Obawacare Truth....Personal Experience


Expert Expediter
In a sense.....Obawacare takes ones "Personal Responsibility" away from the "Big Picture".

A Friend of mine posted this on his wall 2-3 years ago.....and commented on it again over the weekend. Granted.....this is not a Good Friend.....not one I talk to every day........see every week.......etc. This is another IOO that Contracted with the same 3PL Company I was Contracted with for several years......of whom I stayed in contact with since we both left that Company.

We Both have been at Odds when it comes to Politics ever since the Clinton era. He's a Chest Beating "Bush is a War Criminal" Democrat who believes Hillary Clinton......under her Husbands back door Guidance.....is about to be the Greatest President this Country has ever had.......then her Husband second best.......with Obawa following a Close 3rd. (I have since "Ignored" most of his stuff on my Wall......he's turned quite Ignorant over time....Kinda like some around here)

Here is what he said some 3 years ago....and then refreshed over the weekend:

A commentary on our healthcare and insurance. Both need reform. m
My wife was laid off almost a year and half ago. We lost our health insurance because we could not afford the payments. She got another job which was going to be temporary, but she's very bright and a hard worker so they kept her on. w
We got insurance, very pricey. so I scheduled a procedure that i'm due for this year, but i found out that my new insurance won't cover it because of family history and because i had a problem the first time i had this done. i can only thank GOD that i am otherwise healthy, but i'm sure there are other's that are not. This is the kind of thing that cause's people to loose everything they have, including their live's. Under obamacare i'll be covered, but that won't be until 2014. i can only hope and pray GOD will protect me until then. i thank HIM every day for my good health. i'm pretty sure the ins.co.does not give a dam.this suck's!!!!!!!!!!!!


His wife WAS NOT Laid Off.....She was FIRED.

She had been with a Very Very Large well known Transportation Company for 20 years. Was a Local Branch Manager bringing in a good High 5 Figure Annual Salary with a Bonus Structure. His Wife is a full blown Alcoholic.......and had been a Functional Alcoholic for most of her life. The Company she had worked for PAID for In House Rehab Treatments not once......BUT TWICE......during those 20 years. Second time she was off for 4 Months getting treatment. When she came back to work after her Company Paid sabbatical.........she was put on a 180 Day Probationary Period. It wasn't even 2 months later until she showed up at a Company Conference "Drunk - Hungover" and the Big Wigs called her out on it and she lost her Job PERMANENTLY over it. (She had been showing up at her "Office" in the same manner for weeks.......it's just her subordinates were afraid to report her)

Now...that covers "Her" Part of it..........Her Insurance covered BOTH of them. She got a job at a Company making something like $18K a year WITH Benefits......that is what he is referring to in his Temp to Perm Job Comment.

HIS Issue..............

He was / is a HEAVY SMOKER. He's one of those " throw the cigarette out the window - light another one" Smokers......Probably 2-3 Pack a day. (He would buy 4 Cartons at a time......always had a Carton or 2 in his Truck) The Health Problems of "His" he speaks of are a direct result of his smoking. A few years back he came down with Dental Issues.....just as I did.....and his smoking was a huge play in it. During his treatments having his Dental Work done......of which his Wifes Company Insurance covered.....his Dentist told him to get checked out by his Doctor just to check his overall health. Come to find out........he had Lung Cancer........Treatable. He was off for like 6-7 Months having his Cancer treated.....and got it into Submission. Again......His Wifes Insurance Company PAID for all this........

Against his Doctors and Dentists WARNINGS and Recommendations.......he went on Smoking........And his Wife is STILL DRINKING.

Well............Last October........his Cancer came back in a Full Blown NON-TREATABLE Roar........and the Doctors just removed one of his lungs to hopefully take the Cancer completely out of his body. And now his Wife has been Diagnosed with Cancer in not only her Liver.....but BOTH her Kidneys as well.....Non-Treatable.....Alcohol Related........and was just given a 1 year - 1 1/2 year Life Period left.........

And now this Friend is PRAISING Obawacare for the Coverage he can get to cover these "Expenses" that THEY BOTH CAUSED in their Life Choices of which US Taxpayers are going to have to pay for in the long run............

Am I in the RIGHT to be a little MIFFED over this???

