teacher explains why she helped students cheat


Seasoned Expediter
I read this story today it is from the LOOKOUT.Its teachers like this that are very bad and harmful to the children of today.This is also another reason why the young people of today feel like people owe them. so here is what the teacher had to say

"She helped her students cheat because she was worried about their self esteem being crushed by taking test that they were in no way academically prepared for"

Really?she really said that!Is it not the teachers job to prepare the students for the test by teaching.She then goes on to blame no child left behind and others for her helping students cheat.everyone but herself.Hey I guess the teachers are doing their jobs they are teaching their students that when they do wrong they can blame everyone else and not own up to what they have done.

I had a teacher in the 7th grade that anyone who got below a B on a test would tape the test to the black board and it stayed their all day for everyone to see.Im sorry but it is not the teachers JOB to worry about their students "SELF ESTEEM"
Whats really sad is with Union help many of these teachers that helped their students cheat will still be in the classroom when classes start back up.:(
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It's so easy a caveman, or a truck driver, can do it.

Philadelphia English teacher explains why she helped students cheat | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

"I never went to any student who didn't call me to help them cheat," said the (11 grade English) teacher. "But if somebody asked me a question, I wasn't willing to say, 'Just do your best.' They were my students, and I wanted to be there for them."
Which translates to, "I ain't losin' my job simply because I can't teach."

"The prevailing message was, 'We have to make AYP this year, or they're going to shut our school down and you're all going to lose your jobs.' At every professional development [session], that's what we discussed," the teacher said. She added that many teachers at her school engaged in cheating.
There ya go.


Veteran Expediter
The notion that unjustified self esteem is worth having is as dumb as the notion that test scores demonstrate good teaching, knowledgeable students, or anything other than good test scores. Scores are like reading just the headlines: it looks as if you know the subject - if you don't look any closer.
Granted, this particular teacher comes off as fuzzbrained, but why should teachers be blamed for kids who just don't wanna learn and parents who don't care?


Seasoned Expediter
teachers should not be blamed if a kid is to lasy teachers should be fired for helping kids cheat though.When it is eaiser for a teacher to help the student cheat then it is to teach then they are in the wrong line of work.:D


Veteran Expediter
The notion that unjustified self esteem is worth having is as dumb as the notion that test scores demonstrate good teaching, knowledgeable students, or anything other than good test scores. Scores are like reading just the headlines: it looks as if you know the subject - if you don't look any closer.
Granted, this particular teacher comes off as fuzzbrained, but why should teachers be blamed for kids who just don't wanna learn and parents who don't care?

Both reasons you state are exactly why I decided not to become a teacher.


Not a Member
I'd like her to explain how/why she was ever allowed in front of a chalk board in the first place.


Veteran Expediter
I wonder what line of work a dummy that feels good about themselves gets into.

Posted with my Droid EO Forum App


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Dont forget teachers are under a lot of pressure to have students test better. Better test mean, more school status, and more funding.


Seasoned Expediter
I'd like her to explain how/why she was ever allowed in front of a chalk board in the first place.

UNIONS UNIONS UNIONS need I say more.:D letting stupid people teach.because those that cant do,teach!Im not saying all teachers are bad or stupid.yet dont forget most of these teachers are gonna be back in the class room when school starts back up due to the union backing them and their its not our fault we helped our students cheat.If a few in a school or even in the class room fail a test thats one thing but when its on such a large scale then the ones doing the teaching are not teaching the way they should be.And should be fired.
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Veteran Expediter
Unions? Don't think so - try GW Bush and his asinine 'No child left behind' laws, forcing schools to administer tests in order to maintain their funding. If students don't test well, schools lose funding, so teachers get laid off. That simple reality forces teachers to teach students to PASS THE TEST, above all else. Nobody knows or cares what [or if] the kids are learning, as long as they can PASS THE TEST.
But those of us who have passed a whole lot of tests know that it isn't a measurement of learning, reasoning, or knowledge - it could be nothing more than memorizing. And when students can't manage even that much [because they don't want to, or they literally can't do it], teachers are pressured to cheat. Not by the union, but by the school administrators who also stand to lose if students can't PASS THE TEST.
Education has become like 'safety' and 'jobs': a magic buzzword invoked to make incompetent legislators appear to be doing something positive instead of something stupid.


Seasoned Expediter
Unions? Don't think so - try GW Bush and his asinine 'No child left behind' laws, forcing schools to administer tests in order to maintain their funding. If students don't test well, schools lose funding, so teachers get laid off. That simple reality forces teachers to teach students to PASS THE TEST, above all else. Nobody knows or cares what [or if] the kids are learning, as long as they can PASS THE TEST.
But those of us who have passed a whole lot of tests know that it isn't a measurement of learning, reasoning, or knowledge - it could be nothing more than memorizing. And when students can't manage even that much [because they don't want to, or they literally can't do it], teachers are pressured to cheat. Not by the union, but by the school administrators who also stand to lose if students can't PASS THE TEST.
Education has become like 'safety' and 'jobs': a magic buzzword invoked to make incompetent legislators appear to be doing something positive instead of something stupid.

As I said she got and is keeping her job because of unions.Really you are blaming Bush because a teacher helped her students cheat.How bout this blame the teacher that finds it eaiser to help her students cheat instead of teaching them.There is a problem with the teaching when the teachers have to help kids cheat on such a large scale.I mean come on no child left behind did not change the test and make them harder.What it did was raise the bar.Which yeah I guess you are right that is a bad thing to expect the best out of the teachers that are teaching our kids.Maybe you should read the bill befor you listen to bad teachers.It takes six years of failed test befor the option to close the school takes effect,and money is cut off.

Also love how you blame bush for it.I will be the first to say yes he signed it he is also the one who propossed it.but WHO wrote it bet one name would shock you.that would be the late senator TED KENNEDY.plus look at the vote only 53 no votes on it.But yeah its bush's fault these teachers today prefer to help kids cheat then to teach them,yeah thats bush's fault:D


Not a Member
Unions? Don't think so - try GW Bush and his asinine 'No child left behind' laws, forcing schools to administer tests in order to maintain their funding. If students don't test well, schools lose funding, so teachers get laid off. That simple reality forces teachers to teach students to PASS THE TEST, above all else. Nobody knows or cares what [or if] the kids are learning, as long as they can PASS THE TEST.
But those of us who have passed a whole lot of tests know that it isn't a measurement of learning, reasoning, or knowledge - it could be nothing more than memorizing. And when students can't manage even that much [because they don't want to, or they literally can't do it], teachers are pressured to cheat. Not by the union, but by the school administrators who also stand to lose if students can't PASS THE TEST.
Education has become like 'safety' and 'jobs': a magic buzzword invoked to make incompetent legislators appear to be doing something positive instead of something stupid.

I'm not by any means a proponent of the "No Child Left Behind act", however, to pin point it as a catalyst for cheating is a bit of a leap(a long one, at that). Quite frankly, for better or worse, it's part of the system we have in place and it's the teachers job to adhere to its corresponding policies and procedures.

The main issue at play is this post 60's to heck with standards attitude that there are no winners and losers and that everyone makes the team regardless of ability. So in essence, students are not being held accountable due to this coddling and neither are teachers due to arcane labor laws(tenure status, etc.) and unions which make it virtually impossible to rid the system of the bad apples.