Love, Admiration,


Expert Expediter
Not sure where to put this post but I just had an epiphany. I do not want to make this political so please don't move it to the soap box.

I was sitting here at the ol' Flying J and getting ready to go to bed when 4 buses filled with people pulled in. It was almost 1am so it kind of peeked my interest. Was it a sports team? Was it some kind of music group? Where they coming back from a casno? Who were these people?

So they started to file in to the J and nothing at first really caught my eye. I had about 10 minutes left on my "House" episode so I was not paying too close attention. Then I noticed it. All of these people had something on their body that I had never seen before.

Now before I tell you what it was I want to give you some definitions and the first one is "Love"

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Love is any number of emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection.[1] The word love can refer to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from generic pleasure ("I loved that meal") to intense interpersonal attraction ("I love my wife"). This diversity of meanings, combined with the complexity of the feelings involved, makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, even compared to other emotional states.

The second definition is "Admiration"

From the
ad·mi·ra·tion (dm-rshn)
1. A feeling of pleasure, wonder, and approval. See Synonyms at regard.
2. An object of wonder and esteem; a marvel.
3. Archaic Wonder

Now, what all the people had in common was somewhere on their clothing whether it was a pin, shirt or jacket was a picture of President Obama. Notice I said President Obama. The full respect he deserves.

So I got up and started to talk to some of them and they had been at the inauguration. As soon as they started to talk about it their faces lit up and a sparkle came into their eyes. It will go down as one of the greatest days of their lives right along with a child being born or getting married.

These people literally LOVE and ADMIRE this man. And to think he is president. I am sure when the Bush's or Clinton or Carter were inaugurated they didn't have people with their picture on the whole back of a jacket like a rock star or a sports hero. I can only think of one other president that has invoked such feelings for a president and that was JFK. (to my knowledge)

He has stirred the very deepest and strongest feelings in people. I am sure 99% percent of you out there remember that feeling of being in-love. You would do anything for that other person and defend them to the very end. Thats what he has brought out in millions of people.

Now I have not had feelings that strong since maybe year 2 of my present 24 year marriage so for someone to bring that feeling to millions I then have to have some admiration for him. Its one of those things you can't put a finger on.

What makes a great leader? There are many definitions for this but to me its someone who can get a collective group of people to work toword a common goal. After seeing this tonight I would have to say he is a very good leader because they will do anything for him.

Now, how long will this last? Only time will tell. We are a nation of "what have you done for me lately" but until then they will love him and I guess I have had my eyes opened a little wider.:eek:
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Expert Expediter
Very well said Flattop.

Glad you didn't miss the last 10 minutes of House - that would be unforgivable!:p (I think House has to be one of the best shows going)


Expert Expediter
People felt much the same way about Stalin and Hitler. These leaders also created similar cults of personality about them, and pushed "big-government" ideas featuring "change", "hope", and "justice". In their time, they too were seen as saviors.

They also willingly associated with terrorists, again like Obama.

Socialism/collectivism/big government is the single greatest threat extant to the future of mankind. I don't care if its current prophet's skin is white, black, green, or chartreuse. When the State grows, individual liberties wither and die.


Veteran Expediter
Right on, Rabbit. The cult of personality has enveloped Obama and his followers are "in Love" with him and "will do anything for him." It's a form of worship. Scary stuff.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Yeah, there's definitely a certain aura of personality cult surrounding Obama. Then again, the same was true about Kennedy, and Reagan and Clinton. A cult of personality in a totalitarian regime, a dictatorship, as with Hitler, Stalin, is a far different thing than it is in a US democracy with the likes of Reagan, Kennedy, Clinton and now Obama. There are similarities between any cult of personality, but you must recognize the differences in which they take place in order for the comparisons to be valid.

We have a separation of powers, and have limitations and safeguards in place. Some will argue that a President and a Congress of the same political party means they can do whatever they want. Well, no, they can't. History proves they can't, 'cause they've tried. They can certainly do more in the absence of gridlock, but they still can't do whatever they want.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
They will get around or totally ignore the safeguards. They don't believe in the Constitution. But hey, "Kumbia my lord, KUMBIA!!!! ................ Everything is beautiful , in it's own way.......... He ain't heavy ......... Peace, Love, Dope!!!!!!!!

