shoot to kill


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Hey OVM, I was just looking at the SD hunting regs. They did not even fill all of the couger/mountian lion tags that were available. Sounds like the hunters there are letting you guys down. The application deadline ended July 31. Looking at the numbers of hunters in the state, it sounds like you need me there to pick up some of the slack!!! Layoutshooter


Retired Expediter
alot of the tags they hold for out of staters...locals have a harder time to get them...I think they almost doubled the tags for this year....the deer population is out of control...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Most likey the cost is too high for most out of staters. I did not look at prices but I know from talking to people who hunt there that the fee's are high. I will have to look harder. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
OVM, I looked at the SD page again. The fee for Mountian Lion hunting is $15. That is for state wide. The limit this year is 35 cats. No tags are available for non-residents. What little I read suggests that they have a fair handle on the population and range carrying capablity. I did not read the management plans, the PDF was too slow to load. I only have a few years left to live and I would run out waiting for it to load. Interesting reading. The other fee's say a lot about the game management in the state. They don't want out of state hunters to buck hunt but would like them to take a doe or two. They nail the bird hunters and waterfowl hunters, most likely since that is who mainly goes up there to hunt. Fishing is not bad for a year licsence but high for the 1-3 tags. Looks like residents can hunt for cheap. I don't know how access etc is. layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
What is the drought situation like there? Are the hills very dry? Could the deer and small game populations be higher and the cats are moving down after food? When they get down they would find "easier table fair" in house cats and farm animals. Cats and most predators are lazy. They will only do what they have too to feed. A very good survival tactic in the animal world. Don't work for modern man. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Hey Leo,I have a second business selling iddy biddy athletic supports for iddy biddy guys with iddy biddy self esteem. How many for you and your friends? Sounds like I could make "KILLING' from this thread alone.Real men have big brains and small belt buckles,not the other way around.
Ok,sorry to interupt your hee man shoot em up fantasy,back to cowboys and Mexicans. I might suggest Grand Theft Auto to relieve this built up stress to kill buddy.
Hi ho Silver!!!!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Hey OVM here is a list of suggestions for .22 caliber rifles. They are ONLY suggestions and HEAVELY based on my personal bias. LOL. You might even see if there is an instructor at the club you were talking about and see if they have a rifle to try during a first lesson to see if you even like shooting. I did not look at the real low end stuff. They don’t perform well and I tend to buy what will do the job right and last a lifetime with proper care. Most of these rifles have no open sights. They would require a scope for sighting. I am getting up there in age and my eyes ‘taint what they used to be I can’t shoot most open sites. I can only use peep sights and then not all that well. Go ahead all you macho guys, make fun of me not being able to shoot 1/10th of an inch groups at 500 yards with a .22 with open sights. I don’t care; I can hit what I am shooting at and seldom need a second shot. Good luck in your new shooting life and let me know if I can ever be of further service. Layoutshooter

Savage Mark II FSS $219.99 (only one I looked at with open sights)
Ruger 10/22-T $359.99 (only semi-auto I looked at)
Browning T-Bolt $579.99 (nice feel in my hands)
Ruger 77/22 $619.99 (gray target barrel, my favorite)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You are so right talcal, much better to be a REAL man like Osama Obama and let newborn babies die on the table without ANY medical care. After all, a baby to him is a punishment or inconvience. Don't nuke murders or the enemies of this country who attack heavily defended buildings in New York City. Just Babies. What a REAL MAN HE IS!!! Your buddy!! Then he lies about his votes for infanticide and then when caught lies about the lies!!! Layoutshooter


Retired Expediter
Thanks Layout...I was DHing home 1300 mile...home now and NO humidity!! I'll be off till the middle of NEXT week.:D

Lying about lies??? sounds like obanana was trained by his buddy Ted K!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Hope it helps. It is at least a place to start. Yep, Osama Obama is much like Uncle Teddy. Only he is even further left.


Veteran Expediter
Guess you may have to get over it Layout & Co. Knuckle head boy had 8 years (thanks to the many votes from the hee haw gun club here) and he left us ,well,f****d. Too bad,I guess Obama was right when he spoke his words of wisdom in San Francisco, "they run for their guns and their religion when things get tough". Fortunatly for all of us,"them" are a shrinking,minority.Those most hurt by the gang that can't think straight see a new day coming and it is not brought to us by the man with too many house's.
Your 2 votes for ding dong are a lot like chickens,they may very well come home to roost,lets hope so for the not much else is going to save our colletve a***s. If youi think the guy with "some ****ed number of houses,it's so hard to remember",is the answer,I still have that big orange bridge for sale out here. Don't be the problem again ,twice is is enough, find a way to be part of the solution (that is not some fantasy game based on Leo's news story from some rediculous rag with no named sources.) WAKE UP BOYS!


Veteran Expediter

Dude, I think that the Them is really the people who want to believe in the one nation/big government, they seem to be the one who is really shrinking. The trend seems to be going the other way, just read the print man, listen to the mainstream media - more stories are being touted of people who used guns to protect themselves and others.

