Log Books


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Does anybody know if you can use the same logbook for more then 1 month. Last week I went up to Knoxville TN and back and that was the only 2 entries or the whole month of August. I have a trip for Wedensday Sep 3rd and was wondering do I need to buy a new log book for September.


Loose leaf is the best way to go. Each log book is supposed to be for 1 month. So, if you have a traditional log book, theoretically you must use all 30 or 31 pages of the book.


Staff member
Rich we where told in orientation that you could use a log book until it was used up then go on to the next month.


Veteran Expediter
I honestly seem to think that it really don't matter, as long as the log book is consistent with your operating the truck. I may be naive about this but not once, not even a hint from the inspectors who look over my log book seemed to care what form it was in, they cared that I had my correct operating info put on paper, the amount of sleep I got before I was moving and how I did my splits. I have never been asked for a recap and told that they don't care about them.

Unless there is a predated log form you have, I would not worry about it because there is times when you got to be off duty for more than two days at a time, which takes care of those others sheets. Also I take my log books apart, I punch holes in the sheets and I use them in a three ring binder - it is much easier for me to handle them.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
Rich, When you got off duty your last run in Aug log the next page as an example from 14 thru 31 Aug off duty. Then on the next page 1 and 2 Sep off duty, then start your run. Reason why you have to use two pages for your off duty, is, you can't cross months on one page. If you don't understand give me a buz.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
Someone has to make some sense of this foolishness.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Actually thats what I thought you could do so if I get a violation I will say the Colonel told me it was OK LOL


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
Actually it's better way to do it so you can show what you been doing for the last month,or two, than splaining why you have 5 log books with a couple pages used, in you truck.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Larry but it will affect the recap up front. I was on duty Aug 27-28. If I continue to use the same log book what will happen if I am on Duty Sep 27-28. I won't be able to use the recap so I guess I spend the dollar and buy a new log book.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
Or, don't use it. Shouldnt be much of a problem running four days a month. I know, old habits are hard to break.


Veteran Expediter
Just stick a blank recap on a copy machine and make copies . But don't carriers ( and regulations) require logs every 14 days even if you are off duty ?


Veteran Expediter
No one is gonna question a recap with 4 days driven out of the month. Like Highway said... skip it. I don't use recap, and don't plan on it unless I get in a serious slugging streak.

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Seasoned Expediter
Just a rookie here but I have found that loose leaf logs are your friend simply put thats all I have to say about that. lol!


Seasoned Expediter
You take your computer in there with the log program it is all 100% legal and you will find there are many larger companies that allow their drivers to use this type of log.