Feds disrupt skinhead plot to assassinate Obama


Expert Expediter
Associated Press

WASHINGTON – Law enforcement agents have broken up a plot by two neo-Nazi skinheads to assassinate Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and shoot or decapitate 88 black people, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives said Monday.

In court records unsealed Monday in U.S. District Court in Jackson, Tenn., federal agents said they disrupted plans to rob a gun store and target a predominantly African-American high school in a murder spree that was to begin in Tennessee. Agents said the skinheads did not identify the school by name.

That is just the first 2 paragraphs of the story. Hope this isnt the beggining of a bigger plot...


Seasoned Expediter
I seen this story on the news tonight in the Chicago area.Just like the news of the murder of the Hudson family ,now they find a her 7 year old nephew murdered.It really dont matter who you support for President.Wrong is wrong.This is 2008 not 1968.It really is a sad statement on our fellow Americans .That we are the most violent country.We have hate groups running around.We have children who arent safe in there homes,neightborhoods or Schools. Wear a certain jacket or shoes get murdered for it.Ride on public transit bus get killed because someone bumped into someone else.Gosh work hard send your child to college,hope a mass murder dont show up.Drive your truck and get stuck up or murdered.It happens.Work in the service industry (gas stations or fast food ) might get murderd. what makes someone to hate so much or be so bitter and mad at the world.That they plot to kill people or even do it. Like I said its Wrong Its wrong.


Veteran Expediter
I am sure this isn't the only group or person that are making the same plans and it certainly won't be the last.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
People think this country is ready for a black president. It's not. It should be, but it's not.

The racial divides run deep and wide, and if Obama is elected the racism (on both sides) that's there lurking under the surface will explode. Every time Obama does something that helps black folks, the white folks are gonna get mad, and some will take it out on the nearest blacks folks they can find. Every time Obama does something that doesn't help black folks, the black folks will resent the whites even more than they already do and they'll take it out on the nearest white folks they can find, and Obama gets labeled an Uncle Tom.

It's gonna get ugly, folks. If he wins it'll get ugly. If he doesn't win people will say the polls showed he should have, the election was rigged, black voters were disenfranchised, and it'll get ugly.


Veteran Expediter
I hope Obama doesn't win for his and his family's sake. You can call me whatever you want. The Feds can't bust up every attempt, and why would you want to live in that kind of fear? Plus i would hate to see those little girls of his grow up without a dad. I wouldn't wish that on anybody.


Not a Member
The most hated president in recent times looks like he will finish his 8 years alive. The Presidents security is pretty darn good.

Black Sheep

Expert Expediter
The most hated president in recent times looks like he will finish his 8 years alive. The Presidents security is pretty darn good.

The "hatred" to which you refer comes exclusively from the left-wing radicals who have been fomented by the mainstream media. There may be a majority of the population that disagrees with some of Bush's policies and voices their disapproval in the polls and the voting booths, but disapproval and hatred are two entirely different things. Take away the Iraq war and how different would things be? This conflict is nowhere near as unpopular as Vietnam was.

Jimmy Carter conducted the most failed presidency of modern times; Nixon could be regarded as the most corrupt due to the Watergate coverup; Clinton was the most flagrantly immoral and a close second in corruption; LBJ took us deeper into the Vietnam war than we should have ever gone. Funny how Nixon the Republican was the only one of the above that was "hated" according to the radical left and their lackies in the news media. What about Congress? Their approval ratings are well below that of Bush, but Pelosi and Reed et al are nowhere near being "hated". Maybe this hate is just another result of the media bias that's gone totally around the bend.

Black Sheep

Expert Expediter
W. just smoked him in that catagory, Most failed presdency of all time.

You're obviously too young to remember the Carter years, but here's a few highlights/lowlights of Carter's single term:

Foreign Policy: Failure; the Iran Hostage Crisis totally bungled, gave away the Panama Canal just for starters. Banned the US Olympic team from participating - we all saw how much that stunt accomplished.

Economic Policy: Double-digit unemployment, interest rates and inflation rates - look up the infamous Misery Index.

Domestic Policy: Passed the housing act in 1977 that started this whole financial meltdown.

If anybody deserved to be "hated" this was/is your guy: instead, he was just defeated in one of the most lopsided landslides in history.

Carter's presidency was the last one to have both sides of Congress controlled by Democrats. We all see how that worked out. I'm not a raving Bush fan, but Carter is not fit to shine Bush's shoes - even to this day Carter makes a fool of himself at every opportunity.


