Barney Franks BOYFRIEND


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It will never happen, they are both Democrats (Marxists) and in Osama Obama or (Santa Claus, Robin Hood and the Messiah) all rolled into one. We asked for it, we should have never fed those welfare leeches. Should have made them work for a living and PAY taxes. I want a refund of every penny I wasted feeding bums, malcontents, drunks and dope addicts. Why did I work so hard? I promise you I won't when we become The U.S.S.S. of America in Nov. ( Union of Soviet Socialist States for those who are a bit slower than others) like the above mentioned that I wasted my life supporting. Like Osama Obama and his mommy. And he has the nerve to critisise those who fed him. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you!! The sorry S.O.B. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Ok,so it's obvious that no one in site of this link is going to support the new Administration unless it's the better of two bad choices (to quote one Leo).

Will you all be moving to Canada? Partcipating in a Military coup? Arming yourselves and picking off Democrats and welfare Mothers and their children? Making believe we have become Ruskies and start drinking Vodaka for breakfast?

Suffer through another administration that gets a fresh start to try and undo the aboslutly ethical and moral travisty committed by the bums,liers,brain dead senile old foggies who blew the money,killed hundreds of thousands in a war about nothing and decimated our entire financial system requiring a massive bail out of their friends and fellow croonies ?
Have your way guys and gals,perhaps you can just stand up at your polling places and quote the now infamous words of your "base " spokeswhale in the RED McCain shirt and fashonable hailrstye "He's an A-RAB"

Or, you can do as I did when I was 100% certain that Bush was a loser lier rich bo.
Deal with it and hope for the best. And be engaged.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I'm an American and will support my country regardless, just like I did in the trainwreck called Jimmy Carter and the sleazewreck called Bill Clinton. I've said multiple times that I'm unhappy with some of the things going on and some of the choices made in the last 8 years. It's interesting you can repetitively comment on some nameless and meaningless old woman who McCain quickly silenced and corrected but I don't hear you talking about Wright who significantly shaped who Obama is today or Ayers who Obama visits in his home and associates with.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
We haven't had a really, really good president since George Washington, and even he was a little iffy. The next election won't change that.

Well, William Henry Harrison may have been the best.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
No, Ike did a pretty fair job. Love the interstates. No use Leo, Marxists are Marxists. They do not accept responiblity for thier actions. That is why we had to no only feed our own family but all the little leeches out thier. Welfare breeds welfare. Work breeds responsibilty. No TalCal101, I won't move to Canada, it is already further left than we are. I won't go after welfare moms or thier little leeches, too easy. I won't start a coup. I will start a tax revolt. I will pay NO NEW TAXES!!!! I will encourage as many as I can to do the same, there will be many. When the "Boy God" taxes put me and millions like me, the ones who pay the bills for the bums, leeches and mal-contents, who will pay them? NOT ONE MORE NICKLE is my new motto. I will dodge every tax that I can. I will become a good Democrat. I will lie, cheat, steal and suck off the public T*T just as they do. All the time I will not pay. NO MORE OUT OF MY POCKET. My tax writting pen just ran out of ink. And then we shall see who comes after who with loaded guns. That is the thanks we get for feeding the bums. My parents fed thier kids and I fed mine. If we could do it so can any one else. I did not make any kids till I was married. I knew how not too, without sex ed. Not my job to pay for those who don't have the sense to keep it in thier pants or at least were a rain coat. Scum is Scum and I no longer pay to support it. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Your a great American Leo,and I've never doubted that.Thank you for your honest answer.
We should all heed your words on this subject,regardless of who wins.The country needs us all right now,and if your going to Brazil,or the mountains or where ever,leave now,as your not needed. If you don't like the news,go out and make some of your own. Stay engaged and speak up,but taking pot shots and playing the wining spolier is not what the country needs right now.Stay engaged,work hard and be sure your voice is heard. It's your right ,at least ifor now.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Not Brazil, TalCal101, Argentina. Much Much better hunting and fishing there. Not the mountians either, not enough small game in mountian areas. I would prefere an area that has lots of water, good small game habitat and good migrations of waterfowl so I can layout hunt. There also needs to be a strong deer population, either whitetail or mulies. Elk would be nice too. South Dakota comes close but is kinda water impaired. Michigan used to be great when I was a kid but city dudes have all but ruined the states habitat. Been reading a lot about S.D. OVM, still can't figure out the laws for hunting ducks from boats there. Very confusing. The time for me to move is comming soon. Not later but sooner. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
My long deceased brother built custom scull boats for the Layout crowd 25 years ago. He was a founding member of Ducks Unlimited and a tireless lobbiest in Sacremento for keeping the Pacific Flyway open and thriving through open marsh land legislation. Many of his efforts are still in tact today. He was an internationl big game hunter and hunted wild boar with a knife and a dog.

