The Tea Party Strikes Again.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Let's keep in mind that Jon Stewart and his writers use a healthy dose of half-truths and outright lies to construct the content of his comedy skits that some people misinterpret as news or political commentary. It's just sad that so many younger voters consider the Daily Show to be their primary source of news, especially considering their proficiency with the internet and the sources available there.

In Graham's case, he was lucky to have so many challengers to split the vote instead of having to deal with just one quality conservative opponent, like Thad Cochran is faced with in his race in MS. We'll see how that turns out in a couple of weeks.
Unfornately some don't keep that in mind. They probably rely on him and Doctor Doom to spoon feed them .


Staff member
Retired Expediter
“I’ll check with my political correctness department and get back to you.”

That's a great line. :D


Active Expediter
Let's keep in mind that Jon Stewart and his writers use a healthy dose of half-truths and outright lies to construct the content of his comedy skits that some people misinterpret as news or political commentary. It's just sad that so many younger voters consider the Daily Show to be their primary source of news, especially considering their proficiency with the internet and the sources available there.

In Graham's case, he was lucky to have so many challengers to split the vote instead of having to deal with just one quality conservative opponent, like Thad Cochran is faced with in his race in MS. We'll see how that turns out in a couple of weeks.

The average age of a Daily Show viewer is 46.
The average age of a Fox News viewer is 69 and climbing.

Among those whose brains still function the better and more accurate news is found on a comedy show. Says a mouthful about Fox News doesn't it?


Senior Moderator
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The average age of a Daily Show viewer is 46.
The average age of a Fox News viewer is 69 and climbing.

Among those whose brains still function the better and more accurate news is found on a comedy show. Says a mouthful about Fox News doesn't it?

According to whom exactly has determined there is more accurate news on a comedy channel? Hopefully this isn't from the same people that think the IRS emails from Lerner that vanished today was from a sudden computer crash.:rolleyes:
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Active Expediter
According to whom exactly has determined there is more accurate news on a comedy channel? Hopefully this isn't from the same people that think the IRS emails from Lerner that vanished today was from a sudden computer crash.:rolleyes:

I've been working and haven't read about the computer crash story except on EO. But if it's a serious knock against the administration, Stewart won't hesitate to target the Prez and his administration.


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Time will tell. Yes it is real according to several news sources. As for Stewart, I would give it a maybe. He is just now catching up to the VA scandal.


Veteran Expediter
According to whom exactly has determined there is more accurate news on a comedy channel? Hopefully this isn't from the same people that think the IRS emails from Lerner that vanished today was from a sudden computer crash.:rolleyes:

Jon Stewart has twice won the Peabody Award [for distinguished & meritorious public service], which is based upon excellence, rather than popularity or commercial success. According to Wiki, the judging is "unusually rigorous", and Stewart has won twice. Did I mention it's for "distinguished and meritorious public service", not for comedy, or entertainment?
He has also won an award for "Distinguished Contribution To Honesty and Clarity in Public Language" from the National Council of Teachers of English.
People who prefer Jon Stewart to Fox News are not just younger, but show discriminating taste, IMO. And yes, Jon Stewart doesn't hesitate to rip into the left, when they deserve it, but you can hardly blame him if the right is such a 'target rich environment', lol.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Among those whose brains still function the better and more accurate news is found on a comedy show. Says a mouthful about Fox News doesn't it?
All that nonsensical statement says is that you don't understand the subject matter being discussed. The Daily Show is not a news program, and doesn't claim to be one. Since Fox News is a cable CHANNEL, let's just pick one news show - Special Report - and check the ratings:
Net6PMP2+ (000s)25-54 (000s)35-64 (000s)
CNNSituation Room 351 105 161
CNBCMad Money 129 31 80
HLNDr. Drew ON CALL 70 18 26

Cable News Ratings for Thursday, June 12, 2014 - Ratings |
It kinda dominates its time slot, as do all the other Fox News shows. But even comparing apples and oranges, The Daily Show doesn't have the viewership numbers like the Fox News shows do. Says a mouthful about Fox News doesn't it?

Thursday Cable Ratings: World Cup Soccer Wins Day, ?Pawn Stars?, ?The Challenge?, ?The Carbonaro Effect? & More - Ratings |


Veteran Expediter
Pilgrim: since when are ratings the barometer of quality? If memory serves, "Jersey Shore" got sky high ratings, and "Keeping Up With The Kardashions" does pretty well too, I hear, lol.