Moderator Emeritus
the only reason w has low unemployment numbers is because of not counting people who are no longer receiving unemployment.

don't tell me if you are not working you are not looking hard enough. i live in a city with only 2 manufacturers still here out of 11 that started here. most of the others have either left town for the non union south or west or have gone overseas or gone out of business.

there are only only so many union positions to fill and many more able bodies to stand in line. scj, the family company, is cutting back inside temp positions as sales soften for the products. gm is closing the janesville plant in dec 22. that throws 1200 more folks out of work, merry christmas! new workers at harley davisdon have to work under a contract for less per hour than the longer term employees to the tune of 10 bucks less an hour. that was to keep production in milwaukee or lose the higher paying jobs entirely.

those reporting the numbers are responsible for the creation of them and the exclusions to them.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
the only reason w has low unemployment numbers is because of not counting people who are no longer receiving unemployment.
A very creative method invented by Clinton, actually. Similar to what he did with the budgets and called them deficit and budget reductions, like where some program is budgeted for $40 million, and on the next proposed budget it's $60 million, so he cuts it to $50 million and calls that a spending reduction, when in reality they're spending more.

don't tell me if you are not working you are not looking hard enough. i live in a city with only 2 manufacturers still here out of 11 that started here. most of the others have either left town for the non union south or west or have gone overseas or gone out of business.
Sound like a lot of people should be looking for jobs outside the manufacturing sector in that town. They may be looking real hard at the jobs they want, but aren't paying much attention to other types of jobs. I've been a dishwasher, a chef, a musician, an attic insulation installer, restaurant manager, portrait sales, computer consultant, and an expedited cargo van driver, just to name a few. Money is money.

there are only only so many union positions to fill and many more able bodies to stand in line. scj, the family company, is cutting back inside temp positions as sales soften for the products. gm is closing the janesville plant in dec 22. that throws 1200 more folks out of work, merry christmas! new workers at harley davisdon have to work under a contract for less per hour than the longer term employees to the tune of 10 bucks less an hour. that was to keep production in milwaukee or lose the higher paying jobs entirely.
You say that like it's a bad thing. I'd much rather be have a job working at $20 an hour than not have a job working at $30 an hour.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Seems to me that every president in our lifetime has had threats and attempts against his life. They were all white. George Wallace was shot. He was white. I don't approve of what is going on but it is not new. Osama Obama's race is not relevent. There have been nuts after celebrities of all types. Remember Regan? Get off the race garbage. Obama is not any different than any other candidate. Someone is after all of them. Race may be the reason these slugs gave. What about the guy who shot Wallace? Or Regan? Or Lincoln? Give it a rest. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
As was said, we have had presidents lives threated and more then a few sgot, but they have all been white, this president elect is no different then those other then his skin color. Yes there are hate groups that have made statements that he wouldn't live to be elected, looks like they missed that. Now its he won't live out his term, we won't know that till he dies or lives throught it. The fact is no one with a right mond is going to kill the man. As the question was put from the shrink and then as hawk stated, its all speculation. We maight think we would have done that 10 yrs ago know ing what we now know, but would we have? Hell It i knew 20 yrs ago what i know know, I have saved more money by not getting a divorce. But, we don't know what we would have done as I said, in the other thread, I agree with hawk, i even siad i could have squeezed off a round, but could I have, part of me says yes, part says im nuts, so who knows, but it wasn't done because we didn't know then what we know now.

Obama will probably be one of the most pritected presidents we have ever had, if he is elected, and he should be, he will need it im sure.

As was said, we've come along way, but we are far from even being close to racial harmony.

Before you look at obama being killed, id look for riots in the streets if he loses the election. Thats a very real possiblity.

As for Jacks post on jobs, You don't want to know my feelings on that, not at all.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There will be riots in the streets if he is elected or not. People in Detroit just need a reason, any reason. I will be sorry if he is elected. He might be the least qualified person I have EVER seen run for this office. I will be sorry if McCain is elected. He is the third least person I have ever seen run for the job. Jimmy Carter was the second least qualified. Even Bill Clinton, as sleazy, slimmey and scuzzy as he was is better than Obama. Bill Clinton was responisble for the intell failures that led up to 9/11. Obama will invite more attacks. My dead dog could do a better job than ANY of these jamokes can. But you all want him, you will get him and heaven help us all. Pony up to the bar Commrads!! Just leave me out. Layoutshooter