Obama vows not to send people to war without cause


Not a Member
That would be a change for the good eh not sending our troops without cause and making sure they are fully equipped when they do go. It is truly a fine day to be an American!

Obama vows not to send people to war without cause
ANNAPOLIS, Md. — President Barack Obama promised graduating midshipmen at the U.S. Naval Academy on Friday that, as their commander in chief, he will only send them "into harm's way when it is absolutely necessary." In his first address to military graduates, Obama also pledged to invest in the men and women who defend America's liberty, not just in the weapons they would take with them into battle against 21st century threats.

"I will only send you into harm's way when it is absolutely necessary, and with the strategy, the well-defined goals, the equipment and the support that you need to get the job done," the president told more than 1,000 graduates during a sun-splashed ceremony at Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium.

Obama said he has halted reductions in the Navy, is building up the Marine Corps and investing in the hardware — combat ships, submarines and fighter aircraft — they'll need to do their jobs. He promised higher pay, enhanced child care and improved support and other benefits.

"In short, we will maintain America's military dominance and keep you the finest fighting force the world has ever seen," Obama said, as more than 30,000 watched from the stands.

The president also praised the role of Navy SEALS in freeing a U.S. sea captain by killing his Somali pirate captors last month.

"The extraordinary precision and professionalism displayed that day was made possible, in no small measure, by the training, the discipline and the leadership skills that so many of those officers learned at the United States Naval Academy," Obama said.

Among those receiving degrees was John S. McCain IV, the son of Obama's presidential rival, Sen. John McCain, who watched from a front-row seat on the grassy field with his wife, Cindy, his mother, Roberta, and several of his children. Had the Arizona Republican, who also graduated from the academy, defeated Obama, McCain could have addressed the Class of 2009 himself.

Obama and "Jack" McCain, a fourth-generation academy graduate, shared a handshake, an embrace and a few words when the young man was called up to receive his diploma, following in the footsteps of his father, grandfather and great-grandfather.

Obama did not recognize Sen. McCain in his speech; the White House says it was out of respect for the family's wishes. But the president did say a few words about his rival for the presidency before he left the White House. He praised the senator as he signed legislation giving the Pentagon new power to curtail wasteful defense spending. McCain was a sponsor of the bill.

"Senator McCain couldn't be here today because he's making sure he has a good seat to watch his son graduate from the Naval Academy in a few hours, and that's where I'm headed as soon as I catch my ride over here," Obama said at the bill signing in the Rose Garden.

Presidents typically deliver the commencement address at one of the service academies each year. Friday's speech was the third graduation address by Obama in the past nine days. He used the previous two to tackle issues that threatened to overshadow both events.

At the University of Notre Dame last Sunday, abortion opponents protested Obama's appearance because he supports abortion rights. Obama took on the debate, telling graduates of the Roman Catholic university that people on both sides of the issue must stop demonizing one another.

At Arizona State University, where Obama spoke on May 13, the issue was the school's decision not to award him an honorary degree on grounds that he hadn't accomplished enough. Obama said he agreed, saying no one's body of work is ever complete.

On Thursday, Obama delivered a different kind of speech, one in which he sought to regain control of the emotional debate over closing the detention center for suspected terrorists in Cuba. He denounced "fear-mongering" by political opponents and insisted that maximum-security prisons on the U.S. mainland can safely house the dangerous detainees he wants transferred from Guantanamo Bay.

Former Vice President Dick Cheney countered the same day with a speech denouncing some of Obama's actions as "unwise in the extreme" and repeating his contention that the new president is endangering the country by turning aside Bush-era policies.


Veteran Expediter
That would be a change for the good eh not sending our troops without cause and making sure they are fully equipped when they do go. It is truly a fine day to be an American!

How is this a fine day?

War is a b*tch and it takes a lot to get us to war regardless what you may think. The president is not the only one to make that decision, if I remember right congress declares war, not the president.

As for fully equipped, we never fought in the conditions that we ended up fighting in. We were not fully equipped in any war when it started, even the gulf war. but again Obama has made it a point to say something that is confusing by putting the words "without cause". I bet you when he was briefed in December about what really is going on in Iraq, he was not prepared for what he heard.


Not a Member
How is this a fine day?

War is a b*tch and it takes a lot to get us to war regardless what you may think. The president is not the only one to make that decision, if I remember right congress declares war, not the president.

As for fully equipped, we never fought in the conditions that we ended up fighting in. We were not fully equipped in any war when it started, even the gulf war. but again Obama has made it a point to say something that is confusing by putting the words "without cause". I bet you when he was briefed in December about what really is going on in Iraq, he was not prepared for what he heard.

