"Something of Historic Proportion is Happening" by Pam Geller


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Originally posted by Letzrockexpress
A lot more people would have voted for McCain if he wouldn't have chosen Palin for a running mate.

Maybe a slightly higher percentage of "moderates" or "independants" or even a few "moderate democrats" MIGHT have voted for McCain without Palin as a running mate. But in her absence you have to speculate who the VP candidate might have been, and the candidate would by necessity have to have been another moderate like McCain. If he had chosen someone like Bobby Jindal, the attacks and personal trashing would have been the same due to his conservatism. If he had chosen Joe Liberman the entire base of the party would have stayed home on election day. With a moderate VP candidate he would have lost anyway because a moderate like McCain is not electable as a GOP candidate.

Show me one who didn't vote for McCain because Palin was his running mate, and I'll show you three who voted for him only because Palin was his running mate. I think far many more were duped into voting for a charismatic but hollow know-nothing, in Obama, because they refused to do their homework; and instead, listened to soundbites on their favorite brainwashing news channel.

Anyone that was watching the campaign was aware that McCain's campaing was a floundering, ineffective effort in every aspect. By choosing Palin he was able to able to resurrect a candidacy that had one foot in the grave. The media that was already in the tank for Obama had their attack machine ready to spring on the VP candidate no matter who it was. Anyone can be ridiculed and mocked, especially by the clowns on The Daily Show and Saturday Night Live who don't deal in facts anyway. Ridicule of the targeted candidate is part of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, because it's hard to effectively counter. McCain's campaign was so weak and poorly run that he/they had no idea how to deal with these attacks. He was a lousy candidate and was lucky to have done as well as he did. Without Sarah Palin he would have been defeated worse than Dukakis.


Veteran Expediter
If McCain would have picked Huckabee he would be President right now. Evan Bayh would have been a great choice too.
Obama was organized, no two ways about it. Very smart, very organized. Nice cage, but where's the bird? O.K., now her comes the howl ...I was a Hillary backer.
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Veteran Expediter
If McCain would have picked Huckabee he would be President right now.

No he wouldn't have. He screwed up with the immigration bill, the insulting of the American worker and the hands across the aisle crap of working with the opposition. He wanted a clean campaign and held back things until it was too late while at the same time he was not talking about the issues as he should have been - for example talking about taxing people's health care benefits to pay for other's health care was wrong.

It was one of the worst campaigns of my life, even Carter did better in 1980.

Palin brought in a lot of votes, she was the savior of the campaign but the republican party dropped the ball by restricting her access to the press and her way of doing things. They didn't even leverage her the right way to bring in the soccer mom votes and let her actually campaign. It was sad and frustrating to see this all happen but I knew it proved that the repubs were lost.


Veteran Expediter
Still didn't answer my question, Letzrock. :p

I'm not sure what your question is. If it was the "show me a person who didn't vote for McCain because of Palin, and I'll show you three that did," I will have to classify you as one of those greasy numbnu*s who constantly talk really loud in the TV room at the Flying J. That or you are just high. There is no way you could produce these people because they don't exist. Obama and McCain were neck and neck when he announced her as his running mate. It just went downhill from there....


Veteran Expediter
McCains fall was his pizz poor campign and then the economy tanked, if he hadn't brought Palin on, me would have suffered worse voter turnout for himself. She carried him as soon as she came on borad. Oh and i didn't vote for McCain or barry,,,,,,,,


Veteran Expediter
I'm not sure what your question is. If it was the "show me a person who didn't vote for McCain because of Palin, and I'll show you three that did," I will have to classify you as one of those greasy numbnu*s who constantly talk really loud in the TV room at the Flying J. That or you are just high. There is no way you could produce these people because they don't exist. Obama and McCain were neck and neck when he announced her as his running mate. It just went downhill from there....

I happen to be one who voted for him on that point.

I asked you to define "right wing wacko" and why you would consider me such. It's obvious you aren't a left wing loony; so I'd like an opinion from a non-moveon.org left of center guy.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
McCain lost because he made no real effort to win. McCain/Palin were facing Obama/Biden. Both McCain and Palin had executive experience at high levels, neither Obama or Biden had any. McCain had extensive military/intelligence back round. Palin had some being in control of the Alaska National Guard. Obama/Biden had none. None of the candidates were strong on forgien relations. McCain/Palin had large budget experience, Obama/Biden, none. McCain/Palin had experience running a large work force. Obama/Biden, none. Biden has a crminal record and there is a good chance, with his self-admitted extensive illegal drug use, that Obama does as well. It is very unfortunate that the press did little to nothing to look into his backround. McCain/Palin lost because thier campain sucked. It was not organized in any way. They should have gone after the Dems total lack of experience hard and strong. They had the ammuniton. I even think that the Re-Bum-Li-Cans might have written off this election right from the start. Knowing full well that the press was so far in Obama's and gushing over him like a god/rock star there really was no real chance to get thier ideas out. As for Hillary, she was less qualified than everyone of the 4. To be flat honest this entire election will, or at least should, go down in history as the election where there were no real candidates. All true condtenders just sucked for the most part. Layoutshooter


Retired Expediter
Think about it Joe...why McCain had little support from even the ole GOP insider money people the old guard....why did they let him lose?

