when should you refuse a load?


Seasoned Expediter
Started with the company I'm with a month ago and so far not the money I thought I would make and not what I was told when I started...Last week they sent me on a run and I had to dead head back 300 miles...yesterday they sent me 980 miles now I have been here for a few hours and I am wondering will I burn for the almost thousand miles back empty?? should I have refused this load?? I being new didn't know if I could or can refuse or not? I own my own box truck so all the expenses are mine.


Veteran Expediter
The company you work for might be helpful for an answer. I know the company I am leased to is not good at getting me a trip back home.
Most of the expedite companies, you'll be sitting and waiting for a load instead of driving back on your own dime. Most expeditors are out two three even longer before going home.


Seasoned Expediter
The company you work for might be helpful for an answer. I know the company I am leased to is not good at getting me a trip back home.
Most of the expedite companies, you'll be sitting and waiting for a load instead of driving back on your own dime. Most expeditors are out two three even longer before going home.

thanks for the answer...is this because the economy is still slow or because companies don' t care where they send their owner operators, because it is not a company vehicle or company driver so send them and if they burn the company gets their cut either way, let the o/o sit and make nothing or burn on deadhead, because the loss goes to the o/o not the company?


Veteran Expediter
thanks for the answer...is this because the economy is still slow or because companies don' t care where they send their owner operators, because it is not a company vehicle or company driver so send them and if they burn the company gets their cut either way, let the o/o sit and make nothing or burn on deadhead, because the loss goes to the o/o not the company?

It isn't really about whether they care or not, and it's not about you, it's about the freight. Your company gets a load and it needs to go wherever it needs to go. If you are the closest or next out, etc., and you take it when it's offered, the freight is moving, which is the name of the game. Most companies here will attempt to get you a load somewhere else if they can as moving freight from point a to point b is what it's all about. Until you become familiar with where your company's "hot" zone is, you may get stuck sometimes or end up deadheading home...It's just the nature of the beast.


Veteran Expediter
thanks for the answer...is this because the economy is still slow or because companies don' t care where they send their owner operators, because it is not a company vehicle or company driver so send them and if they burn the company gets their cut either way, let the o/o sit and make nothing or burn on deadhead, because the loss goes to the o/o not the company?

I meant two three or more weeks out before going home.
I think it is the combination of the economy, although things seem to be getting better for the time being.
Also the company you are leased to is concerned with getting a load delivered on time as the customer requests. They don't care if there are lots of trucks and vans waiting, in their world they'd have every town in the US stocked up with numerous vans and trucks, the more the better as far as they are concerned.


Not a Member
I have not found a company that really cares about the driver yet, and I most likely never will.How many times I have heard and experienced the same story of how a driver took a load, unloaded, called dispatch,only to be told "we never get freight out of that area".So why get the load in the first place?Because they made their $$ off of the load, no matter how much deadheading an o/o does. They just dont care, and never will.Sorry to sound so negative, but just stating the facts.We have to be more selective on where we go,but then with the economy the way it is, is that such a good idea also?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
FedEx comes pretty close and you aren't deadheading hundreds of miles for zero money unless you choose to do so rather than accept their paid suggestion. If you are moving to the area they suggest, whether before, during or after a load, you are getting paid something for moving. It may not be a whole lot in some cases but last I checked something was more than nothing.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
We also, as others do, keep track of where we deliver AND pick-up loads. We use that information to help in the decision on taking a load or not.


Seasoned Expediter
"we never get freight out of that area".So why get the load in the first place?Because they made their $$ off of the load, no matter how much deadheading an o/o does. They just dont care,

I couldn't agree more...Why send a guy 100s and 100s miles away knowing chances are he will dead head back?? only because they are only looking at their end screw the driver!


Not a Member
I couldn't agree more...Why send a guy 100s and 100s miles away knowing chances are he will dead head back?? only because they are only looking at their end screw the driver!

Let's be serious here.

I don't think they intent to do a gang -bang all night-out right screwing to us intentionally.

Maybe it would just be better decribed as a loving, caring "not tonight, dear" kind of neglect.