It is a fine day because we now have an administration that values soldiers lives more than Halliburtons profits.


Veteran Expediter
It is a fine day because we now have an administration that values soldiers lives more than Halliburtons profits.

I don't really agree, history has shown that the dems never ever valued the miltary in any way, from FDR on. His speeches are those of Carter's and staged like Ceaser's by the way.

If you really want to see something, look at how the congress appropriated funds for some of these contracts, and who sponsored them. It may amaze you to find out that the dems actually did a lot of the 'no bid' work giveaways in the last 8 years, some of which helped their family members, friends and some quid pro quo.


Veteran Expediter
Doug hit it on the head,as he has a habit of doing.That disaster in Iraq was nothing more then Dick Head and Ronnies folly based on lies and self serving profit mongoring. We had this discussioin long befroe Doug became an important voice of reason on this forum.By the way Doug,where you when I was all alone with this bunch? .
OK,remember guys,the endless lectures on why the war was a war of choice. The bad guys were not and never were in Iraq? The loss of 5000 lives because a bafoon and his cronnies needed to make a few more billions tax free? Such short memories for such a brilliant bunch.
Our President with a brain (such a concept) has proclaimed he will not send troops into harms way for made up reasons and ignite a holly war where none existed previously.
Shame on our President,how un American,why just ask Leo,the voice of sense and moderation on this forum.What about it big guy?
Doug,one has to be born and bred in a paticular way to have the mentality that allows some to go through life with a blind spot you can drive a 4X4 through.
Anyway,its a hoot to have Dick Head around for entertaiment value again. And his daughter,now there's one spunky Daddy's girl !!
I believe they will both slip back under their rocks soon.We will have to assume that they may slither out from time to time,after all, good abuse is hard to find these days.
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Veteran Expediter
i read that articale and all i could thinl of was what great granding stand to make a big deal about something that never has happened and what's sad is it appears a few people bought it
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Steady Eddie

Veteran Expediter
i read that articale and all i could thinl of was what great grand stand to make a big deal about something that never has happened and what's sad is it appears a few people bought it

Sure they bought it...It didn't cost them anything to sit behind the keys and type thier crap. They just post these @#$%^& so they can stir the pot. Sadam and his two bastr?d sons were WMD in my book...and it's a best seller.


Veteran Expediter
If Iraq was a good or bad decision will be debated forever. I will leave my personal opinion on that issue out of this.

What amazes me is people truly believe that someone in power in the US dem or republican would start a war such as it simply for profits is sadly not thinking with their brains but with emotions instead. Next your going to inform us 9/11 was created by certain people simply for profit and power.

In my humble opinion our dear president is doing nothing but trying to lay more blame on the previous administration simply to make himself and his administration look better. He has proven over and over whenever given the chance he will take potshots at those who came before him. I would be very curious to see what the majority of those currently serving in our armed forces think of the man.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
That kind of defensive reaction is a sign that he has not the talent for this job. It is becoming more and more apparent that he, and his administration, are in way over thier heads. It is standard fare to point blame when you yourself has no answers.


Expert Expediter
That kind of defensive reaction is a sign that he has not the talent for this job. It is becoming more and more apparent that he, and his administration, are in way over thier heads. It is standard fare to point blame when you yourself has no answers.

Now that's hitting the nail on the head!:eek:


Not a Member
Why will no one,I'm sorry,no republican,give Obama a chance. He is our President and will be for the next four years,maybe eight. No matter,at the end of it all you can eat your words or say I told you so,but for now it seems true Americans would get behind there President and the majority of the voters that put him in office,and this would include a lot of republicans that jumped party and voted for him. I'm from Va. and Va. has been a republican state since 1969 and voted Democrat this time. I have no idea why each person made the decision they did,I can only hope it was the right decision. It would be such a better country if we could all be Americans instead of being devided in partys.


Veteran Expediter
Why will no one,I'm sorry,no republican,give Obama a chance. He is our President and will be for the next four years,maybe eight. No matter,at the end of it all you can eat your words or say I told you so,but for now it seems true Americans would get behind there President and the majority of the voters that put him in office,and this would include a lot of republicans that jumped party and voted for him. I'm from Va. and Va. has been a republican state since 1969 and voted Democrat this time. I have no idea why each person made the decision they did,I can only hope it was the right decision. It would be such a better country if we could all be Americans instead of being devided in partys.

From the time he was elected I said he is our president I will give him a chance. He has already proven to me that I cannot agree with most his decisions. He has done things that will have my 15 y/o daughter paying more in taxes and many other things starting the day she graduates college. If he gets his way with the carbon offset deal we all will be paying more for everything single thing that touches our lives for as long as we live.

