Stupid American Voters


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
This is one of the most revealing quotes - on video no less - that exemplifies the mindset of Barack Hussein Obama and the radical liberals in his administration.
"In terms of risk rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in, you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed. Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical to get for the thing to pass. Look, I wish Mark was right that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not."
- Jonathan Gruber, Obamacare Architect

Obamacare Architect: Yeah, We Lied to The "Stupid" American People to Get It Passed - Katie Pavlich
The video insert in this article is well worth the minute or so it takes to watch. This smarmy, arrogant wimp typifies the kind of lackey that Obama has brought on board to run the affairs of our country since he took office, and it's no wonder the USA is in its current state of affairs - foreign and domestic. In spite of the repudiation of Obama and the Democrat party in the recent mid-term election our pipsqueak POTUS intends to go full steam ahead with his illegal amnesty agenda, disregarding the will of the "stupid American voters" and the necessary consultation with Congress.

The GOP would do well to show some spine for a change and oppose everything Obama proposes for the rest of his presidency. Perhaps after the new Congress is sworn in they'll even start to rescind and repeal some of Obama's disastrous regulations and legislation - starting with ObamaCare.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It would be nice if there would be enough stones to undo the damage this regime has done but they import leaches far too fast to ever hope for that to happen. The morons need to be reined in quickly though.
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Deception is their mantra on basically everything they are associated with. With the results of the midterms, I think some are finally starting to see it.


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Retired Expediter
This isn't just Obama, if course. This goes directly back to Hillary and Al's failed attempt at government controlled, single player, universal health care. The comments in the video, as well as in the other video that shows a lot more of the comments, not only puts Nancy Pelosi's disgusting comments about passing it to find out what's in it in better context, since she knew exactly what was in it, but it shows the incredibly arrogant hubris of liberal Democrats, who feel the end justify the means, including bald-faced lies to get what they want, simply because they want it really, really bad.

It's outrageous.


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This isn't just Obama, if course. This goes directly back to Hillary and Al's failed attempt at government controlled, single player, universal health care. The comments in the video, as well as in the other video that shows a lot more of the comments, not only puts Nancy Pelosi's disgusting comments about passing it to find out what's in it in better context, since she knew exactly what was in it, but it shows the incredibly arrogant hubris of liberal Democrats, who feel the end justify the means, including bald-faced lies to get what they want, simply because they want it really, really bad.

It's outrageous.

That is what I get out of it. Like I said, hopefully people are starting to see them for what they have been all along. And here at least they admit what they are doing. Yep, "you can keep your plan and doctor". lol


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Retired Expediter
You're to stupid to know what's best for you, so we'll do what's best for you, whether you like it or not, even if we have to lie to you to do it.

There is simply no defending that.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
But wait...there's more!:eek: Gruber is the gift that just keeps on giving. Now a second video has surfaced in which he essentially repeats his "stupid American voter" mantra during a lecture made in Oct 2013 trashing the "Cadillac" insurance plans intended to be heavily taxed by ObamaCare legislation. Don't forget - these are the types of plans supposedly offered by the UAW to their members, who had supported Obama's re-election in critical states like MI and OH. Wonder why these videos weren't brought out before the mid-term elections this month?

Obamacare's Jonathan Gruber caught on second tape calling voters 'too stupid' - Washington Times

On the other hand, maybe Gruber's characterization of American voters' stupidity isn't so far off base. After all, a significant percentage of them elected Obama in '08 and then re-elected him in 2012 in spite of the lousy economy and his miserable record as POTUS. This is what happens when voters cast their ballot for someone based on the color of their skin rather than the content of their character and their performance in office.


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Pretty much sums it up.



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Retired Expediter
Yeah, that's the other video I was talking about. I actually haven't seen any of them yet, but the other night on SiriusXM on the POTUS (Politics of the United States) chanel, they played extended versions of the clips and discussed them at length. The two conservatives on the panel were peeing their pants while the two liberals were quietly doing something more substantial to theirs.

Because these videos are now part of the legal case, and part of the arguments before the SCOTUS, it's slowly finding its way into the MSM, as you can see in the grudgingly written piece at the Huff.


Veteran Expediter
The GOP would do well to show some spine for a change and oppose everything Obama proposes for the rest of his presidency. Perhaps after the new Congress is sworn in they'll even start to rescind and repeal some of Obama's disastrous regulations and legislation - starting with ObamaCare.
There is very good chance that the above mentioned will happen. Only problem is the Democrats will spin it as Republican obstructionism and sabotage; the stupid American voters will buy it, paving the way for Hilliary and the Democrats in 2016.


