Back in '08 a commenter (Mona) on another blog posted the following questions:
"Never have I endorsed Paul, tho my approval for so many of his contemporary positions and the fits he gives the GOP make many surmise that I have. But I have carefully NOT endorsed him.
What I wonder is this: what did Eric Dondero think about those newsletter items before he abandoned Paul over “Islamofascism” and Total War on Muslims?"
Receiving no response, "Mona" probes further:
"Eric Dondero, do you feel ashamed of your 12-year association with Ron Paul? Were you a “racist” then, too?
Then "Leonard" repeats the question:
Eric: did you know what was in those newsletters at the time? Specifically, did you ever read any of the racially incendiary language that has since popped up? Did you confront Ron Paul with it, and if so, what did he say?"
I think in his response, Mr. Dondero, doth protest just a wee bit too loudly:
"I am ashamed that I mistakenly posted on this Blog. Will never come back here again. You all are obviously a bunch of liberal slime, who paint anyone who doesn’t agree with your Socialist garbage a “racist.”"
To which "Mona" responds:
"Dondero writes irrational nonsense and this:
So, now that you oppose him — for failing to “oppose Islamofascim” — and you speculate Ron Paul had some responsibility for what is contained in his old newsletters, you simultaneously have have ZERO interest in discussing what said newsletters say about you as his aide of some 12 years during that period, if Paul might be racist. Got it."
It's interesting to note the "speculate" in the post (which probably relates to Dondero's comments in another thread which I have not yet read) ..... would seemingly fly in the face of his current assertions that Ron Paul "read every line" (?) .....
Perhaps we have:
It's just never a good idea to lie ....