Big question...

Who would be easier to control to protect your interests?


Veteran Expediter
I'm not sure what your question is. If it was the "show me a person who didn't vote for McCain because of Palin, and I'll show you three that did," I will have to classify you as one of those greasy numbnu*s who constantly talk really loud in the TV room at the Flying J. That or you are just high. There is no way you could produce these people because they don't exist. Obama and McCain were neck and neck when he announced her as his running mate. It just went downhill from there....

I voted for McCain. I opened my checkbook for Palin.


Veteran Expediter
Do you people know that Alaska has more socialistic policies BY FAR than any other state? Handouts are just a way of life. The "Executive Experience" card is rediculous. If Alaska were a nation, it would fall somewhere behind Bengladesh in prosperity..What can you possibly see in this woman?

By the way, Aristotle, the original one, was gay. How would that square with your conservative bretheren?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
And Obama/Biden had less than Palin. McCain had the most, running some of the largest navel units in the fleet, huge budgets, many physical assets and thousands of men. He knew the respsonsibilty of sended others into harms way, he went himself, Obama/Biden cried and whined. Neither of them ever really even held a job. Layoutshooter


Retired Expediter
Palin got a lot of her experience by way of default....just being elected governor gave her the National guard...she never earned her command...

Now that said... I think she had grit...and could have been a good Vice Prez.

McCain never really had the backing of the GOP that really mattered...ya know them old gray haired guys in the background that held the REAL power of the GOP....They knew they couldn't control McCain...But OBama they could play with...or control.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
OH, I never said she earned it, I just stated the fact that she had more experiece in that field and many other fields than Obama/Biden combined. Now if you want experience with DWI we can talk about Biden or illegal drug use, Obama, or mis-handling of classified documents, Hillary. Layoutshooter


Seasoned Expediter
Here is the thing between these 4. Obama, he has the gift for gab. He can talk and whip something out of thin air to tell you what you want to hear. Biden, I'm still trying to figure that bum out. McClain, he has the experience in being a leader, but lacks self control when he is put on the spot. That is why Obama wiped the floor with him in the debates. Palin, she may not had years and years of experience, but I think she did use some what common sense in what she does.

I may not be a politic guru, but as long as I listen to the people, may not understand every thing they are saying, but I will figure out what their intentions are. And that seems to be the problem with most people, they listen to the words they are saying, but are they really listening? I figured 95% of the words that come out of their mouth, you might as well ignore, the other 5% may actually have some actual truth of their intentions.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yeah, people have always swallowed the bull of snake oil salesmen, shysters etc. It is real easy to pull the "wool" over the eyes of the sheepeople. All you have to do is promise them anything that they want to hear and they line up. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Here is the thing between these 4. Obama, he has the gift for gab. He can talk and whip something out of thin air to tell you what you want to hear.

Ah yea right, the guy has very little control of his mouth when he has no teleprompter or prepared speech in front of him.

Biden, I'm still trying to figure that bum out.

That's easy, he is a racist, not a bigot but a racist. He is the most exposed person of the entire administration and carries with him a lot of baggage which a lot of people can't figure out why he was picked other than being a fall guy for Obama.

McClain, he has the experience in being a leader, but lacks self control when he is put on the spot. That is why Obama wiped the floor with him in the debates.

When people judge politicians with debates, it is scary. Obama didn't win any debates, they were all setup for him to win. But McCain is no leader, his leadership was in the military but his ability to judge was removed when be became a senator. He was the wrong choice for the repubs and I think it was one of these things where they knew he didn't have a chance but wanted to shut him up.

Palin, she may not had years and years of experience, but I think she did use some what common sense in what she does.

Actually a lot of people rag on Palin but she is what a lot people look for in a leader. I like her but I would say at this point she should not run for any office but take over the republican party leadership and get it bck on track.

I may not be a politic guru, but as long as I listen to the people, may not understand every thing they are saying, but I will figure out what their intentions are. And that seems to be the problem with most people, they listen to the words they are saying, but are they really listening? I figured 95% of the words that come out of their mouth, you might as well ignore, the other 5% may actually have some actual truth of their intentions.

It is a combination of two things, the words and how they are used AND what background the person has. In obamas case he is a marxist, and if you read some of his stuff, it is aligned with marxist philosophies.


Seasoned Expediter
Darn you gregg, you made me learn a new word. :p

Had to look up marxist. Which was actually kind of interesting. There is so much to read about Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels philosophies. And so much to understand what actually means. But, the brief parts I did read about Theses on Feuerbach, The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital, I can see where you are going to about Obama.

Where he was talking about the commodity fetishism, isn't that how it has been for many years now? It just seems like that is how world has been operating for a very long time, except in the countries that don't have a real money resource. That just kind of confuses me more taking in the reality because we all have been fooled for so many years if that is the truth.

But, I can in a way see what he meant by a pearl or a lump of gold is worth more than a horseshoe or a corkscrew. Other than the rarity maybe finding it, but something that is gathered from oysters and dug up from the ground actually having more value than something that was actually made from labor.