Fuel for Thought

It's A Small EO World

By Eric
Posted Dec 23rd 2014 3:17PM

I had a nice conversation with someone I ran into at a laundromat in Erie, Pennsylvania. He recognized the expediter setup of the van and asked about the business. Turned out he was already well versed in the Expediter Online world from following the website and attending one of the EO workshops. He had dabbled in driving locally, so about all I could do was reconfirm my observations in the first person. It’s fun to run into someone out of the blue and already have a connection of sorts. I started to tell him where he could find some of the ideas I’ve already written about in this blog, but he had already been here and knew the articles. We traded ideas about carriers, vans, and retirement. I expect one of these days I’ll see him again out on the road or at an Expo in Wilmington, Ohio.