He had trophies from every continant in the world and killed a Mountain lion in his tent on a Elk hunt in the dead of winter in Colorado. Shot it with a 45 cal hand gun as it snuk in the tent. He had that one stuffed too.He could hunt,fish and trek like no one I ever met. He lived life large and died with a bottle of Jack Daniels in his hand,a Marlboro in his mouth shutting down a bar in Casper Wyoming dancing to Jerry Lee Lewis 's "Great Balls Of Fire" with a flussy on his arm. He was 57 years old and just returned from an Elk hunt in Mongolia.He never took the meds the Doctor told him he needed to take to keep from dying.He said the made him dizzy.

By the way,I've fished in Argentina,close to Pont da Arena in the South (close to Chile). I like Argentina but the politics are REASLLY screwed up. I mean out to control.Inflation makes it impossible to get anything done. I have a small interest in an international moving company in Buenos Aries. I love to visit,great City with real european flavor(I don't mean the Nazi's either) All this C**p will be in the book if I ever finish the ****ed thing.
Go figure Layout.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
OK TallCal101, just how old are you? Ducks Unlimited was incorporated in Washington D.C. in 1937.

Layout hunters do not scull we hunt from layout boats. The Modern layout boat was invented on a barroom floor by Hy Delka and his brother Sidi ( both dead) in the late 1940’s in Gibraltar, Michigan. I knew HY when I was growing up. There were two other important Gibraltar layout boat designers of the time. Jim Foote, or Footy, renowned wildlife artist and waterfowl biologist for the State of Michigan. ( now dead as well) I met him a couple of times. And last but not least is John Kalash (still living and building boats near Moscow Michigan) I know him quite well and went to school with his nephew. He is a real character. Both the one and two man model Kalash boats are being built commercially by Mark Rongers, owner of the Mighty Layout Boys, in Hobart Indiana. I just took delivery of a John Kalash Legend 1 from the Mighty Layout Boys last week. It is a beautiful Detroit River gray with a clear spray shield.

I know of no scullers on the lower Detroit River in my life time. There was a lot of sneak shooting done up until the mid ‘70’s. We still layout hunt there. I hunt with a first generation layout gunner by the name of Dick “Riverwolf” Witwam, A Gibraltar native. He was a river guide for ducks for over 20 years . His son Jimmy and several guys I grew up with hunt together every year. I will again this year. I will be on the River on the 19th of November. It just might be the last year for us though, Dick is sick and the Democrats (sorry, sad but true) are trying hard to outlaw hunting. My Benellii Super Black Eagle is on their list of guns to be outlawed. What a shame that good traditions are soooo frowned upon by these people.

Good luck in your life. This may be the last year of what I call living. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
I stand corrected on Ducks Unlimited. He was not old enough to have been a founder. On the Board,possibly.He hand painted decoys that were unbelievable.He had several duck stamps accepted and printed. Hunting was his life,which ultimatly led him to go over board on the macho side and killed him. Not the hunting,but the lifestyle he felt he had to liv,which was unfortunate.He was ultra right wing and in fact was rasict,which he was proud of. Too much booze was probabaly the cause of his slide.I don't associate his racism with hunting,but he did.It was his down fall.He left CA to get away from the Spics and the Flips and the "rest" and he moved to Wyoming. But guess what? The good people of Dourglas WY (home of the Jack-a-lope) did not want to hear his racist ravings either. They were all Chrisitans and repected his hunting skills but muzzeled his opinions.He was better off in California where the larger population had more thinkers like him.

Your obviously not racist,as you have stated, just really p****ed off that the guy who happens to be leading and commands the attention,on the issues important to Americans,happens to be a little different. Your anger intriques me,but it's yours to deal with and I wish you well too.


Veteran Expediter
We haven't had a really, really good president since George Washington, and even he was a little iffy. The next election won't change that.

Well, William Henry Harrison may have been the best.

Funny you mention him. I told a few ppl I hope McCain wins and pulls a WHH at his inauguration. LOL


Veteran Expediter
Cal... it's funny that you bring up "getting along" and "supporting whomever wins for the good of the country" now that you're smelling victory. I wonder if you would do the same if McCain had the lead down the stretch.

I will support our president until he takes it upon himself to circumvent the United States Constitution. And I'm suspecting it won't be long after Obama takes the oath to defend the Constitution, if he in fact wins, that he will break that oath. Then all bets are off.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well TalCal101, you are right, I am NOT a racist. I was not rasised to be one nor do I believe that way in any respect. That is one of the reasons I do not like Obama, he is a racist, at least in my opinion, which I not only have a right to but I bought with 20 years of my life.

