Simple Things


Seasoned Expediter
So, I pull into Portland Oregon on Friday afternoon deliver my load, park the cargo van at the TA and notice there are quite a few people living in their vehicles there. Well, I didn't get a load and Sunday evening I get approached by the guy living in the conversion van next to me. He said "hey you hungry, need some food?" told him I was all set and he was on his way. That was so cool to me, a guy that doesn't even have a home (this guy does work and just comes back to the TA to sleep) would give what he has to help someone out. People rock.

Me and that dude, we both live in our vans doing the best that we can. Not so different really.

How many people do we pass every day that just the simple offer of a $5 meal would brighten their day?


Veteran Expediter
I remember when this economic downturn was still young, seeing a guy in a park, pulling his wheeled luggage behind him. He looked like the kind of guy who would be hit first and hardest by such a downturn and recover last. I don't know how to 'splain that, but you'd know it if you saw it. He was apparently well-known in the area. He started conversations with people who addressed him by name, all of whom didn't want to talk with him and were making excuses to get away, knowing that if they let him continue, at some point, the idea of him sleeping in their guest room or on their couch would come up. He was in his 40s, a real bad age to take such a tumble, because employers look at you differently when you're in your 40s. Take a tumble then, and you're trying to claw your way back up when trying to climb up makes you look bad, climbing among people who are younger and can work cheaper, and who are expected to be on that particular ladder at the time.

Seriously ugly situation we got going, the result of kicking the "gimme" can down the road until you run out of road.


You know the problem with bad cops? They make the other 5% look bad.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Helping people in need is something we should all do. The hard part these days is determining if they are really in need. I have seen far too many frauds out there. I try to do my charity through the church. They try to 'vet' the people seeking aid. I feel a bit safer.


Seasoned Expediter
Helping people in need is something we should all do. The hard part these days is determining if they are really in need. I have seen far too many frauds out there. I try to do my charity through the church. They try to 'vet' the people seeking aid. I feel a bit safer.

General rule, giving cash is a bad idea unless, you have a real strong leading from God. The best if you want to help an individual is a meal, clothes, a bag of groceries, gas in their tank. Then you cut down on the risk of being scammed. Even if you are, you did your best to help someone that day. Giving to churches is good too but I have talked to many homeless who have not fit into some local church "filters". Some churches are doing a great job doing what Jesus said to do when it comes to feeding the poor others struggle in this area.

What if all of us bought a book of McDonalds gift certificates and maybe a couple Walmart gift cards to have just in case our heart strings got tugged on? I think I should stock up....

Rock On All


Seasoned Expediter
General rule, giving cash is a bad idea unless, you have a real strong leading from God. The best if you want to help an individual is a meal, clothes, a bag of groceries, gas in their tank. Then you cut down on the risk of being scammed. Even if you are, you did your best to help someone that day. Giving to churches is good too but I have talked to many homeless who have not fit into some local church "filters". Some churches are doing a great job doing what Jesus said to do when it comes to feeding the poor others struggle in this area.

What if all of us bought a book of McDonalds gift certificates and maybe a couple Walmart gift cards to have just in case our heart strings got tugged on? I think I should stock up....

Rock On All

that is really a good idea on the cards,especially since we spend time in the walmart parking lots it is easy to get cards or food for those in need.
good to see you posting again,were you on a vacation?up in that beautiful traverse city area.


Veteran Expediter
PreacherRich wrote:

What if all of us bought a book of McDonalds gift certificates and maybe a couple Walmart gift cards to have just in case our heart strings got tugged on? I think I should stock up....

That is an exellent idea!! I'll offer people food from the fring in the truck from time to time and i have given shower credits to people i see sleeping in their cars at TS's. But the McDonalds and Wal-mart cards are a great idea...Thanks for pointing that out and i will be buying them the keep with me.


Veteran Expediter
I was on the laptop in a pilot in GA the other morning. An older lady who worked at the subway sat down in the booth across the isle. She had her McDonalds bag and started pulling her breakfast out. She looks at me and says "got some" not sure what meant I asked.

She told me she was raised to share with others and I could have some of her food if I wanted. I thanked her and said I was fine. when these thing happen it does restore your faith in people.

Pay it forward

Sent from my SPH-D710 using EO Forums


Seasoned Expediter
Rich, it's good to see you posting,look forward to bumping into you again. We try to help anytime we can, but never money. A little gas or a meal! That's a good idea about gift cards and Mickey d coupons.
stay blessed my friend!

gotta go

Veteran Expediter
I always seem to find yarn at too good a price to not buy it, even though I don't need it. My solution is to knit up some stocking caps and I give them out each winter to those who are down on their luck.


Veteran Expediter
I always seem to find yarn at too good a price to not buy it, even though I don't need it. My solution is to knit up some stocking caps and I give them out each winter to those who are down on their luck.

I am not down on my luck , but ill buy a few and contribute to your "yarn fund"!!


Veteran Expediter
So this guy parked next me just now. We were talking and he tells me that he's afraid they might run him out of the truckstop. He's been sleeping here in his pickup for a few nights. He came here for a job and he works during the day and stays here at night.

I ask if he has a way to get a shower. He says no...hasnt had a shower in 3 days. He thought you had to be a driver to get one in the ts. Ive got 3 on my card so I set him up. Made his day and didnt cost me a dime. I explained to him that he could buy one if he has the cash so at least he knows his options now.


Seasoned Expediter
Good to see that there are so many good people in the Expediting Business. When I was on the road I would have people come ask me for money, but I did what some of you people do. I would offer to buy them something to eat. This way you know moneys not going to drugs, or scam.

Living in Greece last 8 years(hate it probably coming back soon:D) I have seen things really getting worse. People really are struggling and don't have the basis. These are people that had good businesses, worked hard and just because of the circumstances closed there stores and are on the street and alot are in church halls etc. It scares me to think a little bad luck and it could happen to a lot of us.


Veteran Expediter
This guy I talked to is at the Pilot in Brooks, Ky (Shepherdsville). We talked quite a bit later last night. He showed me a picture of his 9 y/o daughter. Apparently she lives around here. He is from Mississippi (I assume divorce, but did not ask). He said he was here so he could be closer to his daughter and find work. He seems like a really good person.

If anyone is in the area over the next week or so and want to stop by and offer a shower or whatever, shoot me a pm and I'll give you a description of him and his pickup. He said he gets his first paycheck after two weeks, after that he should be good to go....this week being the first week, I assume.


Active Expediter
On the local rock station they play a commercial on occasion that goes.

"when going through the drive through buy the persons meal behind you, because it's funny"

Every time I hear that I think, not it's not funny but it is an extremely kind thing to do, and as such they should call it that. But then again honesty doesn't really sell marketing gimmicks nor does it sell ideas. Laughter, lies and deception are what sell ideas and ideals to people, unfortunate as that is it's the world we live in today.


Expert Expediter
Before I got into this business, I worked office jobs in downtown Cincinnati and had to deal with panhandlers on a daily basis. I always had a policy when approached that instead of giving money to someone I would offer to buy him some food and everyone always walked away. Of course most of them were wanting the money for other purposes.

Fast forward to a couple years ago. I delivered a load in Manhattan on a Friday afternoon and didn't get anything else back out, so I had a weekend layover in NYC. The Reds were playing the Yankees in interleague play that weekend, so I managed to get a ticket for the game. I left the Sprinter parked over in NJ and hopped the trains to the Bronx for the game and then took a train to Times Square to kill a few hours before going back to NJ. After walking around Times Square for a bit I was ready to catch a train back to NJ, so I went to Penn Station and I had about an hour until the next one was to leave. I was already kind of hungry so I perused the different over priced food establishments in Penn Station.

That's when I was approached by a very tall shabbily dressed black man who told me the usual line about being hungry and wanting some food money. I was approaching a KFC that I had just spotted and I gave him my usual line as well, that I would buy him a meal if he wanted instead of just giving him money. I expected him to walk away but he just looked at me and said, "I would appreciate that." So we went in and I ordered two chicken dinners and gave him one. He took his meal over to a table and paused to bow his head for a prayer of thanks before eating. When he was done he walked by and thanked me again very profusely before going on his way.

I don't think anything else that ever happened to me on the road will match that. Best $7 I ever spent.


Veteran Expediter
Shower credits accumulate fast and we often don't use them before they'd be amazed at the people sleeping in those TS parking lots that are working, but need a shower.....


Veteran Expediter
If the homeless only knew what chef had inside his fridge, they'd be chasing his van down the street with empty plates! lol

I hope The Ragman can find a picture to describe this too!

Good to see you are feeling better Chef. I am just having some fun here. But on a side note, I always help the homeless people - I feel that god will bless those who bless others. And although I have never had a lot of money, nor been a rich man, I always have a roof over my head and food in my stomach. I attribute that to being blesses. It's a bad time in America right now so don't forget to thank god that you have a truck and the ability to generate an income to feed yourself and your family. The lowly life of a cargo van driver "even as low as it is" is leaps and bounds better than that of someone living in a car or on the street.