Active Expediter
All that nonsensical statement says is that you don't understand the subject matter being discussed. The Daily Show is not a news program, and doesn't claim to be one. Since Fox News is a cable CHANNEL, let's just pick one news show - Special Report - and check the ratings:

It kinda dominates its time slot, as do all the other Fox News shows. But even comparing apples and oranges, The Daily Show doesn't have the viewership numbers like the Fox News shows do. Says a mouthful about Fox News doesn't it?

Thursday Cable Ratings: World Cup Soccer Wins Day, ?Pawn Stars?, ?The Challenge?, ?The Carbonaro Effect? & More - Ratings |

What does the average age of the Fox News viewer rising by 2 years in the last 2 years mean(I think it was 2 years ago that 67 was the reported average)?

Fox News (and CNN too) had a bad month last month. One month doesn't make a trend but with aging viewers and a changing demographic and especially with a much more tolerant younger generation in this country, Fox has big problems. "All hate, all the time" might resound with the average 69 year old, but for the rest of us, let's just politely say no thank you.

The Daily Show and the Colbert Report have been delivering news mixed with comedy for years now and they're doing it successfully. It's not nearly as mindless as Fox, one has to pay attention a little, but the payoff is huge - news with a pretty darned good comedy cherry on top.

It may well be the future of news. I hope so. Walter Cronkite is dead and Fox is evil with blond hair, a pretty face and good legs.


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Retired Expediter
All that nonsensical statement says is that you don't understand the subject matter being discussed. The Daily Show is not a news program, and doesn't claim to be one. Since Fox News is a cable CHANNEL, let's just pick one news show - Special Report - and check the ratings:
That's rich. Sometimes I wonder if you even know how to craft an argument without basing it on a logical fallacy. One of the most egregious and unoriginally dogmatic logical fallacies is the argumentum ad populum, otherwise known as the appeal to the majority, appeal to popularity, argument by consensus, consensus fallacy, authority of the many, the bandwagon fallacy, and as argumentum ad numerum.

Argumentum ad populum (literally "an argument to the people") is the logical fallacy that just because something is popular, it is therefore true (or desirable, or to be respected). Certainly many popular notions are indeed true, but their truth is not a function of their popularity. This logical fallacy is often used by children as an excuse for wanting something really, really badly (everybody's got one!) or getting into mischief (everybody's doing it!). Despite the juvenile nature of the argument, it is often used by adults who should know better, particularly by those who are trying to force other people to their way of thinking.

Millions of people agree with my viewpoint, therefore it must be true.
50 million Elvis fans can't be wrong.

Argumentum ad populum is the bread and butter of liberals (they use it in the same exact way as children, often for the same exact reasons). But it's also part and parcel of conservatives ("silent majority" which is in and of itself an oxymoron, because if they are silent you cannot know their views), especially the religious right, as religion is in and of itself an appeal to the numbers (which is incredibly ironic, since when Moses first taught the Torah no one was Jewish, and when Jesus first taught the Gospel no one was Christian, and when Muhammad first taught Islam no one was Muslim). No, big numbers don't say a mouthful about Fox News, it says a mouthful about its viewers.

One of the things conservatives do best is hypocrisy, and it's the one thing they can't stand to be called on. And when you call them on it and make fun of it, they go ballistic. The break out charts and tables in an argumentum ad populum to bolster their positions and discredit those who called them on it. They have terms like "half-truths" and "outright lies" on the tip of their righteous tongues, despite the fact that comedy is generally commonly based on the truth.

This is why conservatives hate Jon Stewart, because he's very painful for them to watch, he hits a little too close to home. They have to dismiss him in any way they can, as being untruthful, not news, irrelevant ad populum, whatever works to discourage people from paying him any attention, and God forbid, gleaning any information from him that showcases the hypocrisy.

Here's one that will (or certainly should) make a few conservatives wince, especially the Fox News Faithful.

Weak Constitution
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Veteran Expediter
All that nonsensical statement says is that you don't understand the subject matter being discussed.
LOL ... well, that's certainly not one I'd venture if my middle two names were "Logical Fallacy" ... but hey: more power to ya ... ;)

The Daily Show is not a news program, and doesn't claim to be one.
Ahhh yeah ... that is sorta what the fellow you're replying to said himself ... you know: in the statement you quoted and are replying to ...

