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Seasoned Expediter
Poll Results
What do you think of the truckers' tactics?
Thumbs up 89% 140,842
Thumbs down 11% 17,461

Note on Poll Results
Total Votes: 158,303
given on Top Headlines, Breaking News, U.S., World, Politics, Entertainment and Sports News - AOL News
All the naysayers on this forum worried and griping that the "public" (non truck drivers) would "be against" the truckers even more if we we're to strike. Not so! The poll shows an overwhelming support to the truck drivers that did strike today, including me sitting in my comfy room at a studio 6 ( a motel 6 with a kitchen and dinette). And to those of you who will no doubt respond saying this wont change or help anything, well ok, but isn't it at least exciting to see something of action taking place that might and the priviledge of being in a country that allows you that opportunity. Where if you don't like it or something is wrong the freedom is there to be able to fight it peacefully, constitutionally and openly in the public's eyes.
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Retired Expediter
Poll Results
What do you think of the truckers' tactics?
Thumbs up 89% 140,842
Thumbs down 11% 17,461

Note on Poll Results
Total Votes: 158,303
given on Top Headlines, Breaking News, U.S., World, Politics, Entertainment and Sports News - AOL News
All the naysayers on this forum worried and griping that the "public" (non truck drivers) would "be against" the truckers even more if we we're to strike. Not so! The poll shows an overwhelming support to the truck drivers that did strike today, including me sitting in my comfy room at a studio 6 ( a motel 6 with a kitchen and dinette). And to those of you who will no doubt respond saying this wont change or help anything, well ok, but isn't it at least exciting to see something of action taking place that might and the priviledge of being in a country that allows you that opportunity. Where if you don't like it or something is wrong the freedom is there to be able to fight it peacefully, constitutionally and openly in the public's eyes.

I can't remember anyone ever posting that you don't have the right to strike or protest....there was quite a few who said it would be useless and piss off bobby 4 wheeler...and it won't change anything....and to be fair there were some that supported the strike/protest. They needed to vent and let off thier fustration....The physical feel of trying to do something.

A long time ago there was a protest over a tea tax ....and look what happened!!


Seasoned Expediter
I can't remember anyone ever posting that you don't have the right to strike or protest....there was quite a few who said it would be useless and piss off bobby 4 wheeler...and it won't change anything....and to be fair there were some that supported the strike/protest. They needed to vent and let off thier fustration....The physical feel of trying to do something.

A long time ago there was a protest over a tea tax ....and look what happened!!

I never said anything about a post of right to strike or protest. and the rest of your point is what i wrote.
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Seasoned Expediter
Sorry my eyes and brain don't always work together....good we did agree on the latter though...:)

That's fine, I just hope congress and the oil execs get their brains and eyes properly working for the consumers as a result from the hearings today. I feel that their wallets may get in the way of their brains and what they're looking at, profit margins.


Seasoned Expediter
That's right, we all switched to Tim Horton's coffee!:p:p

That's funny. I had some Timmy's the other day, and I can't decide if I like it or DD (dunkin) better.

Both their prices beat Fourbucks. oops I mean Starbucks.

And yes to the original post, I am glad we have the freedom to strike or not strike.


Veteran Expediter
That's fine, I just hope congress and the oil execs get their brains and eyes properly working for the consumers as a result from the hearings today. I feel that their wallets may get in the way of their brains and what they're looking at, profit margins.

What do you expect to be done? um..... The oil execs were right on the money by telling the house committee that the government is at fault for the high prices, not them. You know that they make 9% profit on everything they sell, Exxon paid more in income taxes than they made and that does not include the money they spent on property and state taxes.

So how much does an average trucker makes? what is the average margin? I bet it is a bit more than 9%, maybe a lot more - so applying the same logic, lets tax people who make over 9% profit..... Business is business, we should all be treated the same.

The strike made news only because of the news cycle and nothing was really happening with Obama or Hillary. 158,303 is nothing for a public poll when the internet population is what? This is a Time/Warner/AOL pull, so 158,303 is most likely the amount of people who hit their website in 15 minutes on a slow day. how about asking a cross section of the population, say 11 million people.

But what really is funny is that these are independent business people who are asking for the government to intervene in one market while all the while screaming that there is too much regulations and too much government involvement in their own industry and market. IF they want a free market in their industry, then they have to learn to live with what is going on in others and adjust to the conditions or find another line of work. Otherwise maybe a need to go back to the 70's both in trucking regulations and the speed limit - in other words don't ask for something because you may get exactly what you ask for.

55 forever!


Veteran Expediter
look the surcharge is out there,if your not getting enough surcharge then you need to talk to your company.if your companies rates are to low,then change companies.if you dont know what it takes to operate your truck,then your going to behind the eight ball no matter what happens.the sinking dollar is one ogf the problems with oil prices,the speculators ,bidding on oil futures is another,and supply and demand is there isnt a shortage,but as long as we all drive like the cost of fuel doesnt matter,then the prices are going to go up and up.Watch all the cars,as long as people are willing to spend their money on oil products,there isnt a reason to stop the price from going up.when fuel and gas starts to basck up,then the prices will drop,and not til then.strkies wont help,JUST SLOW DOWN,you will be surprized what it will do


Expert Expediter
I've talked to quite a few non trucking folk lately and most of them are supportive. Where I see a problem is with the rolling roadblocks that some drivers did. Nothing will tick off the average person more than seeing a truck in each lane all going slow and impeding traffic. I know this wasn't widespread, but I heard of it happening in Chicago and New Jersey. That's not going to garner much sympathy from the public.


Expert Expediter

9% PROFIT!!!! What kind of big business have you been involved with?? I have worked for and been involved with many LARGE companies over the years, and to produce a net/net annual profit of 3-4 % was tremendous. You cannot compare a Mom and Pop business such as the independent Trucker to a major company. They have completely different operating forums.
Bottom line, it's volume produced, after all overhead is paid it comes down to how many widgets were produced and shipped vs. the cost to produce, market and ship. Sometimes due to rising cost , record production years do not always yield a higher profit margin. (ROI)
Sorry Greg but I think you are wrong in your statement.


Expert Expediter
And not to mention this little nugget was on CNN yesterday: Gas companies have made more money last year than any other corporation combined. So who's doin the gougin? I also heard through the grapevine that the gas companies average a "profit" of $12,000/Second! I want just one seconds worth of their money. That would make me....and not to mention "Uncle Sam" happy.:D Remember, the less we spend as Americans, the crappier our economy does. If oil companies "got it" they would lower prices that would be an economic stimulous package of it's own right. But I must be daydreaming again. Wake up...maybe I could use some of that Coffee!


Veteran Expediter
No No No, 9% is what they said they make, not me. I found it in the AP article I read last night. 9% yep....

Just for the record, I was sitting at Merke's stockholder meeting a bunch of years ago (went for the free lunch and dinner) and the CEO was talking about their profit margin, 27%, I spit out my danish when it was announced. Well that was not enough for another company - Pfizer. See Pfizer maintained a 33% profit margin, thirty three percent, for a bunch of years, a bit too much but hey they went through a lot of trouble to maintain that percentage and when it slipped the stock holders were not forgiving, they axed McKinnell out of the place. Now it is more realistic, net profit margin sits at 17% but I expect it to drop to 14% this year.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
And to think your local grocery store operates on .05 to 1.5


Expert Expediter
My point exactly Dave!! 9% Profit for a company size of EXXON is HUGE!!
And while we are discussing Gouging, What about the Pharmaceutical Companies?? Boy talk about opening a can of worms!!!!!!