Good Luck to all


Veteran Expediter
I wanted to post a good luck to all note as I am going to discontinue my posting here.

I have been a part of this site for sometime and have enjoyed it most always. There have been times it has been more of a fight than useful but for the most part I always enjoyed it and have found a lot of help and ideas.

It has gotten to the point where when I want to express an opinion I can't seem to get it across without offending others and that is not my goal. Because I am not really one of you anymore and really have not been in well over a year I feel it is better I keep my opinions to myself or atleast spew them where they are more in line with others doing what I do. Does not mean it goes over any better but I can say it better than I can type it. Talking over things allows for folks to get the right attitude and emotion associated with a persons input. It causes a creates less friction in the discussion.

I get so frustrated on internet sites and email I have decided to just stop.

I wish all of you the best and continued good luck with your offers.



Veteran Expediter
Race, for what it's worth, don't worry bout the thin skinned folk, as you'll find them anywhere you go. If all everyone worried about was offending someone, nothing would be said. Personally, I enjoy when someone jumps on my case, cause I usually find out what kind of person they are. Not to mention, I tend to learn some things that way. You've been a major contributor to this site, and moreso, a teacher to most of us who read your posts. Some ppl you just can't tell a damm thing.

I hope you reconsider, as you will be missed once again! And, I'll always remember the ruckus you and I started with Tom Robertson as one of the great moments that'll go down in EO lore. :7

I'll send you my number again, if you want to chat.


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member

I hope you will reconsider. As you said, it's hard to understand someones emotion from the written word. Many times some small comment can be taken as a major insult, etc. As long as there are strong personalities, there will always be disagreements. The difference is how we deal with them. We don't have to all agree, we just have to keep it civil.

You've been a great part of this forum, and just because you're not currently expediting, per se, does not mean you don't have plenty to contribute.

Hope you'll stick around.

Forums Administrator


Ability is what you're capable of doing...
Motivation determines what you do...
Attitude determines how well you do it. (Lou Holtz)



Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Shawn for what it's worth I concour 100% with the Hawk and Dreamer. Your posts are always professional and if some thin skinned person gets poed ,well thats the way it goes.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You need to rethink this. This is an even worse decision than questioning your OOIDA membership. :p Seriously though, some people are going to twist their shorts no matter what. The help that is given and the good it does the majority far outweighs a few folks getting cranky. Stick around and enjoy the fun. You know it's worth it.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5507, 5508, 5509
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard
We sure hope you take a peek into EO once in a while and keep us enlightened on your adventures. You'll always have a home here are are as well welcomed to the Expos

Terry and Rene'


Veteran Expediter
Raceman, I understand where you're coming from, but please pop in & pop off, too, whenever you feel like it. Friction isn't a bad thing - whether it creates heat, or irritation, or just makes us think, it's not gonna hurt us - & it may even help. As long as we keep it civil, we're all big people here.
As a very wise woman said to me: stay thee well.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
You have been down this road before and offer a wealth of information and insight for people starting a fleet. Enjoyed your past posts and hopefully future ones.
Don't be a stranger and stop in from time to time.
As with any forum,
A little madness from time to time can be cheap entertainment.

21 years
EO moderator


Veteran Expediter
Did I miss something? Hate to see you go Race, but if I may be so bold what was the last straw?


Veteran Expediter
I really hate to see you go. I always enjoyed your posts and they were always professional and offered in good taste. Many of us run hot and cold on this form of communication but I hope you will re-consider your decision. You can't do anything in life without stepping on someones over sensitive toes.


Expert Expediter
Hey, I'll talk to you! I feel invisible here. I am in the expedite business and really wanted to come here and join in and have posted on a few threads and have been completely ignored, so I'm not sure which is worse. I normally hang out at's message board and feel welcome there but sure can't seem to get a foot in the door here with people that are doing the same thing as I am. Heck, I'll even take an insult, anything!


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Hang in there Bonnie, you have had some good posts.

21 years
EO moderator


Veteran Expediter

I am late coming to this but I hope you reconsider.

You know I offend people a lot, I try not to but hey I am who I am. There comes a time when you have to say who cares if I do and post anyway.

Life is something too short for bad wine and cheese (I know that offended the people who hate the French).

I mean that ok I know that even though I will say something that offended a bunch of people, I know that somewhere lurking in the cyber shadows is someone who reads my rants and ramblings and it helps them – that is what this is all about helping, isn’t it?

BonnieMac, Be patient.


Veteran Expediter
Hey, Raceman, don't be a stranger. If we all had the same opinion life would sure be dull. Thanks for all your input.

:+ :+


Veteran Expediter
Wow! The biggest issue I felt I was having here is that for a year and half I have been running LTL in a dedicated manner and I was really feeling like that might have been causing the friction, for lack of a better term. If folks don't mind that and are really jumping on me time to time because they simply disagree or hate what I am saying, then I will stick with it.I very much thought it may have been that I was not really Expedite anymore.

I do want to say that in one of my last posts I was simply trying to show why a business owner expects what he or she expects. You know limited time off etc.

Bonnie I get around to a few other boards and there is a different acceptance level here and there. I do not think it is you, so like many say, don't take it personal. Post something you really feel strongly about and somehow that always gets attention. Lol.

Thanks for those who have made me see it is not important for me to drop out. I do enjoy it on here just felt maybe I was coming from the wrong area for some.



Staff member

We have reviewed your request to stop posting and we regret to inform you that it has been declined. You are required to continue posting, sharing your viewpoints and overall trucking life tips.
:D :D :D :D


T.V. - Why do you think they call it programming?

No, YOU suck. - the mean people

"Americans are benevolently ignorant about Canada, while Canadians are malevolently well informed about the United States." - J. Bartlett Brebner

Te audire no possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure. - I can't hear you. I have a banana in my ear.

Become who you are. - Nietzsche

Whoever coined the phrase "Quiet as a mouse" has never stepped on one.

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