His Complaint about not being able to be covered until 2014 was in reference to Medicare Coverage when they hit Retirement Coverage age..........but every thing seemed to catch up to them BEFORE they could get that coverage..........But now with Obawacare.........WE WILL BE COVERING / PAYING FOR both of their Health Issues for the rest of their Lives..............

Many have asked "How has / is Obawacare Negatively effecting your life??" Well.....this is mentally effecting mine with as MIFFED OFF as I am by this "Friend" who is PRAISING the Health Insurance he can now get to Cover his broke down Health Issues due to Choices HE made over his lifetime.........

Again.......Do I.....Do WE.....have a Right / Reason to be MIFFED over this???


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Clearly, you have a grave misunderstanding of what Obamacare is and how it works. I can understand how being miffed at Obamacare in general would be the case, but I'm not sure that being mad because Obamacare forces insurance companies to write policies for pre-existing conditions isn't a misplaced anger. I'm also not so sure that being miffed because his premiums and medical expenses are going to be paid with tax dollars is the right thing to be mad at.


Expert Expediter
Clearly, you have a grave misunderstanding of what Obamacare is and how it works.

I Understand how it works......

It's a "Structured / Tiered" Fee Scheduled Insurance Policy. The rate you will pay is based on your Income Reported to the Government......along with other items. Everybody is getting the SAME Coverage......it's just others are paying MORE due to their Income....which is covering the "Subsidies" the ones who are paying LESS because of their Incomes receive. The Higher Income people are also paying HIGHER Deductibles.....which are then Subsidizing the LOWER Deductible enrollees........Plain and Simple Economics. EASY to Understand..............

I can understand how being miffed at Obamacare in general would be the case......

Obawcare is Obawas "WELFARE PROGRAM"..........Plain and Simple.........

but I'm not sure that being mad because Obamacare forces insurance companies to write policies for pre-existing conditions isn't a misplaced anger..........

Not angry about "Pre-Existing" conditions......that is ONE of the Best Agendas ANY Insurance Company could have come up with......whether it be Obawacare or not.

I'm also not so sure that being miffed because his premiums and medical expenses are going to be paid with tax dollars is the right thing to be mad at.

Read what I said carefully...........I guess what I am trying to say is that I am MORE MIFFED that these 2 unemployed People (HE is no Longer working.......can't walk 20 feet without running out of Breath.......on Oxygen Most of the Day.....SHE is having Urinary Issues......Cannot Work any longer due to Catheters / Tubes and Such) And are now going to have their Self Induced HEALTH ISSUES paid for by Tax Payers even WITH their Obawacare Insurance Policies.

First Off.....they are Hardly paying anything for their coverage. (In his Follow Up Post over the weekend......he Boasted about now paying $278 a Month for BOTH their Policies because of their Income last year) There is NO WAY that $278 a month.....and whatever deductible it has.......is going to Cover the Thousands......if not Hundreds of Thousands.......in Medical Costs that they are going to be going through over the next year - 2 years - 3 years........or however many years either one has left.

And these are Issues that BOTH could have possibly AVOIDED if they had taken the Sound Advice......WARNINGS.... that Professional Health Care Providers had been issuing to BOTH of them for years now.

Yesterday was my 1 Year Smoke Free Anniversary. It was 1 Year ago Yesterday that my Dentist removed that 1 Infected Tooth that Smoking exasperated when it came to trying to get that Infection under control. According to Studies......and my Dentist.....A smoker loses an average of 8 Teeth in their Lifetime in relation to Smoking. I lost ONE.....and made the smart choice to never lose another one over a Smoking Related issue ever again.

Trying NOT make this sound like a "Oh Well.........Throw both of them out in the Pasture and let them Die" Complaint........but it is VERY CLEAR that US Taxpayers are going to have to Pay for their LifeStyle Choice under Obawacare.

I would rather see them BOTH at a County Run Hospital getting the Minimum Amount of Treatment to get them by and them NOT paying those Bills than to have them covered under a Tax Payer Subsidized Insurance Policy getting the Best Medical Care they could find......and in the same manner that people like me who pay Hundreds.....Thousands......a Month in Insurance Premiums.


Expert Expediter
An exasperated tooth ... who could have imagined it ...