Thier gonna "Stick it to the man" now!!

Have fun!!!!



Expert Expediter
Guys, don't think for a minute that I have drank the kool-aid. I have not.

An underlieing point I wanted to make was that they are in love with this man. They will do anything for him. And the more you argue, fuss and fight about him the harder they will push back.

Let things mellow out and after the rose colored glasses turn a little clearer they will see for themselves what he is truly about.

Personally I don't think ANYONE really knows what he is like. He really hasn't done anything up to this point.


Veteran Expediter
Flattop points out something that the Obama haters just can't seem to acknowledge: he IS different from the men who have occupied the Oval Office for many years, and different in a good way. He didn't chase the big bucks after graduating from Harvard Law School, but taught Constitutional Law, and worked at grass roots organizing to benefit the less advantaged. I admire that a lot, just as I respect his intelligence (something I couldn't say about Bush with a straight face).
People don't love Obama, they have hope for the first time in a long time, that the President will get America back on the right track: rewarding those who earn it (primarily the middle class), encouraging both education and national service, and putting the brakes on the culture of greed that has destroyed the 'American Dream' for so many. The charge that Obama 'willingly associates with terrorists' is not even close to reality, and saying he surrounds himself with thugs is just ludicrous, ok? As for healthcare, we're all paying for the less fortunate, whether we like it or not, and that's as it should be. Or should we just let the elderly, babies, children, and handicapped go without?


Seasoned Expediter
Cheri, that is without a doubt, the best reply I have read in any thread about President Obama. Well said!!!


Veteran Expediter
Being not in your country, I didn't think anything at all about him. I don't read piles of newspapers about American politics, hard enough trying to keep up with our own. I used to read a lot of crap on here during your longggggggggg election antics, and my view of him became a bit tainted somehow.

Then I saw a biography on him, and I started to see something different. And after that, his acceptance speech, which awed me to bits. Not 'him', but rather allllllll that hope that I saw in your peoples' eyes that night. I thought anyone that can bring so much hope to your people can't be such a bad thing.

To me, he has evoked a bit of a frenzy, like Princess/Lady Diana did. She was loved by the world, and not just by her people. Can you imagine the designers rushing out to make copies of President Bush's attire when he was in office? Not! Not only do your people love him, but it seems everyone from everywhere love him. Not only do your people have great hope now, but other countries also have renewed hope for the future.

He has some heavy sh*t on his shoulders right now, not only with what he has inherited, but with the hope of all these people on his back. Cut the guy some slack! Give him more than a day or a week or even a year or four in office before you put him through the shredder.

Obviously everyone isn't going to agree with his decisions, we can't even agree here on EO amongst maybe fifty posters! Try to remember that decisions he makes might not appear to be the best ones to you at the time, but you don't have all the knowledge of all the issues taken into account before making any decisions.

That was a great story Flattop, maybe the haters need to see what you and I have seen in your peoples' eyes and hearts, before they can begin to see any good. In that light, may you all be witness to big busloads of Americans who've just come from seeing your new president! :)
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Expert Expediter
Flattop points out something that the Obama haters just can't seem to acknowledge: he IS different from the men who have occupied the Oval Office for many years, and different in a good way. He didn't chase the big bucks after graduating from Harvard Law School, but taught Constitutional Law, and worked at grass roots organizing to benefit the less advantaged. I admire that a lot, just as I respect his intelligence (something I couldn't say about Bush with a straight face).
People don't love Obama, they have hope for the first time in a long time, that the President will get America back on the right track: rewarding those who earn it (primarily the middle class), encouraging both education and national service, and putting the brakes on the culture of greed that has destroyed the 'American Dream' for so many. The charge that Obama 'willingly associates with terrorists' is not even close to reality, and saying he surrounds himself with thugs is just ludicrous, ok? As for healthcare, we're all paying for the less fortunate, whether we like it or not, and that's as it should be. Or should we just let the elderly, babies, children, and handicapped go without?

