Risky Business

Follow up on the 2011 Expedite Expo

By Shelly Benisch, CIC
Posted Jul 25th 2011 4:50AM


Hi Everyone,

WHEW!!!  What an exciting weekend!  The 2011 Expedite Expo was the best yet...there was so much to do it went by in a flash.

After setting up our booths on Thursday, all of the Exhibitors gathered in the Roberts Centre Lobby for a plentiful Cocktail Party graciously provided by Sylectus...it set the tone for the entire weekend of comaraderie and good times to follow for the next 2 days and beyond.

Friday morning the show kicked off at 9:00 to a steady stream of attendees that included a cross section of folks from every facet of Expediting, with networking and workshops taking place throughout the day.  At 3:00, we gathered up the white ballot boxes that held your votes of which truck would win the CIS Drivers' Choice Award for "Best in Show".

Then at 4:00, our first CIS $1,000 Cash Giveaway began!  Sometimes it takes several attempts to pull a name out of the bag to snag a winner...(must be present to win)...but for this first drawing, DEAN MCCLUNG out of Leighton, Alabama & hauling for Fed Ex quickly shouted out from the back of the room that he was indeed present and ready to collect his $1,000 CASH!

Everyone broke out for dinner, then returned at 7:00 to experience the CIS/Prog CASINO NIGHT...people were lined up at the doors to be sure to secure their spot at one of the tables.

As our second year sponsoring this event, I have to say that it was every bit as fun and exciting as last year.  The Dealers and DJ go out of their way to make sure everyone has a super time.  (My only challenge for next year is that we clearly need to find a larger space so more folks can play at the tables!)

At 10:00 pm when the Casino officially "closed"...the prizes began!  The Expediting Community was especially generous this year in supporting this event.    The way it works, is about a month before the Expo I contact everyone who is an Exhibitor...and really everyone I know who is not an Exhibitor but wants to support all of you...and I ask them for a Prize Donation from their company.

Some of the more big-hearted prizes included:

Tri-State                                                     $500 in Gift Cards

Load-One                                                    $400 in Gift Cards

Stoops Frtl                                                  A gorgeous Polished

                                                                 Aluminum Tool Chest

Real Wheels                                                         Real Watch Kit worth $250

EsparParts.com                                           $200 in Gift Cards

Speedco                                                     $200 in Gift Cards

Weller Truck Parts                                         DVD Player

LRT Expedite                                                Flatscreen TV

On Time Media/Expediters Online                  $200 in Gift Cards

PTL (Premium Trans Logis)                  Huge tub with cleaning supplies

Frtl Knoxville                                                 Power Cooler/Fridge

Panther                                                       2 pull behind suitcases

                                                                  w/ matching computer

                                                                  carriers  with all kinds of

                                                                  cool goodies inside...

                                                                  (they got my vote

                                                                   for most creative

                                                                   including a mini Corn-

                                                                   Hole game inside!)

Express-1                                                      GPS System

Whirlwind                                                      GPS System

Ground Flight                                                 GPS System

Airtab                                                           Set of 80 airtab

Sylectus                                                       $100 in gift cards

Movin' Out                                                    $100 in gift cards

Try Hours                                                                   $100 in gift cards

Expedite Now                                                $100 in gift cards

Bonnie Speed                                                $100 in gift cards

Target Media Partners                                    $100 in gift cards

Nations                                                        $50 in gift cards

JCTS                                                           $50 in gift cards

Save-a-Load                                                 Pick up Bar

ProEx                                                          $50 in gift cards

TEANA                                                        $50 in gift cards

....CIS and Progressive Corporate also give several hundred in gift cards each year, with our own CIS team member Julie Hebert (who most of you know if your insurance is with us...she takes care of your certs & changes)... offering $100 of her own money to support our Casino Night in a prize donation for all of you....is that nice or what?

We also had a bunch of smaller gifts that are too numerous to mention given this blog is too long already...including the always popular Cobblestone Confections.

....So after a night of partying, everyone rolled into the show Saturday morning tired but happy.  I think John Ratzenberger perked all of us up with his obvious wit and inspiring good natured political candor, and I understand that the Workshops were well attended.

I had time that afternoon to check out Jack Hanna's baby animals that I enjoy so much...thanks, Panther Expedited for sponsoring again!

At 3:00, we gathered the white ballot boxes where you've all voted for "Best in Show", so that we could count the winner of the CIS Drivers' Choice Award.

When 4:00 rolled around, we presented the Award to Jeff Jones w/ Stoops Specialty Trucks for Don Bentz' sleek 2012 Cascadia Climate Control Expediter.

The 2nd CIS $1,000 Cash Drawing was more interesting than the first one the previous day since 3 names were called before the winner, SUSAN GEORGE out of Stamford CT, shouted out that she was present and won the cash.  From what I understand, Susan and her husband are new to Expediting, looking for a company to hook up with... so what a positive first experience of our Expediting Community!

As the Expo closes up and everyone breaks down their booth, I'm always amazed at how such a beautiful, professional show that takes a year to coordinate takes less than an hour to dismantle.

Many thanks to the folks at On Time Media, most of you know as Expediters Online, for making this Expo a reality for all of us.

Without their perseverance during the darkest days after the Great Recession, we truly would not have the Expediting Community we all enjoy today.

...And many thanks to all of you, for continuing to support our Industry's yearly gathering place, the Expedite Expo.  Let's make 2012 even better!

Shelly Benisch, CIC   Commercial Insurance Solutions (CIS)

[email protected]                www.MyCISagent.com