Nostradamus Prediction about a charismatic leader !!


Veteran Expediter
[Nostradamus prediction about the charismatic leader who would be of mid-eastern decent, loved by all and so would begin the destruction of the world

Remember Think Before You Vote

Whoa! Think BEFORE you vote.

It's more important than ever !!!

Obama Nostradamus set the year 2012 as the end of the world, but then again, he also thought of it as ending in 1999..

The Mayan calender comes to an end in 2012. Obama's presidency would end in 2012 - this could be called a coincidence.[​

[Look at the following... They seem to match up or sound similar ..

Barak = Iraq Hussein = Saddam (Hussein) Obama = Osama (bin laden)

In the book of Revelations, it states:

* The Antichrist's name will mean 'blessed'. { Barak Obama's name indeed means 'blessed'.

The Antichrist will be pro-abortion. { Barak Obama is pro-abortion.

The Antichrist will be a charismatic world leader. { Barak Obama seeks to be a charismatic world leader.

People assume the name 'Barak Hussein Obama' to be that of purely African origin, and indeed the name Obama is just that--However, his first name seems to come directly from Arabic, where the words 'Barak Allah' translate to 'blessed god'.

]It is without much doubt that everyone on earth now realizes that 'Hussein' is a Muslim name, one which originated fromHussein bin Ali,historically the Shari of mecca, emir of mecca, king of hejaz and caliph of all Muslims.

Does he seem to fit the middle-eastern-looking profile which has been suggested by many theologians as being that of THE ANTICHRIST? Why has he downplayed his attendance at was has been reported to be a 'predominantly Muslim school' in Jakarta, Indonesia? Why is Barak Hussein Obama the only presidential candidate, regardless of any party affiliation, who refuses to wear the united states flag pin on his lapel? Why also is he the only presidential candidate who' does not place his hand over his heart during the rendition of our national anthem?

Think about it... Aren't these actions (to say the very least) rather 'non-traditional' for any presidential candidate, and perhaps, somewhat indicative of someone expressing a rather foreign and hostile allegiance?????
But then again to tell ya the truth I never belived in any of Nastradomas predictions any way.
This Thread Quoated and Now Chained:)
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Staff member
Retired Expediter
There is no evidence in academic literature to suggest that any Nostradamus quatrain has ever been interpreted as predicting a specific event before it occurred, other than in vague, general terms that could, and do, equally apply to any number of other events.

The Mayan Calendar ends in 2012 and many people take that to mean they predicted the end of the world at that time. They couldn't even predict their own demise, why would people believe the Mayans could nail the end of time with any accuracy? Fact is, the Mayan Calendar ends in 2012 because December 21, 2012 marks the end, and thus, the beginning, of The Great Cycle. (a.k.a. The Long Count). The Great Cycle marks the astronomical event known as the Grand Conjunction, where certain things line up with the galactic equator, something that happens in the Milky Way Galaxy every 13,000 years. How the Mayans were able to figure out something as complicated as the Grand Conjunction, I have no idea, but they did, without telescopes, with remarkable precision.

The coincidences presented here are nothing more than a scant few of the hundreds, or thousands, of coincidences that can be found between any two or more strangers, much like the Kennedy-Lincoln discussion elsewhere. For example, Barak = Iraq. Yeah, well, Barak = Bangkok, too. And punk rock, sweat sock, time clock, o'clock and John Locke (now there's a coincidence for you). Obama = Osama = the Dalai Lama and a two-L llama yo mama, rama lama ding dong.
In the book of Revelations, it states:
* The Antichrist's name will mean 'blessed'.

Really? Where?


Seasoned Expediter
They couldn't even predict their own demise, why would people believe the Mayans could nail the end of time with any accuracy?

In the book of Revelations, it states:
* The Antichrist's name will mean 'blessed'.

Really? Where?

Good question :D

Actually it is Revelation, not Revelations.


Veteran Expediter
I am wondering about something, seeing I don’t know much about the Bible or all that, I defer it all to the experts... well anywho... I am wonder about the following;

Didn't St. Chrysostom make a comment sometime back in the 3 or 4th century that revelation should not be included in the bible at all because it could not be properly understood and a danger if interpreted wrong.

I thought Martin Luther, not MLK but the real Martin Luther said sometime ago that revelation was part of his antilegomena because it did not speak of Christ or had any of his teachings in it. The same goes for John Calvin and Thomas Jefferson, who both omitted commentary or the entire book respectfully.