Cheri Cheri Cheri...........How much difference do you really think there is between a Harvard and a Yale degree? And why is it that the liberals think Bush was so dumb. He is a brilliant man even though in the media they would pick up on any little quirk to just down grade him. They would make fun of him about something he would say....... yet without a prompter Obama stumbles and gaffes as much as the next guy yet you never hear about it in the mainstream media.

Never said we souldn't take care of the elderly, babies, or handicapped but when you have families that make a living off of the goverenment then I have a problem.

And I won't even go into the association area.

My hope is one day you will take the rose colored glasses off to truly see this man but until then I know there is nothing I can do or say that will.

Love is Blind


Veteran Expediter
I don't think Bush is dumb because of the media portrayals, I think he's dumb because:
He got into Yale on his family connections, not his own merit. Once there, he was a cheerleader - not the choice of a man of intellect, IMO.
He took advantage of those connections to skate on his responsibility to the military he would one day lead - a clear indication of his character.
With all the advantages money and powerful family connections could provide, he still couldn't run a successful business - that's just pathetic.
He proposed that marriage should be promoted as a solution to poverty - if he believed that, he's even dumber than I thought.
I never hated Bush, but I sure hated what America became after he took over. The rich became MUCH richer (documented fact, not just rhetoric), while the jobs that supported the 'American Dream" evaporated. Education, affordable housing, savings accounts, healthcare, the infrastructure - all went downhill while Bush was fixated on WMD. The incompetence of FEMA was just the tip of the iceberg: the SEC is incapable of protecting investors, the FDA can't protect the food supply, and on & on.
His legacy is total failure at everything that matters to families in America. But hey - he got Hussein, right?


Expert Expediter
WOW, didn't know that being president meant you were king, all powerful, all knowing, supreme being.

Lets see now........ you are saying Bush was totally in charge of FEMA, SEC, FDA, ETC

As far as FEMA I am assuming you are talking about Katrina but know mention of the hundreds that were handled in a very good way. I hate to burst your bubble but its a well known fact that It was the local and state politicians that delayed everything for Katrina.

The SEC is NOT there to protect investors. When you invest in the stock market it is not a given that you will make money. It is a risk. Just like everytime to you accept a load you run the risk of being in an accident.

And the FDA has been screwing things up for decades but I suppose thats his fault too........ but wait....... so that means Obamas at fault for this peanut problem????

And you know that he was only at Yale because of his family? Hmmmm and to think an expiditor had such connections to know this. Now if we were talking about the great and powerful Kennedys I would agree. Sr started from scratch and made his millions on his own. Is it too much to think that a father would want to help out his son?

Yes the rich got richer, that happens all the time. Ever since man invented the concept of money and did away with the barter system that has happened. Even in a socialist, communistic, or marxist system that will ALWAYS happen. I am just thankful that we have a society like no other that gives the common man/woman the best chance to make the most of their life. To me that IS the american dream As an example........ President Obama.

What chance would he have had if he were born in say England to become king? Now you want to talk about people riding on others coat tails. The answer is NONE. Here in the United States of America if you are smart enough and work hard enough truly anything can happen.

It looks to me like you are a sexist Cheri. Are you a sexist? You make fun of a man being a cheerleader. If I could do it all over again I would be a cheerleader in a heart beat. You get to hang out with all the pretty girls and you get to touch them in all kinds of places in public. ;)

You say he ran his business poorly. I guess my first question is which one? Then my second question is What proof do you have any of them were ran poorly? And my third question is how many businesses has Obama ran??

You question his sevice record. He served in the national guard. Do you know how many National Guardsmen have served over in Iraq? I didn't see Obama join any kind of military and yet he now is Commander in Chief.

College education is not meant for everyone.If it were they would have made it manditory to go. Hell the demacratic Detroit can't even get more then 25% of their students to graduate from high school. Affordable housing disappeared because of Clinton not Bush. It was Clinton that forced the lenders to loosen up to loan to people who couldn't pay it back. Its econ 101 supply and demand. With the demand for housing to go up because of more people buying the price went up until it couldn't sustain itself and then it crashed. I have discussed this in another thread how he should have done something about that. But it was Clinton who started this hole mess. Savings accounts dwindled because of the spend now save later mentality. Everyone trying to keep up with the Jones'. But I suppose thats his fault too.