My Anger? Let's see. Senator Obama stands for everything that I spent 20 years of my life fighting against. I despise Marxism and he is a Marxist. You know, re-distrubution of wealth etc. I believe I have a right to keep and bear arms under the constitution, he has stated on more than one occasion that he does not. I believe in a strong defense, he not only does not but has no clue on how to defend a country. I abhore abortion in general and an am horrified at his votes on letting live birth babies just die. Senior citizens are next. Mark my word on that. He is anti-freedom and believes that he and the government can handle my life better then I can. B.S.!!! If that turkey lives to be 100 he will NEVER accomplish as much real life things as I did in my first 30 years. He is a liar and a cheat, as most polititions are and I don't have any respect for liars and cheats. He assumes I am a criminal. I.E. a criminal back round check everytime I try to exercise my Second Amendment right to buy a gun. So much for inoccent until proven guilty. I would be willing to bet big money that he could not pass a real backround check like I did on many occasions when I held my Top Secret + security clearences yet he will have access to intelligence and information provide by men and women who are honest and far smarter than him and who DID pass that important test. He hangs around with criminals and enemies of my country so I assume is one himself. Your are who you hang with. It has nothing to do with race or party. He is a dispicable person and I think a coward as well. Any more questions? I stand on my beliefs, have put my life on the line for them in the past and will do so again and fight his every move if elected, just as have always fought hatred, bigitry and Marxism my entire adult life.The end. layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Hawk,you and I have been repectful and each others views for sometime. Greg has apparently made his millions and moved on,too bad,great guy.There are many things I have been forced to smell the last 8 years and quite frankly none of them have been pleasent
I don't smell victory,as there will be no winner as the counrty is in such a mess that who ever the winner is will be blamed immidietly for not being able to perform a miracle and clean the mess up in 100 days. It took Bush & Co the full 8 years to rip the guts and the heart out of our republic,so there is really no winner. What we don't need is 4 more years of the same,and you know I'm right.McCain looked like Charley Chaplin when he winked and nodded and choked last night.He did not look Presidential,in fact he was a blaze with confusion.
Shooter,the pridictions and assumptions that you seem to think of as facts are alarming,but have zero basis for substance at this point. These same accusations have been leveled in the past about former canidates and preisdents,and nothing you asert as truth as yet to be proven to be anything other then your opinion. Your very resolute however in your believes.The abortion question is bigger then Obama,and is not an indictment as a killer.
I did predict that Bush would destroy our conutry and pay homage to his rich friends and it can be found on the archives of this site.I was 100% correct,only he actually did a more thouogh job then even I could have given credit for. But I hit about 80%
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
So sorry but you are wrong, TalCal101. The Dems (Marxists) have been trying to outlaw hunting, fishing and private gun ownership for years. The Stupreme Court, with all the votes coming from so-called liberal memers have for the most part eliminated the right to private land ownership. The Dems (Marxists) have talked about "taxing" what they call "bad food". It is NONE of thier business what I eat, how I eat it and how I collect, buy or gathter my food. During Clintons reign they tried to outlaw hunting on all National Forests and National Refuges. Now, if you don't know it, the VAST majority of funding for the Refuges comes from hunters and fisherman, NOT, the general public. SO, if you outlaw me from using what I pay for, why sould I pay for it? Why is not the general public? Almost all of the real conservation efforts in this country are again paid by hunters and fishermen, that includes most of the habitat improvement on National Forest Lands. PETA and all the other goobers do nothing. Neither does most of the people and yet my use of everything is under attack by the Dems (Marxists). I also see no part of the Constitution that allows those Jask *sses to steal my money from me and give it to bums. Again, I refuse to pay one nickle more. The Dems (Marxists) have stated that they want to outlaw all handguns, all semi-auto rifles and shotguns. Well, I own several of them. They WON"T get them. As for Bush, for the most part he is lacking but he did NOT start this war, the RagHeads did during Carters reighn and the bum and all the other bums since did NOTHING to stop them. Osama Obama will join them. As I have said before and will say till that "BOY GOD" kills me, I AM a free man. I was born free, in a free country. I have fought to keep it that way and will continue to do so until I am killed or the scurge is eliminated. The Marxists,Dems or what ever you choose to call them do not have the right to change my life. NO man does. Anyone who tries is my enemy. Layoutshooter


Seasoned Expediter
Gentlemen, The thread is on Barney Frank. I believe Barney Frank needs to be investigated. The investigation needs look into his relationship, and determine if there was a conflict of interest, or special priviledges. Any wrong doing should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. The gender of his partner is irrelevant to the issue of the economy. Feelings over gay marriage (an important issue) is irrelevant in this issue. The validity of the argument becomes moot, once we resort to personal attacks.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Gee Blondechic, no one has ever called me gentleman before. LOL, don't know if I like it. Never thought of myself as gentle, kinda rough and tuble guy. Friends or in your face with little in between. Layoutshooter


Seasoned Expediter
layoutshooter, Just because your passionate about your opinions doesn't make you a bad person. Even, burly, crusty, ruffnecks, can be gentlemen. If you like country music then you know "you've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything". God bless Aaron Tippin. I was simply trying to redirect your passion to Barney Frank and what his part may be in our current economic mess.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Wow, how exciting, I am a gentleman and I did not even know it!!! As far as Barney being investigated, it will never happen. They never really investigate themselfs. They protect thier own, to a fault. Layoutshooter