Maybe not the Right Choice of wording..........Possibly the BEST wording:

ex·as·per·ate /igˈzaspəˌrāt/


1 irritate intensely; infuriate.

Possibly I had RLent on my mind when saying what I said..............

The Pain I was going though with that tooth was intensified during / while smoking.........and........according to my Dentist........it would have taken twice as long to get the Infection under control if I had continued smoking.

Sorry to use such a Big Word in that sentence.............If you need help understanding anything else.........let me know. :rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
Sorry to use such a Big Word in that sentence.............
Oh ... it's ok if you use big words ... probably be a good idea to understand what they actually mean before you do tho' ...

If you need help understanding anything else.........let me know.
I hate to break this to ya, but in terms of the "Resources For Help In Understanding Speed-dial List" you didn't make the cut ...


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner

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Staff member
Retired Expediter
I Understand how it works......
Kinda, but not really.

It's a "Structured / Tiered" Fee Scheduled Insurance Policy. The rate you will pay is based on your Income Reported to the Government......along with other items.
It's the subsidy you get, if qualified, that is based on your income. The rate of your insurance premium is not.

Everybody is getting the SAME Coverage......
Everybody gets the same MINIMUM coverage, not necessarily the SAME coverage.

The Higher Income people are also paying HIGHER Deductibles.....
Depends on which plan they choose. Some have higher deductibles, some are lower.

Obawcare is Obawas "WELFARE PROGRAM"..........Plain and Simple.........

Not angry about "Pre-Existing" conditions......that is ONE of the Best Agendas ANY Insurance Company could have come up with......whether it be Obawacare or not.
No insurance company worth their scummy would ever come up with an agenda like that.

Read what I said carefully...........I guess what I am trying to say is that I am MORE MIFFED that these 2 unemployed People (HE is no Longer working.......can't walk 20 feet without running out of Breath.......on Oxygen Most of the Day.....SHE is having Urinary Issues......Cannot Work any longer due to Catheters / Tubes and Such) And are now going to have their Self Induced HEALTH ISSUES paid for by Tax Payers even WITH their Obawacare Insurance Policies.
I read it carefully, and you've reiterated it above and here:

First Off.....they are Hardly paying anything for their coverage. (In his Follow Up Post over the weekend......he Boasted about now paying $278 a Month for BOTH their Policies because of their Income last year) There is NO WAY that $278 a month.....and whatever deductible it has.......is going to Cover the Thousands......if not Hundreds of Thousands.......in Medical Costs that they are going to be going through over the next year - 2 years - 3 years........or however many years either one has left.
Tax dollars does not pay for their health issues, their insurance policy does. The "Thousands......if not Hundreds of Thousands.......in Medical Costs that they are going to be going through..." is paid by the insurance company, not by taxpayers. The only thing their tax dollars are paying is a portion of their premiums. If their full-price premium is $1200 a month, and their subsidized premium is $278, then the difference of $922 is being paid partially by tax dollars, and partially by the offset of higher premiums being paid by employer group and other individual plans.

And these are Issues that BOTH could have possibly AVOIDED if they had taken the Sound Advice......WARNINGS.... that Professional Health Care Providers had been issuing to BOTH of them for years now.
Sound more like you are advocating for insurers to refuse coverage of people with self-inflicted pre-existing conditions.

Yesterday was my 1 Year Smoke Free Anniversary.

Trying NOT make this sound like a "Oh Well.........Throw both of them out in the Pasture and let them Die" Complaint........but it is VERY CLEAR that US Taxpayers are going to have to Pay for their LifeStyle Choice under Obawacare.

I would rather see them BOTH at a County Run Hospital getting the Minimum Amount of Treatment to get them by and them NOT paying those Bills than to have them covered under a Tax Payer Subsidized Insurance Policy getting the Best Medical Care they could find......and in the same manner that people like me who pay Hundreds.....Thousands......a Month in Insurance Premiums.
Yeah, because County Run Hospitals aren't funded by tax dollars at all.


Veteran Expediter

Maybe not the Right Choice of wording..........Possibly the BEST wording:

Possibly I had RLent on my mind when saying what I said..............

The Pain I was going though with that tooth was intensified during / while smoking.........and........according to my Dentist........it would have taken twice as long to get the Infection under control if I had continued smoking.

Sorry to use such a Big Word in that sentence.............If you need help understanding anything else.........let me know. :rolleyes:

I think the big word you were aiming for is 'exacerbate'. You're welcome. :rolleyes:

I also think the idea of limiting or refusing coverage because of self inflicted damage is a can of worms you don't want to open. Because insurance companies can have a field day with that one....


Veteran Expediter
Really: I'm envisioning arriving in the ER with a broken leg, and the insurance denying coverage, because I've always been a klutz, and I could have taken ballet or something to correct it, but selfishly chose not to. :eek:


Veteran Expediter
In this country,(thank goodness)they would get that care before the ACA was even passed.
Who would have paid for there care without ACA.


Veteran Expediter
In an effort to survive the healthcare system, hospitals determine how much it costs them to treat a patient with insurance. They then multiply that cost by a factor of two, three or whatever number they think will help bring in enough money to help cover the costs of treating patients who don't have any insurance.

Hospitals attempt to make more money on patients who have insurance in an effort to treat the uninsured, which is why you don't see people dying in the streets. And this explains why a hospital charges more than what you'd expect for services — because they're essentially raising the money from patients with insurance to cover the costs, or cost-shifting, to patients with no form of payment.

The federal government knows this, so in an effort to stay one step ahead, the government doesn't pay the hospital the charges the hospital submits, but rather pays them a predetermined amount (based on the DRG). This is illustrated in the graphic below:

From this page Healthcare blame game: What hospitals charge vs. what they get paid

So, if this is true , people with insurance have been paying for people without insurance all along. I think ACA goal as it progresses, is to get everybody covered so hospitals won't have to inflate there prices, and in the long term help to contain health care costs.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
ACA is solely designed to give government control of the people. The very idea that government can force people to buy a product, or service, that they do not want or need, should scare everyone. The idea that they now have the power to DEMAND that every man have maternity care is absurd. To FORCE women, who are past the child bearing age to carry it is absurd. To force people with no children to have pediactric eye care coverage is absurd. ACA is government totally out of control.

Government is the problem, not the solution. Outlawing health insurance would do more to bring down costs that the government forcing it's purchase.

It is yet ANOTHER loss of liberty and freedom and yet ANOTHER form of tyranny.


Veteran Expediter
ACA is solely designed to give government control of the people. The very idea that government can force people to buy a product, or service, that they do not want or need, should scare everyone. The idea that they now have the power to DEMAND that every man have maternity care is absurd. To FORCE women, who are past the child bearing age to carry it is absurd. To force people with no children to have pediactric eye care coverage is absurd. ACA is government totally out of control.

Government is the problem, not the solution. Outlawing health insurance would do more to bring down costs that the government forcing it's purchase.

It is yet ANOTHER loss of liberty and freedom and yet ANOTHER form of tyranny.

Based on that post,I guess you are just waiting for the run that takes you out of the country,never to return?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Based on that post,I guess you are just waiting for the run that takes you out of the country,never to return?

IF there was ANY country that allowed liberty and freedom I would go there in a heart beat. There is none. Freedom is dead. Liberty no longer exists. ALL we have now is different degrees of government imposed slavery.

It is disgusting to see just how many were willing to give up freedoms for the false promise of government care. When one chooses to become dependent they are lost. When they force that dependence on others, they are evil.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Based on that post,I guess you are just waiting for the run that takes you out of the country,never to return?

IF there was ANY country that allowed liberty and freedom I would go there in a heart beat. There is none. Freedom is dead. Liberty no longer exists. ALL we have now is different degrees of government imposed slavery.

It is disgusting to see just how many were willing to give up freedoms for the false promise of government care. When one chooses to become dependent they are lost. When they force that dependence on others, they are evil.

Socialism ONLY benefits the weak. The weak of spirit and mind. Socialism destroys self reliance, it destroys personal responsibility and encourages weakness.


Veteran Expediter
I'm more shocked over what the OP posted regarding their personal information. I found this to be way over the line and nobody's business. If this is what he posts about a "friend", I'd hate to be his enemy :rolleyes:


Rookie Expediter
In this country,(thank goodness)they would get that care before the ACA was even passed.
Who would have paid for there care without ACA.

Not entirely true, hospitals refuse care all the time. IF they do treat the person, they bill the individual. Problem is, they may never pay a dime...