So I pose this task to you Cheri. If you are not a Bush hater come up with 5 good things he did in office. Ok I know that may be too much for you so lets make it 3....... ok how about just 1 if you are not a Bush hater this should be easy for you.

For what ever reason you seemed to have singled me out about anything political I may comment on. This hole thread started with my observation about the LOVE for Obama. Oh wait. You are from Ohio. THAT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING. All Ohioans dislike Michiganders.

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Not a Member
Has there ever been a time where the status quote has been more aware?
Admittedly the majority are as sheep and yes we need a good Sheppard.
Is Obama the answer?
I don't know but he does excite the people.
The people as in "we" the people.
That is people are proud to be American and we want to be represented by someone that can articulate w/o the teleprompter.
Looking back I wish Huckabee had won as that SOB is good but alas it wasn't meant to be.
Going forward for you old turds we might think we know better but have we gained anything going to our grave knowing we were right?
The world belongs to our kids and grandkids and we have to trust that we did the best to form them and arm them with reason and logic as they will inherit our sins.
I am a grand father and a grand son of a great man that has seen many battles, from the Calvary to the the mighty 503rd he has seen lives lost on Corregido r and shook hands with Mac Arthur Douglas MacArthur - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
At 90 he gets it albeit he is racist and old school but he really gets it.
He fought for liberty and freedom so yuppies and child like folk could have a voice,
For that I am proud of him.
As for Obhama I would love to have lunch with the guy.
The conversation would be entertaining to say the least.
I hope this fever subsides soon as I love coming here and honestly the Dogmatic fervor has got me down.:rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
Hey - some of my best friends are Michiganders (and Michigeese, too)! :D
Sexist, because I think cheerleading isn't an intellectual pursuit? Not guilty - it's the same for either gender.
And I haven't 'singled you out', either - I replied to your post because it's not on the Soapbox, which seems to have become a bulletin board for one individual and his point of view, so it's no longer a forum for discussion, IMO.
I still say that Obama seems to have his priorities straight: government should be of, by, and FOR the people. I could be wrong, only time will tell, but it's a feeling I haven't got from any of the last few administrations, Bush's in particular.



Veteran Expediter
I don't think Bush is dumb because of the media portrayals, I think he's dumb because:
He got into Yale on his family connections, not his own merit. Once there, he was a cheerleader - not the choice of a man of intellect, IMO.

I did not like president bush very much "but to say that bush is dumb; is just dumb!" Bush in my opinion has a problem with the interpretation and pronunciation of words. Bush was is not a great public speaker and it shows. But as far as his intellect; I do believe Bush is a very intelligent guy. You don't go through two terms as President of the United States of america without an attack on american soil by being a dummy.

Also, if you are going to call bush dumb I'm going to call Obama dumb for ignoring the fact that there is a clear and present terrorism threat facing America. Appeasing terrorists is not going to stop them from attacking the United States; as the terrorists do not care who is in office when they strike. If we go back to prosecuting terrorists as common criminals like we did under the Clinton administration, we are going to get attacked again.

I wrote a post a while back saying that I am going to give Obama a chance and that hope is a very powerful force. But more and more I am beginning to see that no real change has taken place. Why are the Democrats playing partisan politics when it comes to the current economic crisis? They are trying to load a massive amount of pork and pet projects into the economic stimulum bill? They are playing on the fears of the people to get thier agenda forced through the house and senate; just like bush exploited the terrorism threat to get some of his bills shoved through congress. It's not right, and it is definitely not a sign of political change.

Don't worry, Obama's approval ratings are dropping faster than the hindenburg. Obama already failed to remove the troops from iraq, he failed to close Guantanamo Bay, and he signed a new executive order to define which methods of interrogation are appropriatete and inappropriate to use during the course of an interrogation. These Definitions are ambiguous at best as to whether or not certain methods of torture can be used in the future "if he so chooses to create a top secret executive order for the CIA exclusively!"