You can give a person a chance but at some point you have to make a decision where you stand. Before someone chimes in I did not agree with the spending of the previous admin either but that has been dwarfed by what we are seeing now.


Veteran Expediter

The reason is just as you seem to imply, not saying you are but it seems that you are saying that it is unpatriotic not to stand behind the man. If I got that wrong, please read on....

We have heard for 8 years about how we have the devil in the WH, he has brought us to a stage in our country that we can't return. We have listened to hate, true hate speech for over that 8 years, right form the time he was picked as the republican candidate. During his terms we have been hearing how he should be shot, compared to the devil and so on from everyone like Whoopie Goldberg to Randy Rhodes to Paul Newman. If there was an election that was the worst in our history it was this last one. The people on the left, the scream'n meanies were so vile and so hateful that it came down to even questioning Obama was strickly racist. When Palin was put into the running, the press and the left just ripped her apart and Obama never ever said about that but instead screamed about his family being in the spot light which it was wrong to exclude his family while critising someone elses. One thing that these guys ran on were the deficiet, how Bush made it so our great great grandchildren will be paying for an "illegal" war while as soon as Obama gets into office, he triples our debt.

I will back him as a citizen as long as I agree with him but he has lied and gone back on his word. Bush on the other hand said I was going to see a tax break and I did.


Not a Member
Xiggi, I agree with you,but can't we hold hope that when we come out of this recesion that things will be well enough to afford our lives and our taxes. When we cast our vote we have to live with what happens in that administration wether or not the vote goes our way. I just don't think so many people should just trash our president instead of just disagreeing as you do. Some have allready wrote him off as a waste and seem to think they could do a better job,or there choice that lost could have done a better job. I guess we will never know,But I'm almost positive we could not survive much longer with Bush policy.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
As mentioned, the left, including some of our members who loudly proclaim open mindedness etc. have been 100% negative Bush haters and never once considered the idea of "it seems true Americans would get behind there President". Obama rarely distinguishes himself as one deserving my getting behind him but if/when he does I will be behind him and I will give him props. I did so just the other day. Even factoring in their far more left position it would seem the "open minded", "unbiased" Obama backers would not be 100% happy and satisfied, if they are truly genuine.

Obama has a history, albeit minimal, and has to live up/down that history. Those who've paid attention are generally critical of him because of that history. You can't expect people to universally be behind him unless they are doing so out of blind devotion. There is a lot of that going around. Not everyone is blind though and that means an individual critique of each issue.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Xiggi, I agree with you,but can't we hold hope that when we come out of this recesion that things will be well enough to afford our lives and our taxes.

I just don't think so many people should just trash our president instead of just disagreeing as you do.

It is highly unlikely we will ever be able to afford our taxes again after the insane fiscal policies just put into place.

Did you suggest people not trash Bush or is that strictly a policy for ultra liberal presidents?


Expert Expediter
Why will no one,I'm sorry,no republican,give Obama a chance. He is our President and will be for the next four years,maybe eight. No matter,at the end of it all you can eat your words or say I told you so,but for now it seems true Americans would get behind there President and the majority of the voters that put him in office,and this would include a lot of republicans that jumped party and voted for him. I'm from Va. and Va. has been a republican state since 1969 and voted Democrat this time. I have no idea why each person made the decision they did,I can only hope it was the right decision. It would be such a better country if we could all be Americans instead of being devided in partys.

Well, I For One Didn't vote for the Clown, and IF the Democratic Party would Have found someone Better then I Probably would Have Voted for that One But The way I see it is I Didn't Vote for Him so He is NOT My President, He Might be Yours and All of His Followers But he Most Definatley Is NOT Mine! And I Can Only Hope that he is only there for the 1st.Term and No More because We Can't Afford him and His Backwards Ideas. I Believe Xiggi Said it all in His Post! :mad:


Veteran Expediter
Poorboy, do You Post on E.O. under other Screen names? Your Style seems Familiar. Maybe it is The Ice cream in my Bowel.


Not a Member
LDB,had I been a member of EO during the bush administration I would be saying the same thing,though I did not agree with some of the policy He was our president elected by people who I hope know more about politics than I do and the same with the current President,I just hope for the best.

Poorboy,wether you like it or not he is your president and you will have to live with that for the next four years,or eight,time will tell.
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Expert Expediter
Poorboy, do You Post on E.O. under other Screen names? Your Style seems Familiar. Maybe it is The Ice cream in my Bowel.

No I Don't, I Don't Have to Hide Nor am I ashamed of anything I Write....Sorry about the Ice-cream in your Bowel Though. Maybe that's Caused from some of the Posts "From Others" Lol :D