After all, I would like to think they would realize that without the driver, there would be no company.

What gets me are the type of companies that expect you to pay for the whole insurance package (Primary insurance) but yet, pay you as a leased owner-operator.


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
You say you have been where ever you are a "few hours" and your worried about dead heading home?. A little patience may be in order. You also should be able to contact your carrier and ask how often they get freight out of where ever you are. If there's not much there ask for the NEAREST town\city\freight center where they do have freight moving from.


Seasoned Expediter
You say you have been where ever you are a "few hours" and your worried about dead heading home?. A little patience may be in order. You also should be able to contact your carrier and ask how often they get freight out of where ever you are. If there's not much there ask for the NEAREST town\city\freight center where they do have freight moving from.

I was sent 980 miles out...i have dead headed back for 400 of them. They want me to stay a day at a time in certain towns on the way back but it costs me to stay out...they sent me out 3 days ago now going on 4...what they made off this and what my fuel cost is, is both more then what i am making unless i get something real fast.. I did talk to dispatch a couple of times...they really dont seem concerned...I guess as a previous poster put it...it is the nature of the "beast"!


Veteran Expediter
Then the question that needs to be answered is who do you work for?

The reason is not to trash anyone but to make sure you understand what you can or can not do. If you are contracted to them, then it is simple - refuse the load. If you work for them, well that's a different issue.

I have had to DH a lot of miles in some areas where there was no freight, like Jackson Hole Wyoming where there was nothing except stuck up people but it was figured into the cost of the trip that I would have to do that.


Seasoned Expediter
Then the question that needs to be answered is who do you work for?

The reason is not to trash anyone but to make sure you understand what you can or can not do. If you are contracted to them, then it is simple - refuse the load. If you work for them, well that's a different issue.

I have had to DH a lot of miles in some areas where there was no freight, like Jackson Hole Wyoming where there was nothing except stuck up people but it was figured into the cost of the trip that I would have to do that.

hey Greg: You live close. I live in Windsor, on.
I am not their employee. I am an o/o.. My concern in refusing loads was will it get me black listed. my first thouth when they offered me this load was to say no..but i gave it a shot just to see how this company works and what they will and wont do.

btw some o/o dont like to ask what the load pays some do and wont go if they dont know. What are your thoughts on this??


Seasoned Expediter
side note..I was told when i started this company does not pay any deadhead miles to or from the load and the fsc is only 2%


Veteran Expediter
I always ask Miles, Pay and FSC, if they won't provide the info then I say no. Right now the carrier I'm with pays per mile so I don't ask the pay question.


Seasoned Expediter
Simply I would look for a different carrier and ask the questions how do the loads work? How much per mile
how much fsc
How is the freight out there
If your company does not have an empty move program GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek:


Veteran Expediter
Blacklisted? Well you are talking about by the company for loads, I assume. Blacklisted in this industry seems to be rather something that happens to very few.

I would look around, talk to other Canadian O/Os to get their take on what else is there.

The other thing that comes to mind, unless it has changed, Canadian based trucks can only haul out of and into Canada (oh and intra-Canada) - unless that has changed.


Veteran Expediter
The 1st thing i did when i decided to get into this business was to do a business plan...i know what it cost me to move my truck in all situations as everyone should. I'll turn down any run that does not benefit me in some way.....as far as being "blacklisted", well if you start turnin down every other load, you won't have to worry about it, they will just quit offering you loads......you will quit and move on.....


Expert Expediter
i dont understand why you complian if you own your truck , lets say thats a strait truck 900 miles at 1.10 to be safe is 990, the truck get 10mpg to be safe that comes to 90 dollars leaving you 810 ,then you go dh for 400 miles , that cost 40 dollars leaving you 770 to the good not counting fsc. this run takes 2 1/2 days and you are ready for the next load. if you do the math you still made money and the company will be more likely to give you more loads good and bad, but that is the nature of this work, and thats why you stay out for 2 to 3 weeks at a time or longer. you cant make a living at mcdonalds, something to think on. p.s. looking for a strait truck to lease. im from alabama