On the political end, even if Obama gets in, the problem will be that after two years of his Marxist cr*p, there will be another change and the 4 years of democratic control will be again lost because of the blantant arrogent attitude people in congress on the left side have. It is obvious that Pelosi will have lost in the long run, maybe she will be beat by Cindy.

Oh did you send your $50 into Cindy to help her out? She is one who we really need to see win that seat - get her in.


Veteran Expediter
Layout I'm gonna have to disagree with you on the .22 thing so we can just agree to disagree. I would suggest a Remington .223. I just don't think a .22 will take down one of those big kitties. The .223 will with very little recoil. About the same as the .22 just more knock down power depending on the round.

I'm going to vote against the One World Government that Obama wants to establish. Him saying things against "guns and religion" makes me think of the anti-Christ. I'm not saying he is because if he was there would be no stopping his rise to power. I may not be able to stop it but I'm not going to help it. Sorry I don't live in your Utopia. I prefer not to run around as an unarmed peasent like you do. There will be a war in our borders one day. Your people will roll over, but mine will defend you with all the guns you wish we didn't have. Only when that day comes you will be glad to see us prepared. Do you realize how many terrorists cells are in our borders waiting to start their holy jihad here? The FBI has found cells in places like Olive Branch,MS but you still don't see it, and you still try to get everyone to vote for a Muslim. I'm sorry I'm not that dumb. That would be like trying to get everyone to vote for a Japanese person during WW 2. Only back then people were smart enough that he wouldn't have gotten the nomination. So have fun recreating 68.

always confused

Seasoned Expediter
i don't think he was recommending a 22 to hunt cats with, but as a 'starter' gun to learn how to shoot properly. as far as the 223, i wouldn't want to go after a dangerous animal with such a puny round. no stopping power. based on the stated intent of home and yard protection, which means short range, i would opt for an open sight, or red dot sight as optics tend to require more time. if the 'kitty' is moving optics may prove a disadvantage. i would think a lever action in 30-30 would work nicely.

as it is 'short range' you might consider a handgun with laser sight. something in 44 or 45 should be a workable solution. i would lean to a revolver. dependable, less complicated to operate. again would suggest a 22 for practice and learning how to shoot. it would also be effective against smaller potental threats, such as snakes.


Retired Expediter
we don't waste ammo on snakes....use the blade of a shovel for that...almost walked into a diamond back the other day sunning the time I got back with a shovel it was gone...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yep, just recomending the .22 for learning and plinking. Loads of fun.

That's right talcall, play with the "boy" Osama Obama. He is afraid to kill muderers, but is more than happy to kill inocent un-armed babies. Imagine how vile a garden slug this "boy" must be to vote in favor of infanticide, not once, but twice. Then lie about his first vote, when caught he makes up a story about that lie. Then lies about his second vote. Then lies about that lie. What a real "man". Teaches his daughters that if they make the "adult" decision to have un-protected sex that it is only a mistake and there is no need to be "punished" with the results. That result is a totally inocent human life and it is perfectly ok to kill it. And if by some gastley mistake the "doctor" (murdering S.O.B.) does not get a good "clean kill" on this un-armed baby it is no problem at all to let it die un-attended on the table. Cold, hungry, having trouble breathing. What a real "MAN" this vile thing is. And you have the guts to call me a killer? Just because I will defend my country from invaders from another country or "boys" like Osama Obama? Are you a Obama plant looking for potential enemys to his administration? If so, let me know. I will give you a good phone number and email addy to give to his "brown shirts", you know, the ATF. Might as well get right at it. Are you in favor of this type of infanticide? Whew. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
The title of this thread is SHOOT TO KILL.I assume that includes women and children who happen to be close to the border and may not have a passport. Ok,so you will kill innocent women and children with your BIG BIG bullets (sic) but the hand of God will stike down those Dox who assist a women in a perfectly legal first tri semester abortion.
I think you may wish to put a little bit of your wealth toward some mental health concerns.
Just a suggestion.
My understanding is the guy who started this thead is slightly challenged from a physical stature standpoint (about the size of a popcorn far* is how he was described by my source) which somewhat explains why he would write a thread entitled SHOOT TO KILL (tired of being picked on all his life) but not a hee man like you for Gods sake Layout.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I have NEVER killed anyone in my life. I will NEVER kill anyone that does not attack me first. I have saved 3 lives with my own hands, people I did not know. I consider any invader an enemy, be a home invader, a nation that invades mine, or anyone that treatens me. I am talking about babie that are born ALIVE after a "doctor" that kills babies for a living did not get a "clean kill" and then leaving that living human being that has never committed a crime or grievence against anyone die, cold, wet, un-attended and having trouble breathing. Only a discusting person would do that. Obama voted in favor of doing exactly that, TWICE. That makes him a discusting person. PERIOD. As to abortion in general, it should not be used for birth control. My gym teacher taught us in school that "there is no such thing as a little bit pregnate, so keep it in your pants!" We got that speach every year at the begining of school. In my four years of high school there were only 3 girls got pregnate. Last year in the same school, with fewer registared students, there were 33. That teacher retired. Just keep it in your pants, 100% effective. Then there is not need for Obama to kill them. Layoutshooter