In any event, as a point, it isn't really relevant: because the poster you're addressing was talking about the quality of the news on TDS ... not trying to argue about whether or not TDS was a news program ...

(Ahhh ... I think that kinda thing is called a "straw man" ... :rolleyes:)

Since Fox News is a cable CHANNEL, let's just pick one news show - Special Report - and check the ratings:
LOL ... for some reason I sense there may be some feelings of inadequacy looming somewhere on the horizon ...

It kinda dominates its time slot, as do all the other Fox News shows.
Not really ...

The only way it does is if you confine your view to cable news shows and totally ignore whatever is airing on broadcast at the same time ...

Toss broadcast news into the mix and "Special Report" starts looking like it ain't quite so special ... in fact, Special Report looks like it's getting it's clocked cleaned (from your source):

EVENING NEWS (Week of May 26, 2014)
ABC WORLD NEWS7,299,0001.6/7; 1,903,0001.1/5; 1,339,0004.9/10
NBC NIGHTLY NEWS8,107,0001.7/7; 2,004,0001.2/6; 1,496,0005.4/11
CBS EVENING NEWS6,010,0001.3/5; 1,513,0000.8/4; 1,031,0004.2/ 9
Not even 1/10th of the viewers of broadcast news ...

But even comparing apples and oranges, The Daily Show doesn't have the viewership numbers like the Fox News shows do. Says a mouthful about Fox News doesn't it?

No ... actually what it (and the previous quote just before this one) says that you really have absolutely no frickin' clue about what you're talking about - which isn't a first by the way ...

Special Report's total viewers is 1,541,000 ... The Daily Show's is 1,314,000 (from your source) ... so TDS is about 200,000 viewers short of SR's viewership ... even though it airs at 23:00 (although it does re-air throughout the day)

Not a terribly significant difference in the big scheme of things ... unless maybe you're a lemming and are fixated on where the majority of the herd is heading ...

Further (total viewers - from your source):

Fox & Friends - 1,021,000
The Five - 1,761,000
On The Record With Greta - 1,392,000
The O'Reilly Factor - 2,409,000
The Kelly File - 2,172,000
Hannity - 1,745,000

Funniest thing about the above: it looks like, other than Fox & Friends and Greta, the one (arguably) hard news show (Special Report) pulls lower numbers than the rest of the "news/opinion" programs - most of which seem particularly designed to incite self-righteous moral indignation and frothing rage in old (possibly geriatric) white men ...

Ok ... maybe not the funniest thing ... because the clown-show known as "The Five" and the poster boy for "idiot" (Hannity) both beat Special Report ...

Anyone wanna hazard a guess on the reason for the numbers difference between "On The Record" and "The Kelly File" ?

Roger Ailes Did Not Spend All That Money On A Glass Desk To Not Be Able To See Your ******
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Veteran Expediter
One of the things conservatives do best is hypocrisy, and it's the one thing they can't stand to be called on. And when you call them on it and make fun of it, they go ballistic.
I have it on good authority that if one does call them on it repeatedly - and is just utterly merciless about it - they will become quite enraged ...

Eventually, their powerlessness to effectively respond will cause the rage to subside into a sort of impotent snootiness and disdain ... and they will place you on ignore ... or will at least say that they are doing so ...

Which, of course, is the point of unconditional surrender ...

But that's just what I've heard ... from someone who claims to know ... :rolleyes:
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Stewart won an award. Wow. That really means something. Then again, our failure in chief won a supposedly prestigious meaningful award, a Nobel prize. Just goes to show, awards don't always mean anything at all.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Stewart won an award. Wow. That really means something. Then again, our failure in chief won a supposedly prestigious meaningful award, a Nobel prize. Just goes to show, awards don't always mean anything at all.
A lot of people buy the hype with these awards. Again, for the most part they are popularity contests with mostly libs, voting amongst themselves.
If there were awards handed out by conservatives, to Fox News or Brietbart all the time, the libs would have a cow. Hehe.


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Retired Expediter
Fox News has never won an award for journalism excellence, and until they start being a news organization instead of a comedy channel, they aren't likely to.

Fox News... Real Journalism. Fair and Balanced.

Now that's funny.