If you have a Facebook please join this group


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I'm not a Facebook member but my wife is, so I've forwarded the link to her and everyone else I know that might be a member of that website. Something like this reflects very poorly on the administrators of Facebook. I don't know much about the site, but I would think they might have advertisers that should be made aware of this situation.


Veteran Expediter
Thanks everyone that's particpating. There are members of this Petition group from the US, Canada, and the UK. Seems quite a few people a upset about it. I just hope the sites get pulled.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I don't know how to work Facebook. I logged on a few times but it seems silly to me. I support our troops though.


Expert Expediter
Not to play devils advoicate here...BUT..there is a thing called freedom of speech, and that is what facebook is allowing them to do by letting them continue to run the group.....you cant just support the parts of the constitution that you like( yea I stole that from somewhere, but whos tagline it is..I dont remember)....so by asking facebook to remove the group, will prolly never happen, but good luck in the effort. It offends me and really ticks me off, but I feel quite sure there are some things that I strongly believe in that really tick people off and offend them, but I sleep well at night knowing that our guys are over there standing guard and protecting us, doing the things in life that most of us would or could not ever do


Expert Expediter
I too have joined the group and invited all my friends and family on facebook to join as well


Veteran Expediter
Ah yea right - freedom of speech ... where have I heard that before?

Freedom of Speech doesn't apply to facebook as much as it doesn't apply to Tweeter or myspace - each of them are privately owned enterprises and subject to their own rules and the descretion of the people running the sites to decide who can and can not use the site.

I don't belong to any of them but if I did, I would be 100% on the side of Ark and have asked others who do belong to support him.


Retired Expediter
I have to go with easyrider on this one...

as much as those groups are distasteful in my opinion and a lot of others, they have every right to be there...
Kinda like pro abortion groups/non abortion groups..

You can not split the Constitution and start picking thru what a person or group can say or do...

Options? Start a pro troop group....and then maybe the anti troop group will try and get you taken out...it is their right as well....


Retired Expediter
This discussion should be moved to the soapbox, I don't want to go on a "rant" in here!! :p

Oh now you are going to accept exclusionary topics?

As I said...It is distasteful to some...BUT certainly within their rights to do so...
It is just as distasteful to some to rant about the president as well...but again it is your right....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Now OVM, I said that I did not want to discuss this in here. I can't have any fun here. I don't think you know exactly what I would rant about though, that is just making assumptions. You know what that means, don't you?


Retired Expediter
Now OVM, I said that I did not want to discuss this in here. I can't have any fun here. I don't think you know exactly what I would rant about though, that is just making assumptions. You know what that means, don't you?

YOU have the power..you move it..then rant on...

A$$umption can make one look like a horses pitoot!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I don't have the power to move this or any other post other than in the Woods and Waters section. I am what is known as a "limited" moderator!! LOL!!! Not true, just poking fun at myself, mods are assigned to certain forums and can only operate in the forums to which they are assigned.


Retired Expediter
I don't have the power to move this or any other post other than in the Woods and Waters section. I am what is known as a "limited" moderator!! LOL!!! Not true, just poking fun at myself, mods are assigned to certain forums and can only operate in the forums to which they are assigned.

"Limited" boy could I say something...*LOL*

Anyhow...In these times of high unemployment I think the Draft should be re-instated...it would serve a worthwhile purpose...