Maybe I am wrong, just wondering if I am but inst the real title for the book is not revelation but unavailing or Apocalypse of John - Αποκάλυψις Ιωάννου The accepted has been chosen for a number of reasons, mainly….. well… never mind.

I am also thinking, doesn’t anyone read Nostradamus’s work in the French of the times?

Now some commentary

After studying a bunch of religions, I find that there are some similarities between that horrible religion Buddhism and Christianity to the point that the four horseman and other things are taking from texts preceding the book by a few centuries. I maybe wrong but there is too much in the way of the two to ignore it. I gave it some thought today as I was killing myself trying to get my wife’s A/C compressor out, could it be what we call Christianity is really a form of fusion between the mainstream Judaism of 2000 years ago and the teaching of Buddha? Maybe a lot of the people were tired of the politics of the religion and tried to reform it using Buddhism. Wouldn’t that be funny if it was? Well there is a lot that points to that as a possibility, but I won’t get into it, it is just my thoughts.

I remember a Jesuit teacher, someone who had little knowledge in thing to do with the bible, made a comment about the present day mainstream bible experts – they don’t belong to the catholic or orthodox church and don’t have access to a lot of stuff to say one way or another what is right or even wrong. They study within the means of what they have gathered and can only do so much interpreting things. What I think he was driving at is hearing things like the up and coming end of the world in 2012 seems to be coming from the same people who are saying that there is only one bible. By the way, some say 2010 will be the year.

AND it is the Maya calendar you are talking about and the interpretation is from the long count of the calendar is estimated to end on 12/21/2012 but many of the real experts can not say for sure or at least they won’t. Many of the experts further point out that the end date is the end date of the calendar not the world and there is no way telling if the Mayas would have extended the calendar because they were wiped out in the third world wide global warming disaster over 1000 years ago (we may be in the fifth). But you do know that many of the mesoamerican calendars (that includes the Maya calendar) really were all based on 260 day cycle and was not afforded any adjustments and most, like the Egyptian calendar were actually different calendars all in one?


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Yeah, the 260 cycle was what everything was based upon. But they also figured in the solstice and equinox and tracked the solar year. In fact, December 21, 2010 is the winter solstice.

As for when the world will end, people have been saying this year or that year ever since I can remember, and so far all of them have been wrong.

As for the Book of Revelations, it's mainly just a book, added as an afterthought, and can be interpreted in the same what that Nostradamus's quatrains can. For that matter, the entire New Testament is suspect for many reasons. A lot of it had to take place in order for this to be right, and if you start picking it apart the whole house of cards comes tumbling down.


Veteran Expediter
Well since we are talking about the Bible and the end of time I feel I need to throw this in. The Bible says the Angels in Heaven don't even know when Jesus will return. It also says Jesus doesn't know. Only the Father. So if only the Father knows and he won't tell Jesus why would he tell a man?

My history teacher was telling us that somewhere along the line when the year was being figuered based of the birth of Christ it was off by 4 years. My history book even says Jesus was born in the year 4 BC. So if this theory is correct this is actually the year 2004.
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highway star

Veteran Expediter
This is pretty heady stuff. You know, Turtle rhymes with Myrtle. So, will Turtle marry a woman named Myrtle? Will Turtle play golf in Myrtle Beach? If it's the golf, I'd advise Turtle to go up to Wrightsville Beach. It's cheaper and the courses are awesome.


Veteran Expediter
Yeah .... very heady .....

Have you ever noticed how everything is connected to, and is the same as, everything else ? ..... way spooky .....

I had an Aunt Myrtle once .... but she passed on ...... what the heck does that mean ?

.... maybe the Tortoise and I are distant relatives ?

(he is from western KY ..... AND my father was from eastern KY .... that is VERY SIGNIFICANT !)

.... or maybe we are even the same person ..... but we just don't know it ? :eek:
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Veteran Expediter
Would you eat them in a box?
Could you eat them with a fox?

I would not, could not in a box.
I would not, could not with a fox.
I cannot eat them, Sam I am.
I cannot eat green eggs and ham.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
In Tennessea "I'll take mine smothered" Hawk's alternate universe, where every restaurant is a Waffle House, I believe he would eat green eggs and ham.