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Retired Expediter
"This is CNN" - James Earl Jones

Third Obamacare architect video emerges -

The videos were documented over the course of the last year by Rich Weinstein, an investment adviser who became interested in the origins of the law after the price of insurance for his family doubled. Weinstein tells CNN he has many more videos in his collection.


Veteran Expediter
Motor Carrier Executive
US Army
Really sad part is he was right. The average American voter was ignorant enough to believe that somehow they would get so much more for less or free. How do you fix stupid?


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Just equally as amazing, (well maybe not) that all of the major networks have yet to even mention this.


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Retired Expediter
Just equally as amazing, (well maybe not) that all of the major networks have yet to even mention this.
That's why I mentioned the CNN article. It's not headlines there, certainly not "Breaking News!" but at least it gets a mention. So far it's strictly Fox News and the right wingnut blogs, but eventually the MSM is gonna have to address it more fully. Gruber (his name is Jonathan but he reminds me more of Hans) is very likely going to be "interviewed" in front of Congress sometime after January.

Liberals will soon counter (if they haven't already, I don't know) with the fact that he's not THE architect, just one of the architects, without realizing that by saying that they effectively admit that all concerned with the drafting and passing of Obamacare were involved in the deception and knew what was going on.

The Democrats of the last 6 years in particular remind me of Internet trolls, the ones who post message headlines which are the exact opposite of reality. Usenet posts, forum posts, e-mails, etc. Whatever the headline says, you know it's gonna be the other way around.
You have GOT to see this! (no you don't)
This is AMAZING! (no it isn't)
This girl is really HOT! (she's a scary skank)
This will DOUBLE your penis size! (you'll be exactly the same but your wallet will shrink)

If your like your doctor you can keep your doctor. Period.
If you like your policy you can keep your policy.
Insurance companies CAN'T cancel your policy.
This benefits the American people.
People will be paying less for insurance.
This administration is the most transparent in history.


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I can't stop laughing. Pelosi spent all day yesterday pretending she hardly knew the guy, yet in 2009 and 2010 she constantly quoted this Gruber guy as being the "expert" on the bill.
She certainly thinks the voters are idiots.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Looks to me like Democrats and Republicans are two heads of the same beast.
It's true that Republicans in Congress have been particularly ineffective under the "leadership" of Boehner and McConnell. However, we're talking about ObamaCare here, how it was passed and how the Democrats lied to pass it. Remember, it didn't have a single GOP vote; the Dems had control of both houses and the only way they could get it through the Senate was by using a hinky reconciliation process that avoided a filibuster.

As they had done at every other step in the process, the Democrats chose the partisan route. They created a separate bill, with scores and scores of legislative changes that essentially became the vehicle for a House-Senate conference on the legislation. That bill was designated a reconciliation bill. Then they passed the original Senate bill through the House on the explicit promise that it would be immediately amended by this highly unusual reconciliation bill, which then passed both the House and Senate a few days later, on an entirely party-line vote.

The Reconciliation Option | National Review Online

As stated in an earlier part of the above article, if the Republicans want to prove themselves to be effective legislators, they can use the same reconciliation process to cut critical budgetary sections out of Obamacare and perhaps make sensible corrections to the law - especially if a Republican becomes POTUS in 2016. But considering the laws and regulations that have been imposed on the American public during the past six years of the liberal Obama administration, it's not realistic to say the Dems and GOP have been the same - not even close. Let's see what happens during the next two years before making that assessment.


Veteran Expediter
Pilgrim, if history was only 6 years old we'd be all set. Problem: It goes on a good deal longer than that. Further, it's not Washington-specific. Watching these parties over a longer time, it does look like they're part of the same beast.

I voted solid Republican during the Republican Revolution of '94. Republicans won by a significant margin, controlled both houses of Congress, only the POTUS was in Democrat hands. You'd never know Republicans won though, they still acted like they had to kowtow to the Democrats. They got nothing done, and later seemed more interested in not losing than in really winning anything. Even when GWB took the White House in 2000, it took forever to get anything done in Congress-- with both houses AND the Presidency firmly Republican, they STILL had a tendency to act as if they were the "Loyal Opposition" rather than the government-- and Dems could still get their way by angry looks.

So-- now both houses are Republican-controlled again. I wonder why I don't expect Earth-shaking differences this time.


Veteran Expediter
Really sad part is he was right. The average American voter was ignorant enough to believe that somehow they would get so much more for less or free. How do you fix stupid?

To fix the American voter, one must understand the Amer...
