Where's that Republican pride?


Not a Member
There are many on this site who take the GOP stance on most every issue. It is laughable to me that it seems none will ever say they are a Republican, and deny they listen to Limbaugh they deny they voted for W. Still they keep showing up here stating GOP platforms.
I guess if I had voted for W. and seen the results, I too would be ashamed. I just don't get how they keep posting that they are libertarian, or hate both parties but still they always tow the GOP koolade lines.

C'mon out of the closet boys, it is quite obvious what you are. I am a Democrat although I have voted both Republican and Independent, I am a Democrat.


Veteran Expediter
I know you're not talking about me... I am a classic Liberal who doesn't like a lot of conservitives. I rarely listen to Rush and others.... so it ain't me.

and beside what is a GOP side to an issue?

The last time I checked the GOP didn't really exist anymore... they are just like the dems but just have a different mascot.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I am a Democrat although I have voted both Republican and Independent, I am a Democrat.

If you've voted across the board then you aren't truly a democrat. You may be referring to me however I am a conservative and an independent. Always have been and always will be. I vote for or against candidates, as appropriate. Sadly, it's mostly against now days.


Not a Member
Yep no Republicans here

Just people who are

Obama-A Womans right to choose-Gun Control

and for

tax breaks for the wealthy.

Silly me to think they were closeted Republicans. <--Sarcasm:D


Not a Member
Just facts Greg-

Several on here take most if not all GOP stances on the issues, agree with Rush on almost every point but refuse to admit they are a Republican. It really is just too funny.

Who is a Republican?? anyone??

Steady Eddie

Veteran Expediter
Yep no Republicans here

Just people who are

Obama-A Womans right to choose-Gun Control

and for

tax breaks for the wealthy.

Silly me to think they were closeted Republicans. <--Sarcasm:D

Just think Doug.

No Bass
No Bass Master

No Bass
No award winning Bass TV shows like Bill Dance and Jimmy Houston

No Bass
No Bass boats

No Bass
No little baby Bass

oh, am I getting off topic. Darn I must be a dem..


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Veteran Expediter

A Womans right to choose-

Gun Control

and for

tax breaks for the wealthy.

But you just did the same thing too, you are repeating the same old rhetoric as any democrat is told to say. They are called talking points for disarming.

I don't know about taking the right to choose, there isn't a right, it is a right to privacy and that will go away under socialize medicine.

Gun control, most will tell you taking steps to remove the criminal element our of gun ownership is the right thing to do

Tax breaks for the wealthy?

Is your life so empty that you stay up all night worrying about what the 'wealthy' pay in taxes?

Do you go to the movies?

If the answer is yes, then why if you think that the tax changes are for the wealthy?

Every ticket you buy adds more money in their banks to make them more wealthy.

They don't pay their fair share of taxes, they are wealthy and have accountants write off charitable appearances as if they donated money - cheesy.

You know Paul Newman demanded Bush to change the tax laws because Newman felt he could pay more but that old b8stard didn't send a check to the treasury department with the amount that he felt was his fair share. The word hypocrite comes to mind.

I mean really Doug, that is class warfare cr*p and if you want to go down that path, it shows you can't think beyond the talking point.

Who cares what someone else pays in taxes, they buy more stuff than I do and that money pays for someone else to work, I never met a poor person with employees.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Not that my preferences are anyone's business really but I don't listen to Rush. I listen sometimes to Dennis Pragar, Mike Gallagher, Bill Bennet, and Joe Pags as well as a couple of local guys when I'm home.


Veteran Expediter
I don't like Rush, but I'm a Republican. Makes sense to me. We live in a Republic not a Democracy. Although Obama and his cronies would like to turn this into a socialist nation. I voted for W back in 04. Got a problem with it? You shouldn't. I don't have a problem with you voting for Obama. That's your choice. I respect that, now when will you respect my choice and quit harassing me for voting Republican?

I voted for a Democrat in our Senate race last time. It was either a Dem or someone from the Green Party so I picked the Dem.


Not a Member
I don't like Rush, but I'm a Republican. Makes sense to me. We live in a Republic not a Democracy. Although Obama and his cronies would like to turn this into a socialist nation. I voted for W back in 04. Got a problem with it? You shouldn't. I don't have a problem with you voting for Obama. That's your choice. I respect that, now when will you respect my choice and quit harassing me for voting Republican?

I voted for a Democrat in our Senate race last time. It was either a Dem or someone from the Green Party so I picked the Dem.

Kudos to you Ark!
Although I disagree with your 04 vote, like you disagree with my Obama vote, I give you alot of respect for not being afraid to say you are a Republican.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
I don't listen to Rush. I used to, but he got tired back by the end of the Clinton Presidency. I don't think I've heard more than 20 minutes total of him since the last days of Clinton. He's got a one-track mind and refuses to consider opposing points of view as being valid. Like many of his ilk, both liberal and conservative, they think they are right because they think they are right, and if you don't agree with them then you're wrong because you don't agree with them. That they might be wrong is never considered. They view things not in terms of right and wrong, but in terms of their way and the wrong way. That's not something I'm attracted to, regardless of their political stance.

I'm not against Obama, but I am against many of his policies, especially his Socialist policies. Some of his policies I agree with. He does some things that make me proud, and does other things that make me cringe. I won't turn a blind eye to either one in favor of the other. I hope he succeeds, but if history is any indication, I don't think he will. And if he fails, he'll take you, me, and the rest of the country down with him.

