Holy Nay Sayers Batman!!


Veteran Expediter
Bye Bye Fred,and bye bye Rudy and a REALLY BIG,REALLY EXPENSIVE bye bye to MITT.
(I never thought this was such a good name for a President)
The Republican party is in a downward spinning turbulent not unlike a giant sucking sound from the depths of Hell !!
Meanwhile,the money man in this whole drama turns put to be the bright,articulate inspirering and AGAINST THE WAR from the first day canidate,Mr. Obama.Oh,the chagrin on this forum runs runs like ice water through the vains of the unconvinced,those who have total contempt for the very thought of this man ,his name,his Havard Law degree(validictorian),his utter and fully throttled disregard for the "old guard"!!It's a conspiricy I tell you,he's really a terrorist in Brooks Brothers suits,and he's going to destroy our nation 1 trucker at a time.

Rise up and back John McCain,the canidate the Republicans have decided is the next leader of the free world!!Can I have a second to think about that?
Ok,you vote for him as the next leader of the Free World,I'm sending the Harvard guy $50.00.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
None of them are worth the spit to seal an envelope. McCain has always been a democrat so it's just which flavor of dem one votes for.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
T/C you need to empty your private mail box. I tried to reply to your PM re Walamrt but it's full.


Veteran Expediter

The choices were limited at the onset and they are more so as of today.

For me, it always comes down to loyalty.

Just because a fellow minister says something from the pulpit, and I disagree with his statement, or actions, I not jumping ship to switch denominations.

It will be McCain. I hope that he chooses Huckabee as his VP. Hopefully, each seemingly at different ends of the scale will balance one another.

"Americans never quit." General Douglas Macarthur (1880 - 1964)


Veteran Expediter
Bye Bye Fred,and bye bye Rudy and a REALLY BIG,REALLY EXPENSIVE bye bye to MITT.
(I never thought this was such a good name for a President)
The Republican party is in a downward spinning turbulent not unlike a giant sucking sound from the depths of Hell !!

Can't say much other then there is a lot of truth to that.

Meanwhile,the money man in this whole drama turns put to be the bright,articulate inspirering and AGAINST THE WAR from the first day canidate,Mr. Obama.Oh,the chagrin on this forum runs runs like ice water through the vains of the unconvinced,those who have total contempt for the very thought of this man ,his name,his Havard Law degree(validictorian),his utter and fully throttled disregard for the "old guard"!!It's a conspiricy I tell you,he's really a terrorist in Brooks Brothers suits,and he's going to destroy our nation 1 trucker at a time.

You know that there is so much misinformation about Obama that it is hard to tell what is truth and what is propaganda from his camp or his opponent's.

I don't buy into his image, his salesmanship or his message yet. I just don't see the leadership qualities that Oprah speaks about.

There is something missing from this whole equation, and I can't put my finger on it. Maybe the Dems are just in the same boat as the repubs, stuck between a Fascist and a communist?

He seems to be hiding something but in truth he has not done much at all as a senator to change things. The comparison to JFK makes a lot of people sick and the endorsement of the Kennedy family seems to reinforce the conclusion that it too is lost in the past.

Honestly Tallcal, the president does not mean much in the bigger picture when it really comes to our laws and how we are treated as citizens. The money spent on this primary can help an awful lot of Americans out and Obama may get int just because of that voter fatigue that pops up every election.

In part the reason I can't come to grips with some of the claims of change he and his follows are making is the fact we have here is Senator who for all intent and purpose has not done much for the country as a senator, sure he has traveled to other countries on sight seeing missions but he has yet to put forth a real piece of legislation, like smaller government. A senator who is in the position to really create some change for the country.

I also know after reading both his books, this guy is like FDR in many ways, he has defended the question of the social programs and the legitimacy of them as a burden to the American tax payer. I think under Obama we will move closer to the utopia that has been talked about by Wells and others during FDR's time but in reality we will end up living a Brave New World. Either way, it don't matter, all the canidates are not even close to the standard of integrity we need in the WH and not one of them left is of leadership quality.

by the by, I really think Obama will be more hawkish if he gets into the WH and I bet he will not move fast enough to get us out of Iraq as many believe he will, if at all. And like Hillary, he will be aggressive if we get attacked in pursuing the people who attacked us.

Also just to throw this in, I really am having a hard time seeing a difference between McCain and Obama - they seem to be for the same thing.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Well after just watching the news, it could be Obama for the dems. Hillary just ran out of money and had to dump 5 mil of her own money to keep going. Wonder if that was money raided from Bill's defense fund?
Another obvious concern is that, if she can't manage the finances of her own campaign, I think we are seeing through the window what she will do running the government. She will be just as bad as GW in that regard.
The one good thing going for Obama is the unknown. That may play better than knowing for sure what you are going to get?

As for McCain, I don't think I could vote for him. He is a death sentence to the trucking industry with his "I am Mr. NAFTA".
I would have to settle on Huckabee before McCain.

One difference Greg on the last Mexican truck bill, Obama voted to cut the funding and McCain ran and decided to hide. When asked about it, he said he didn't see any problems with it.
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Veteran Expediter
Hillary tapped personal funds as a ploy. These are primary funds and not election funds, she is no where close to being out of money - she still has china to tap and the 200000 PACs that she has had created since Bill was in office. Let's see, great way to funnel money..... qualified multi-candidate PACs can give up to $5000 to a candidate and only have to deal with 5 candidates to qualify and candidates can receive money form all the PACs- you do the numbers.

The thing is with Obama, he co-sponsored the McCain-Kennedy bill in the senate which was the amnesty for invaders bill, so even though he voted against the funding for the trucking program, he didn't stand up for American sovereignty and I truly think he has taken his cues from teddy to position himself for the WH hence the endorsement.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Its ugly no matter how I look at it.

As far as the PAC money, I thought she tapped that out? Maybe that was just the contributors to her primary as most have given their limit already.
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Staff member
Retired Expediter
My momma alwayuz sayuhd, Obaaahmma is lack a box of chocklits. Ya never know what yur gonna get.

Black Sheep

Expert Expediter
One only has to look at Obama's voting record (what there is of it) as an indicator of what his governing philosophy will be. He's left of Hillary and just slightly to the right of Dennis Kucinich. He's probably the most unqualified candidate for President since Pat Paulson. Just because he is a good public speaker doesn't mean he's ready for the most demanding job on the planet. His empty campaign message of "Change" has an errie similarity to Jimmy Carter's "Trust Me". We all saw what happened when he was voted in as the anti-Nixon.


Veteran Expediter
Its ugly no matter how I look at it.

As far as the PAC money, I thought she tapped that out? Maybe that was just the contributors to her primary as most have given their limit already.

You know who we are talking about? here is a women that knows her way around senate/candidate financing.

When you get to know how some of this works, it is amazing on how you can stage the money to make it look like you are hitting rock bottom or a super star. In Hillary's case, there is some rules about loaning money to your campaign and I think she, like McCain have been pushing the envelope a bit to align the money. In McCain's case, he knows exactly how to leverage his foundation to move money around.

Well the truth is that we, the tax payers fund a non-binding election all for the pleasure of two parties and neither party should get someone in the WH this time around.


Veteran Expediter
Clinton loaned her campaign $5 million. I assume with interest attached and rates higher than conventional sources.