October 2010 Locations


Veteran Expediter
.NOW.....As Cheri mentioned when she thought this was directed at TJP, i should just ignore it, but its not in my makeup....so...


You know what, i had a long drawn out statement typed up, but i'll let it go as Cheri mentioned....

Chef, I'd have said the same had I known it was directed at you - I'm a bit irked that it was just let go by the mods, tho. That degree of rudeness shouldn't be allowed to go unchallenged, and it amazes me that no one speaks up, ok?:confused:


Veteran Expediter
Cheri, I know you would have spoke up no matter who it was directed at, thats how you are and it is appreciated. And thanks for saying it, if you hadn't, I wouldn't have stopped to even think about it and made an even bigger azz of myself...thanks....:D


Veteran Expediter
Heading for home (OH to NC), hoping to snag one final load enroute before we shut down for our vacation :D

Stay safe everyone :)


Expert Expediter
Not even a pot of coffee can wake me up...I'm riding in moms van on the way up to the chicken house in Barberton, OH being forced to listen to Michael Jackson for an hour and 15 minutes....I have no control over the stereo at this point....thank god the restaurant is in sight now!!!


Retired Expediter
Cheri, I know you would have spoke up no matter who it was directed at, thats how you are and it is appreciated. And thanks for saying it, if you hadn't, I wouldn't have stopped to even think about it and made an even bigger azz of myself...thanks....:D

Is that even possible? *LOL*;):p


Expert Expediter
Sitting here at the FlyingJ in Tulsa, OK, waiting for a load out of here. Been here since Friday night. Man I hate that it is difficult to get loads over the week end. We sit all week doing nothing very boring.


Veteran Expediter
I'm in I.L ,for my morning Del. ,then up to W.I for the Menards (save big money) ,
Then HOME for a few days ,
Gonn'a Vote e'M all out while up there... :)

Steady Eddie

Veteran Expediter
I used to plan my way in and have my escape route all planned
out..now I guess I am not hungry enough...I do like looking at Lady Liberty tho

Well I picked up in JFK this morning going to Berea, KY 744 miles at an avg rate of 1.25. First time there and last time there. Only reason why I took it was I didn't want to deadhead out of downtown Philly,and it was Sunday. Last week was the best week ever at Express one. I'll post some more about that latter.

The Enemy

Veteran Expediter
Well I picked up in JFK this morning going to Berea, KY 744 miles at an avg rate of 1.25. First time there and last time there. Only reason why I took it was I didn't want to deadhead out of downtown Philly,and it was Sunday. Last week was the best week ever at Express one. I'll post some more about that latter.

So that was you we saw heading west on 78. We were headed the other way, towards where you came from.


Expert Expediter
Well I got my nice one out of Laredo. Loaded at 6pm Saturday and delivered Sunday at 915pm in Taylor Mi. Now out of service so me and the co-driver can reset our logs.

Steady Eddie

Veteran Expediter
dropped yesterday 100 miles from home.so i came to the house good move they called me woke me up this morning pick up in athens al headed to the great state of michigan.this company wont let me rest!!:D

Hey, almost word for word OVM would say.

OVM-dropped yesterday 2100 miles from home.so i came to the house

Steady Eddie

Veteran Expediter
its not becoming of a person to brag all the time.....theres lots of us doing well out here ...but you dont hear us going on and on....so you got a good load good for you ....i get good loads all the time dont see me on here bragging about it i just do my job .....

I’m all for posting your numbers on here. Learned that as a Auto Salesman. The sales manager would ask some how they did for the month. Salesman A- “ well, I had a good month, I made 25, 000 last month”. Salesman B “ My month wasn’t as good as Salesman A, I made 19,800 for the month”. Now, salesman C was the one that rubbed it in on everyone, but only when he was top dog for the month. If he didn’t do well he didn’t say a word. He was the bragger when things were going his way. This did a few things. It showed the newbe that there is money to be made here at this dealership, if he worked at it. It also showed the little dude in the corner with 1,500 in the bank for the month how worthless he was.