Where am I?


Expert Expediter
There were 2 straights ahead of us, but now we are first out. That's a good sign, hopefully we will get out tomorrow. I really want to get at least 2,000 for the week, we are at 1,656 right now.


Seasoned Expediter
KC...Gina just whizzed us into doing a mini and someone snuck in....Grrrrrr now #2 for crying out loud!!:(

I would of asked her if I do this mini, will you make sure I'm first out still after I'm done with it. When you are doing a mini, your doing more of a favor for Express-1 and why shouldn't they do a favor for you? Only fair right? But again, since you did do it, she might by pass the other one directly to you, seen them do that before.


Retired Expediter
I would of asked her if I do this mini, will you make sure I'm first out still after I'm done with it. When you are doing a mini, your doing more of a favor for Express-1 and why shouldn't they do a favor for you? Only fair right? But again, since you did do it, she might by pass the other one directly to you, seen them do that before.

I did ask her we were all alone....But I guess she didn't see the van coming up from Joplin on her screen that slid in....BUT we did call her back and remind her of the favor we did....but once she goes home its game over...they did move out 3 trucks from here yesterday....KC is pretty good for us. I am confident we;ll get out 2morrow...

Steady Eddie

Veteran Expediter
Still sitting in the "Bullpen" here at the Fort Wayne truck stop. 1st out with 4 behind me here. Getting itchy feet wanting to move.....guess I'll go take a nap.


Expert Expediter
We got out of MD and took a load from Strasburg, VA to Nashville and Memphis. (2 delivery stops). We had just gotten settled in West Memphis at the Petro when we got a call for a load going from Corning, AR to West Chester, OH. We are now in Franklin, OH. We ran a little over 2,900 miles this last week.


Expert Expediter
Just arrived in Blacksburg, VA. Sitting outside of federal mogul to get unloaded in the am. Talked to kim after arriving to plan my attack for tomorrow and she said to head back into KY, but the triad is not too far away and have had some decent luck out of there. Any suggestions?


Expert Expediter
I don't know how loads go for sprinters or vans, but we have always had pretty good luck getting out of Greensboro, NC area.


Retired Expediter
Just arrived in Blacksburg, VA. Sitting outside of federal mogul to get unloaded in the am. Talked to kim after arriving to plan my attack for tomorrow and she said to head back into KY, but the triad is not too far away and have had some decent luck out of there. Any suggestions?

Don't know why Kim told ya KY..eddie just went thru there way too many vans up there...better the triad.


Expert Expediter
Don't know why Kim told ya KY..eddie just went thru there way too many vans up there...better the triad.

Thats why I asked for a second opinion. They don't look they just guess based on Ky may have say twice as many loads but if there are 3times as many vans then why head there?


Expert Expediter
Did not move after unloading this morning. Was socked in with fog as thick as clam chowder. Don't really care for pea soup and it is never green usually more white. :p

Steady Eddie

Veteran Expediter
This is funny-

Did a Mac 19 last night- Keep in mind I was #2 out all day with 2 Sprinters here in Memphis.

1 cv 4 sp 1 st....ok sent message about where I fall in the mix- "within a 40 blubluhbluh, you are TIED for 2nd out".....oh me! Good to be tied for 2nd out....? That's a new one!!!!


Retired Expediter
U gotta be kiddin? Whats the odds of that happening?

We are #2 in Bordentown the #1 is a 14 foot single....

Steady Eddie

Veteran Expediter
Wonder if that one was in Fort Wayne Friday got the same run you did???

Nothing has moved out of Memphica today. They seem to be comming in...where from I have no idea.


Expert Expediter
Moved to the triad and I am 2nd out. That tells me nothing moved yesterday and not a thing so far today. :(

Steady Eddie

Veteran Expediter
Guess the one I was "tied" with got out yesterday. Now #1 in a 200 mile range.....Ken and Judy headed this way, 1100 mile run they got. Head north!!!!!