March 12th, roundtable event for c/v's and sprinters~


Veteran Expediter
Ragman wrote:

Tony Packos, Tony Packos, Tony Packos!

LOL...yea its a good place....but to be honest us that live here only go there when we have people in from out of town...but the food is good .... but parking would be an issue....


Veteran Expediter
JD. If you can get me a load from Cali down to Toledo; i'd be glad to join the discussion. I have been through 3 cargo vans in 4 years due to one bankruptcy and repo and I have managed to survive to this day! I am a very seasoned guy lol! I still carry around my Panther bankruptcy club card! If not, i'm not gonna go back in service till the second week of march.


Moderator Emeritus
detroiter had a great salmon salad. ihop well.........
tony packos? been there reject it. more mash pr than real taste for this chicago born hot dog lover.

Originally Posted by layoutshooter
Just tryin to help our little brothers.

Straight Truck Traitor :D

you tell'em greg!!:D hey joe, :p


Expert Expediter
JD. If you can get me a load from Cali down to Toledo; i'd be glad to join the discussion. I have been through 3 cargo vans in 4 years due to one bankruptcy and repo and I have managed to survive to this day! I am a very seasoned guy lol! I still carry around my Panther bankruptcy club card! If not, i'm not gonna go back in service till the second week of march.

Sorry, I don't mess with the west coast. But if I see something I will get ahold of u. Thanks!!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
MEENIES!!!!! See if I every try to be nice again!! :p Man just try to help out, get jumped on all over the place, called names, mdaldjfeoihfidfoieirngi, BOY if that is how it has to be, ;lkdsngfgoihrg'oigs,. :D


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Being based regionally I do about 40% of work in my car.

We are not regional, BUT, the second most miles in any jurisdiction for us last year was in Ontario! New York was first. If it fits on my truck, it is legal and it pays enough I take it. Simple!! Keep 'em rollin!! :D


Veteran Expediter
We are not regional, BUT, the second most miles in any jurisdiction for us last year was in Ontario! New York was first. If it fits on my truck, it is legal and it pays enough I take it. Simple!! Keep 'em rollin!! :D

Yup. Tons of work here 45 min west of Toronto :waves: