Now, for something completely different...


Veteran Expediter
At Meijer, a long time ago, I saw a jar of vidalia onion relish. Liking to try different stuff, and really liking vidalias, I got some. WOW! That's all I can say! Well... that bottle disappeared fast, so I looked for it next time we went shopping. They didn't have it! I checked every grocery and specialty store I went to, but nada.

A couple months ago, I stopped off at a peanut stand on some highway between Columbus, GA and I-75S, and low and behold... Picked up three jars of it, and we're already down a fair bit.

Used it for a cold sauce with mayo and some other stuff for tilapia. Now, I'd never made fish before, and this was a huge hit with the family. I tried using a recipe for cajun tilapia, but we didn't have all of the ingredients. Improvisation, a little trial and error, and wallah! It worked in a pinch again.

If you ever run across it, get a jar. My guess is that you won't be disappointed.

-True independence can only be gained if you're trully independant.


Staff member
Made my mouth water! Jeez I hate reading posts like this and not just being able to just run down to the store and get it.


Veteran Expediter
There is a website,, that has recipes for lots of stuff, most of them famous - maybe you could find it there. I don't think it would be too hard to make your own, if you knew what to put in it, lol, and you could even 'adapt' it to your own taste(buds). Bon appetit!;)


Veteran Expediter
I'm sure it would be easy, if you're into pickling. Since I'm not, and it costs $3.75 a jar, I'll stick to buying it when I find it. LOL

Anne... thanx for the link. At $21.95 for three jars, that's quite a bit. Guess it would work if you didn't plan on going thru GA anytime soon tho.

-True independence can only be gained if you're trully independant.


Veteran Expediter
What timing, we were talking about vidalia onions tonight. I'll have to look for this. Thanks


Expert Expediter
Even a lettuce and lard sandwich would be good as long as it had a big slice of vidalia onion on it!

Pappy :)


I made some Vidalia relish. Turned out great and it was simple! I'll sell you some for $ 21.00 for 3 jars!! LOL! (it's a savings from the site I gave you) Let me know (in advance) if you come thru Toledo and I'll hook you up with a couple jars. Free of charge of course!!


Veteran Expediter
I appreciate that, Anne... I just might take ya up on it. ;)

-True independence can only be gained if you're trully independant.