probably always will be in place for the Island Nation. The King or Queen of England is a known political factor that should be realtively routine to deal with, being our oldest and staunchest ally. In retrospect, we're lucky the Queen didn't get a fist-bump or a high five.


Veteran Expediter
I'm sure the Obamas would prefer to socialize with Winnie Mandela rather than the Queen of England. There is so much common ground there.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Do you people know that Alaska has more socialistic policies BY FAR than any other state? Handouts are just a way of life. The "Executive Experience" card is rediculous. If Alaska were a nation, it would fall somewhere behind Bengladesh in prosperity..What can you possibly see in this woman?

By the way, Aristotle, the original one, was gay. How would that square with your conservative bretheren?

This has to be one of the lamest posts I've ever seen on this forum - based on blind prejudice toward Sarah Palin, you obviously know nothing about Alaska. Regarding the gay comment - that's about as relative to the individual as your recent Britney Spears avatar. An international joke that has evolved from a second rate teenybopper stage act to a drug addicted sociopathic :censoredsign:. How does that square with your liberal bretheren?