Fuel for Thought

…and then I bought a house.

By Eric
Posted May 10th 2014 5:15PM


For a few years I’ve considered the idea of buying small pieces of property scattered across the expedite world. Some with structures, some just vacant land. Then I could just pop over to my nearest plot instead of always trying to hit one moving target. This is expediter pad number one. I closed on it this week. It has one bedroom and one bath at about 900 square feet. It’s nicely compact, so any project is fairly limited in size. Almost all the utilities are within arm’s reach in the basement under the original structure. The main reason I’m sharing this is to show how vanning can support some of the basic needs. This is year seven, my van is paid off, I have the funds to buy another used van, I have the funds for major repairs, and I still have savings. I live a simple, drama-free life. The last two years I’ve been debt free, and this was a cash purchase. If I had major debts coming into expediting, I wouldn’t have been able to do this. I didn’t have major debt, so when this opportunity came available, I had the capital to grab it.