I'm against abortion, but I'm far more for a woman's right to choose. I'm more against people telling others what they can and cannot do.

I'm dead set against gun control. No wiggle room on that one. People who advocate gun control are just butt-stoopid ignorant, or in denial, about the far reaching implications and ramifications of state-controlled gun control.

Tax breaks for the wealthy? I could care less. Doesn't bother me one bit that someone might have something that I don't. I'm not jealous or envious of them at all.

I live by the Golden Rule, do unto others as you would have others do unto you. If I wouldn't want it done to me, I'm certainly not going to advocate doing it to someone else. Does that make me a Republican or a Democrat, an Independent or a Libertarian? I don't care, pick a label that suits you.


Veteran Expediter
Yep no Republicans here

Just people who are

Obama-A Womans right to choose-Gun Control

and for

tax breaks for the wealthy.

Silly me to think they were closeted Republicans. <--Sarcasm:D

Doug, why do you think we need to have gun control, please try to have this be your own thoughts. Also would you be in favor of a National Sales tax instead of our current system? again your own thoughts please.

If anyone is strictly for one party over the other then they are just mindless drones.


Veteran Expediter
The first presidential election I was eligible to participate in was the 1976 race. I voted for Jimmy Carter, a democrat. I was young and perhaps foolish. My vote was more of a statement against Richard Nixon and his whole fascist pig trip, man; than it was for Carter. How freakin' righteous is that man!

I also voted for John B. Anderson, an independent. And yes I voted for George W. Bush twice. I don't consider myself a Republican or a Democrat. I am not now nor ever have been a member of either the Democratic or Republican parties. That goes for the Communist party also!

I vote for the candidate I feel is the best qualified for that particular office. I try to look beyond race, gender, religion and party affiliation. The last 20 some years I have leaned more toward Republican or independent candidates. Often because I am choosing the lesser of evils.

There are many on this site who take the GOP stance on most every issue.

That could be because many on this site are owner/operators and small business people. We feel less government control and interference is more conducive to operating our business. We believe in a free enterprise system, capitalism and freedom from repressive taxes. I personally believe in a God, apple pie(with vanilla bean ice cream), and until recently; Chevrolet.

We are risk takers and put it on the line working without the safety net that a "regular" job offers. We don't get paid vacations, paid health insurance, company sponsored retirement, union representation and unemployment benefits. And that's the way we like. You may call us mavericks, misfits or crazy for choosing this career path. Truth is we enjoy going it alone, working hard and prefer that success or failure is something we can have some control over.

Tax breaks for the rich was mentioned in this thread. Who are the rich? I have stated before that I have benefited from tax breaks the past 8 years. Most notable was the media proclaimed "SUV tax break". It allowed me to buy a new van in 2004. By that logic I am rich! To the poster in another thread that mentioned his neighborhood, his $60,000 house and is all for government sponsored health care I would indeed appear to be rich. Another member who also decries tax breaks for the rich lives in one of the most expensive areas of the country. $60,000 could barely buy you a cardboard box and a piece of dirt in Oakland. He has a regular job, sold a small expedite fleet, his parents were rich and he has a home in China. On the money tree he is way above me! I would consider him one of the rich.

Will either the poor Democrat or the more well-off Democrat please define "the rich". What is your criteria for defining the rich. Is it adjusted gross income? Total net worth? Are Nancy Pelosi and Ted Kennedy rich? What about George W. Bush? Is he rich?


Expert Expediter
To start Things Off With, I am a "Registered Democrat" I Have Said that In the Past. However I am NOT a Registered Democrat "KoolAid Drinker" Like "Some" Of the Posters On Here who No-Doubt Lay awake Nights Dreaming up ways to De-Mean Others who Didn't vote for the Messiah. When I Vote I always Vote for The Lesser of Two Evils and this time it was For John McCain Because The one Holding the White House Now is Not Competent Enough to do the Job. And Yes, I Voted for "W" Twice because The two Democrats that the "Party" Put in Place to Run were Not what I Call Totally Honest, But Hey, They were Politicians and I haven't found one yet that could tell the Truth. But-Al Gore? John Kerry? Hussein Obama? Cmon The Dems. Could Have Found someone a Whole Lot Better to Run for that Office. But Sadly-Obama managed to Trick the Dems into Voting Him In, So I Guess we are Stuck with Him Until 2012, Then we'll see how I Vote Again if the Repibs can find someone more Fordible to Run against Him. :D


Veteran Expediter
I am for the basic ideals for the Republican party, which are for less government, less taxes, more power to the states, and fewer intrusion into our lives. Unfortunately, most elected into the party don't see it that way. They, like Dems, are more interested in doing what it takes to stay in power.

Conservatism means keeping to the Constitution in its raw form. Federal government has these powers... everything else is passed to the states... no government can intrude on certain rights...

Our Constitution is based on three things... life, liberty, and private property. When those elected, who have the (R) after their name, start fighting for those three things, I'll be a Republican. Talk is cheap. You can't preach the philosophy, then vote against them.

However, a Republic, which is based on law, not on public opinion, has no boundaries to political parties. Therefore, you can label me a Coolidge Republican or a Cleveland Democrat. Both were constitutional conservatives... party be dammed!