"Wikileaks Threatens Leakers"


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Seems kind of hypocritical to me.
Yeah, little bit. But that's the epitome of Julian Assange, always has been. Assange feels that he is, or should be, above the law, for reasons he can articulate quite well. If someone steals confidential information and leaks it to Wikileaks, and then whoever stole the information gets the full force of the law applied against them, Wikileaks and Assange is just all aghast about it. Yet when the same thing happens to Wikileaks, they have no problem using the full force of the law to punish the leaker, and punish them to the tune of $20 mil a pop.

For all the altruistic blabbering that Assange does, WikliLeaks's own perception of itself is as a lucrative commercial organization in the business of owning and selling leaked information. It absolutely claims legal ownership of any and all material leaked to them, which is why the stiff price tag for someone ungagging themselves, because that's the estimated value of the information which Wikeleaks "owns", in addition to the opportunity cost in not being able to sell what gets leaked to them.

Those who believe Assange is some kind of altruistic Dudley Do-Right may want to rethink that a little. He never has been, isn't now, and likely never will be.


Veteran Expediter
“You accept and agree that the information disclosed, or to be disclosed to you pursuant to this agreement is, by its nature, valuable proprietary commercial information,” the agreement reads, “the misuse or unauthorized disclosure of which would be likely to cause us considerable damage.”

WOW...Stolen info is considered "proprietary" after it is illegally obtained....

I wonder how far I can get with that defense if the neighbor kid steals the guy down the streets old viper and then gives it to me because he is now scared he might get caught..."Wait officer, I have it now, so its mine"...I guess the old adage.."finders keepers, losers weepers" or possession is 9/10's of the law both work foe Julian...:rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
For all the altruistic blabbering that Assange does, WikliLeaks's own perception of itself is as a lucrative commercial organization in the business of owning and selling leaked information.

Isn't this called extortion and kind of illegal everywhere outside of China?