Expediter, you've gone to far!

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Veteran Expediter
Unfortunately, we've complained to this carrier twice before for exactly the same issue. Those calls regarded ER-units that were part of a government project that reqiured us to caravan with these trucks. Our calls were to answer the Cit Team after these teams called in and complained that we refused to keep up with them which broke the caravan into two segments. We simply refused to break the law and speed to maintain the caravan. Nothing was done to either team by the carrier. Whats to give us reason to believe things would be any different this time with this carrier's response now?
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Veteran Expediter
Don't worry if there isn't anything that comes to it, just think of it this way, if you didn't call, then you didn't do your part to keep others safe.

Remember professionalism is on both sides of the phone, even if you are professional and the safest driver on earth if the company isn't too concern about mitigating their risk, then they are as unprofessional as the guy acting like an idiot.


Veteran Expediter
Don't worry if there isn't anything that comes to it, just think of it this way, if you didn't call, then you didn't do your part to keep others safe.

I had not checked my PMs prior to my last post on this thread. I did find that a trusted friend has contacted the appropriate department at this carrier and made them aware of my concerns and upset. Knowing this, I have faith that good will come of this to make the roads safer for all and this carriers logo will be viewed as a safe carrier to share the road with.

Thank you my friend!


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Why is it a bad idea to post names or truck numbers here with zero proof, yet it's enthusiastically recommended that you call their carrier with the same exact amount of proof?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Unless we all had video tapes running no one will ever have "proof" if someone does something wrong.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Unless we all had video tapes running no one will ever have "proof" if someone does something wrong.
Ohhhh, so close, but I'm sorry, that doesn't really answer the question. But thanks for playing the game! We have some lovely parting gifts for you.

And now for our next contestant....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Ohhhh, so close, but I'm sorry, that doesn't really answer the question. But thanks for playing the game! We have some lovely parting gifts for you.

And now for our next contestant....

You lost me. I once was in a "convoy" with several of those "E" units discussed in an earlier post. They took off like buck after a doe in heat. I called dispatch, informed them that I would not run at those speeds, which were in excess of posted limits, and could not keep up with the convoy. I had no "proof". I called any way. What am I missing? By the way dispatch said is was OK to fall back but did NOT require the rest of those trucks to slow down to at least a legal speed.

I believe we have a duty to report unsafe or illegal activity to the proper company when we see it. The industry should police itself. I don't know what "proof" we can have.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Clearly, the communication process has broken down. Using a special circumstance of reporting something within a convoy (to CYA for falling behind) is a deflection of the issue and question at hand. Please read my question again.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Clearly, the communication process has broken down. Using a special circumstance of reporting something within a convoy (to CYA for falling behind) is a deflection of the issue and question at hand. Please read my question again.

I guess I don't understand the question. No matter. Why is running legal a CYA thing? If the posted limit is 65 and the rest are running 75 why is my refusing to run illegal and informing dispatch of the problem CYA? How is that falling behind? They were breaking the law, not us. Should my truck be required to break the law to "keep up"? Would you run illegal to "keep up"? I won't. In my opinion anyone who does should be cut from the fleet.

I will go back and re-read your question for the third time now. I am just not understanding it.

Let's see if I understand.

I don't agree with posting truck numbers and carriers in this forum. It serves no purpose. No one would have "proof" so to speak and for all we know it is just a ploy to discredit someone. Calling a carrier to report a safety issue could be seen as different. They have the ability to investigate the issue, we in here, do not.

Am I understand you now? I confuse easy.
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Expert Expediter
I have found that if you call it in,even without proof etc,that some company"s will note it.Then when the next 3 or 4 calls happen on the same unit,they get the idea that there is a problem.Other then saying that you should call it in alll other id bs on this thread


Veteran Expediter
Years back I was in a convoy doing a short run, radioactive move. Well this guy decided to race me for the lead,so I let him go,one problem,this was an escorted load,and he didn't know the directions.When we all turned to get to the receiving address,this guy didn't turn.when we got to delivery he finally showed up,but he made the rest of us look bad.A phone call was made,and yes,this guy lost his lease.
Gary this is different than the other situation you were in.Like I sad ,call Michelle,she will take care of it


Retired Expediter
Not all of the time.

only when it is convenient and the offending party is a goody 2 shoes,,then they get a slap on the wrist...

it is not consistent....

id Team C did something unsafe the Feds would terminate them 1st offense...not highly likely....now Steve does something Bam..out the door...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
only when it is convenient and the offending party is a goody 2 shoes,,then they get a slap on the wrist...

it is not consistent....

id Team C did something unsafe the Feds would terminate them 1st offense...not highly likely....now Steve does something Bam..out the door...

I tend to think it is more of a "profit" thing rather than personal.


Not a Member
I tend not to agree with anything the orginal poster says, I tend to think he stretchs the truth in most of his posts....bottom line I just don't like him or his wife very much, but let's put that aside for one moment & assume he is 100% accurate in his story telling.

If that's the case than he has every right to be annoyed. The van driver in question should know better, if the lane was as narrow & the load was that over sized & this guy was driving like this in a construction zone than he shouldn't be driving for a living. Construction zones are dangerous places, narrow lanes, lane shifts, uneven pavement & men & women just trying to do there job.

I would think that since nearly every state has all sorts of signs warning of heavy fines in a construction zone that everyoneknows to slow down & take safety into consideration. Sadly if this is true this guy has given us all a bad name. As far as calling safety. I think right now it's hard for them to do anything, if the new QC's are put in fleet than maybe they would have more information to go by & be able to track the history of the van, but i'm not sure. Most likely there isn't much they can do, because how can they know if this really happened with out some type of video proof, even than it could be a difficult case to prove. Any one of us could call safety & say I saw so & so doing this & that, & it could be another driver lieing about that driver because he is spitefull & doesn't like him.

To addresses the speeding isue, I don't think any truck should be able to go over 75 MPH, my trucks are set for 73 MPH & I get guys BLOWING by me all the time. In the orginal posters case, he is over sized & placared the right way he isn't gonna move for any one & i'm, sure he will stay to the far right lane whenever possible. If you a rig carrying an over sized load you stay away, he isn't gonna move any faster than he has too.

In a normal traffic sitaution with a normal load & normal traffic conditions, driving too slow could cause an accident. I'm a frim believer in keeping up with traffic in a safe manor & not holding it up. I've been driving a truck for close to 20 years & i've never been cited for any type of traffic infraction envloving a truck. I've passed hundred of Police Officers on the side of the orad witha rader gun, i'm not speedeing but i'm not crawling either.
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