Jobs are still dropping by the hundreds of thousands and Obama is trying to blame it on former President bush "that does not wash anymore!" The democrats have full control of the House of Representatives, The Senate, and the Executive Branch...the buck stops here. There is no one else to blame for the job losses but those members of congress who once claimed that the former president himself is responsible for creating jobs. Obama; where are the jobs?
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Veteran Expediter

I never hated Bush, but I sure hated what America became after he took over. The rich became MUCH richer (documented fact, not just rhetoric), while the jobs that supported the 'American Dream" evaporated. Education, affordable housing, savings accounts, healthcare, the infrastructure - all went downhill while Bush was fixated on WMD. The incompetence of FEMA was just the tip of the iceberg: the SEC is incapable of protecting investors, the FDA can't protect the food supply, and on & on.
His legacy is total failure at everything that matters to families in America. But hey - he got Hussein, right?

1. Even Democrats agree that no child left behind was a great success as schools are now doing better due to the higher standards that bush put in place.

2. Senior citizens now get much better healthcare/prescription drug coverage since bush overhauled the medicare system.

2. America has not been attacked since 911.

3. Bush restructured the CIA and FBI in a way that has kept America safe.

4. Bush lowered the capital gains tax.

Those are just a few of the noteable accomplishments that Bush has done.

Also, you can't blame fema for whate happened during Hurricane Katrina. It is the governors responsibility along with the mayor to protect their people. Governor Blanco had sole control of those busses...she chose not to use them to evacuate her citizens. The is the United States if america "not some third world dictatorship" and states must physically request the assistance of the federal government before assistance can be granted. It makes me mad when people attack bush for what happened in Katrina when he has absolutely nothing to do with the state and local government in Lousiana. I never supported Bush; but I can still see whan your liberal bias is overriding the facts. The federal government is not responsible for everything; period.


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
Well, even tho this has gone off track, gonna try to leave it here and get it back.

I think I understand the original post... I didn't vote for Obama, but not because of race.. I just disagreed with the man.

However, I do understand the importance of this presidency. I didn't trully understand the emotion of it til I happened to be sitting in a doctor's office during the swearing in ceremony. As I watched the screen, I suddenly realized the whole room became quiet. I started watching those around me. I saw several black people, especially older ones, crying tears of joy as he took the oath. I saw the pain of past years in those tears, and saw past party lines to what it meant 'to them'.

I 'hope' he can do what he says... he will either bring nations and races together, or drive the wedge further. I don't see a middle ground... but that day, I did see the love, admiration, and flat out joy people had... outside of party lines... and I had to be impressed.



Expert Expediter
Well, even tho this has gone off track, gonna try to leave it here and get it back.

I think I understand the original post... I didn't vote for Obama, but not because of race.. I just disagreed with the man.

However, I do understand the importance of this presidency. I didn't trully understand the emotion of it til I happened to be sitting in a doctor's office during the swearing in ceremony. As I watched the screen, I suddenly realized the whole room became quiet. I started watching those around me. I saw several black people, especially older ones, crying tears of joy as he took the oath. I saw the pain of past years in those tears, and saw past party lines to what it meant 'to them'.

I 'hope' he can do what he says... he will either bring nations and races together, or drive the wedge further. I don't see a middle ground... but that day, I did see the love, admiration, and flat out joy people had... outside of party lines... and I had to be impressed.


You are right. This has gotten off topic. I also didn't want to even mention the race card but everyone I talked to that night was African American. I was born in 1964 so I don't remember Martin Luther King JR or any of those troubling times but I can imagine that if he were still alive he would have thought that Obama becoming president would have been one of his dreams.


Expert Expediter
Right on, Rabbit. The cult of personality has enveloped Obama and his followers are "in Love" with him and "will do anything for him." It's a form of worship. Scary stuff.

Does Jimmy Jones Ring any Bells?? It wouldn't surprise me a Bit if Half of these Nit Wits who Fell for the "Obama" Brain Washing Scam would Hold a Self Destruction get together and with the same kind of Kool Aid like they did with the Jones Cult!!
Too Bad----So Sad!!!! Nuff Said:rolleyes: