Whatever happened?


Veteran Expediter
Bryan, You said; “It is the presses responsibility to question everything and everyone.It is the people responsibility to question their rpresentitives and the press.That is how a democracy works.Checks and balances are what keeps this country moving forward and free.â€

I somewhat agree with you but see the problem is that checks and balances are a government thing where we have three parts of the same government doing different things but has an obligation to watch at times what the other parts are doing. The problems have been for the past 60 or so years has been the courts and an expansion of the federal government into the areas where states had the rights to govern. The courts have taken upon itself that it has the right to legislate from the bench, which is not their job. When we have a law passed by representatives of the people and the court nullifies the law, it circumvents our power to have a representative government. AND when we vote on a law and someone brings it to a court to be nullified for what ever reason, our power as a citizen is circumvented to the point that we don’t even have the power anymore.

The press has an obligation to question the actions of the government but to a point. They have taken the right of freedom of the press to cover their a** when they disclose secrets and sensitive information. In the past there has been an ‘agreement’ not to talk about certain things that the white house or congress asked not to be published. But since the press is not the US press but a liberal world press, we hear things like the report of a program created to protect us by tracing money through foreign banks that was asked for by the 9/11 commission for the only purpose of hurting the president. Today our biggest enemy is the press in the US, not the terrorist or China, Iran or North Korea.

You Said; “People have questioned every war this country has ever been in.From the Revoltionary War right up to this one.One of the most protested wars was WWII.That is why we were one of the last countries to get involved.â€

I agree that the citizens of the US have questioned each and every war but the revolutionary war. We were not a country until after the war, but I got your point. As for the most protested, it is by far Vietnam which much of the protesting helped the enemy and the enemy almost lost the war until the protesting increased (OK all you who don’t agree with me, read the books written by the VC generals and politicians - this is their claim).

WW2? There was dissention and a big movement for neutrality but truthfully, the numbers dwindled a lot after 12/7. After mid 1944, the public sentiment relaxed and the country was returning to a normal (sort of) prewar life with the relaxation of restriction of rationed items. We were involved with WW2 when we started Lend Lease and sending bundles for Britain. We were the last to get involved because of the Japanese and Roosevelt knew that we would be dragged into the war eventually but not in 1941, I think that he thought we would be ready in late 1942. Stalin was asking for our involvement and so did a lot of other countries but again if we had today’s press at that time, offical Sprache unseres Landes würde Deutsches sein.

TallCal, Come on......

You said; “The people who got us into this(incliding Hillary and Kerry,as they voted for it)are the people that need to get us out.We have no one else(maybe the Hells Angels,if their up to it).One thing is very clear,with only 26% of the PEOPLE currently supporting the effort as it stands today,they are clearly not staisfied with the status quo.â€

OH boy, 26% of the people have no clue, and as for most of the country they listen to the press who have a clear aganda and have no clue.

Yes they also voted for the war with many of their colleagues but it is not something that you can just say, lets go.. we're done here.

You said; “Why not try another approach,which means getting Iraqs neighbors involved.Yes,W has declared Iran part of the axis of evil,but he started this war right next door,the big dummy!â€

NO.... NO.... NO!!!

Getting anyone involved outside of the Iraqis will eventually escalate this because of the positioning of the other counties to exploit the Iraqis. There are internal problems with the Iraqis, some have to do with religion, some have to do with power, some have to do with the lack of understanding how to be a self governing people - but they are really learning and moving ahead over there. When (and if) I find the article, I will post the link about the increase in consumer goods and freedoms they enjoy and the changes in comparison to Saddams goverment, it is written by an Iraqi.

Tallcal, I gots to ask...

Do you know that the Iranians and Syrians are supporting the terrorism that is going on there, not the Iraqis?

Did you know that most of the problems happen in two or three areas of Iraq, not country wide?

Did you know how the Arabic mind works?

You said; “So now he can figure it out.If the now famous "bulge"works,hip hip horay.
But if it fais,he will never be forgiven by many middle eastern countries,as well as many,many Americans.â€

I will say this again, please pay attention; the reason we have so many problems and many countries don’t respect us is because of Carter, not Bush. It is not because we invade Iraq but failed to show strength. If he did what he should have done right from the start, do you honestly think that we would have to go to war with any country in the Middle East? Carter showed the world and the Middle East that we will not support strength but run from problems. When the embassy was attacked and taken over, we should have given them 24 hours to release everyone and vacate our country (embassies are by treaty and the UN part of a country) and if they didn’t, carpet bombed Tehran. The people of the Middle East will forgive our mistakes if we show that we will not back down and deal with them on their level.

I agree with Aviator, we here don’t much info of the positive things that happen over there thanks to the press.


Veteran Expediter
Greg,you left out one middle eastern country who is also contributing to the chaos in Iraq(and anit American feeling),you alweay leave them out.
W and his families good personal friends.To my right wing buddies,they are sacred cows.SAUDIS blew up the towers!But they are friends of the Bush clan,so they can do no wrong.
Syria and Iran are MINOR players,everything go's through the royal family my well informed friend.God Greg,you still don't get it do you?
This whole thing was mastermined by W and his "friends",including the Saudis.They played W for the fool,just as Osama did.We did everything WRONG.Why is it so hard to understand,this war was never about the Iraqi people,or Saddam or any of the BS being slung,it was about corrupt contracts and oil.Fat Mr.Cheany got fatter, and richer!!Business men ran this war.
Everybody gets rich.In the end,we were played,and now look like fools.The war on terror was pushed aside for profit.At least Bush's war on terror.
It just gets deeper and deeper.


Veteran Expediter
But Tallcal, I agree with you about Saudi Arabia. I just don't want to sit here and type four hours explaining the obvious. I think that if there is a country we need to seriously pull out of it is Saudi Arabia. And I do get it, but there is nothing we can do about it until someone get into the place and changes things and we get term limits to get some of the good ol’ boys and girls out of the congress.

But with that said, Profit?

Who is really making the profit here?

>>>Let's be honest about this<<<

I mean ok the suppliers of arms and munitions are, and so are a lot of the defense contractors, which I strongly feel we need to go back to an OPA style system that caps profits and does a lot of auditing of any and all suppliers. Back in the days when it mattered, a company could only make X% of profit, period. You know that every item that is requested by our goverment that goes through R&D, we pay huge amounts of money and overcosts. We shouldn't pay a dime unless we get a product that works for proof of concept.

The oil companies, what profits are they making? I think I explained that Exxon is making profits on raw material that they either owned before the price hike in crude or they own the sources directly. Wouldn’t you want to make a profit on something you bought at $2 and could sell for $200?

In comparison to Exxon and other oil companies, Citgo made a huge profit that went back to a country who hates us, so I have to ask, are you boycotting Citgo? I sure am.

To add to this, I think that Apple is making an outrageous profit at the same time not opening it’s self up to completion like Microsoft was forced to. Try to establish a retail channel with apple and see how closely the prices are control – they are worse than Microsoft. This also includes companies like Pfizer, who I know the internal workings of and how they operate – where is the serious scrutinizing of them and other pharma companies who make outrageous profits on everything they sell?

No thank you Nancy, I don’t want to see my fuel go up again because of you don’t understand economics. Girl, tackle the companies that really matter, not the ones who didn’t give you or your friends money.

Well anyway, the real profiteers are the people who own the media companies and are part of the media establishment, plain and simple. They have made the Iraq war an institution, a cash cow and when things don’t go their way and they don’t attract an audience by reporting doom and gloom or killings, they tend to make things up or twist things around. The sad thing is that they make billions upon billions with the blood of the people killed on their hands - not bush. They not only support the terrorist but also help them in all kinds of ways. When you look at their actions, like interviewing a terrorist and not reporting the contacts of the terrorist so we can hunt them down and kill them, they become as bad as the terrorist themselve and show the contempt for all of us. You may think that this is their job to do this and they must report about the terrorist but honestly there is no reason that they should provide a communications channel to someone who wants to see americans dead, it tells us that they are reporters first and americans second if at all. In addition to this, look at the hero status some have gotten lately and not one of them deserve it.

Yep we are being played by something you used to call the establishment, the political parties who can lie and steal from all of us and from a media that really is not there for anything but to espouse a hateful rhetoric towards the president and see that he fails at all cost.

You may not agree with me and my position but... well... that’s OK.


Veteran Expediter
oh come on tallcal, I am sitting here bored out of my mind and stopped reading to see what you had to say. I looked forward to your reply. I don't want to have you to give up, just tell and show me I am wrong.


Seasoned Expediter
Wake up America
the one right we have that no outher country has is we can say what we wan't to
but polititions are fighting this war not our troops all our troops are doing is giving up thier lives like a previous engagement
they will not be happy till they get the draft reinstated
and a reduction of people so they can make more money
and in anouther thirdy years they will do it again


Bush Aint got no Kohunas

I am all for backing the prez but he shouln't go puuting our troops in harms way in a police action.They are not cops.anyway this is a civil war.If Bush wanted to fight this fight he should have fought them the way we fought Japan or Germany.We should have carpet bombed
them and leveled Iraq.whoever is left waiving a white flag gets to be involved in starting a new Iraq.


Expert Expediter
RE: Bush Aint got no Kohunas

In WWII we also did not have reporters hiding under every rock trying to make us look bad. Had the folks at home back in the 40s seen the results of said carpet bombing every night on the evening news it would have lasted all of 2 days before the uproar.

Once again, you are another victim of the news reporting the fight in Iraq as a "Civil War". Oddly enough, most of the people we are killing over there are not Iraqis. The overwhelming majority are from other countries. Just people who are there to kill infidels. same here in Afghanistan. The "Taliban" we are fighting are mostly from other countries.

If you get your information from the news, you are only getting 1/2 the story in most cases. You are mostly intelligent adults and would like to make decisions in the trucking business with the most accurate information you can. Then why do so many people opt to make decisions on the war with 1/2 assed information? Drives me nuts. Really does.



Expert Expediter
RE: Bush Aint got no Kohunas

I can't believe after reading all of these, that no one responded to the folks on the left, how our system works. The people DO NOT ELECT the President, nor does the supreme court. By the way would tallcal, arkjarhead , cheri, etc. etc. been crying if the court had ruled the other way. No. Of course not. If it had , then all we would be hearing is how great our system is. What a bunch of hippocrites. nothing personal just being honest.


Veteran Expediter
>But Tallcal, I agree with you about Saudi Arabia. I just
>don't want to sit here and type four hours explaining the
>obvious. I think that if there is a country we need to
>seriously pull out of it is Saudi Arabia. And I do get it,
>but there is nothing we can do about it until someone get
>into the place and changes things and we get term limits to
>get some of the good ol’ boys and girls out of the
>But with that said, Profit?
>Who is really making the profit here?
> >>>Let's be honest about this<<<
>I mean ok the suppliers of arms and munitions are, and so
>are a lot of the defense contractors, which I strongly feel
>we need to go back to an OPA style system that caps profits
>and does a lot of auditing of any and all suppliers. Back in
>the days when it mattered, a company could only make X% of
>profit, period. You know that every item that is requested
>by our goverment that goes through R&D, we pay huge amounts
>of money and overcosts. We shouldn't pay a dime unless we
>get a product that works for proof of concept.
>The oil companies, what profits are they making? I think I
>explained that Exxon is making profits on raw material that
>they either owned before the price hike in crude or they own
>the sources directly. Wouldn’t you want to make a profit
>on something you bought at $2 and could sell for $200?
>In comparison to Exxon and other oil companies, Citgo made a
>huge profit that went back to a country who hates us, so I
>have to ask, are you boycotting Citgo? I sure am.
>To add to this, I think that Apple is making an outrageous
>profit at the same time not opening it’s self up to
>completion like Microsoft was forced to. Try to establish a
>retail channel with apple and see how closely the prices are
>control – they are worse than Microsoft. This also
>includes companies like Pfizer, who I know the internal
>workings of and how they operate – where is the serious
>scrutinizing of them and other pharma companies who make
>outrageous profits on everything they sell?
>No thank you Nancy, I don’t want to see my fuel go up
>again because of you don’t understand economics. Girl,
>tackle the companies that really matter, not the ones who
>didn’t give you or your friends money.
>Well anyway, the real profiteers are the people who own the
>media companies and are part of the media establishment,
>plain and simple. They have made the Iraq war an
>institution, a cash cow and when things don’t go their way
>and they don’t attract an audience by reporting doom and
>gloom or killings, they tend to make things up or twist
>things around. The sad thing is that they make billions upon
>billions with the blood of the people killed on their hands
>- not bush. They not only support the terrorist but also
>help them in all kinds of ways. When you look at their
>actions, like interviewing a terrorist and not reporting the
>contacts of the terrorist so we can hunt them down and kill
>them, they become as bad as the terrorist themselve and show
>the contempt for all of us. You may think that this is their
>job to do this and they must report about the terrorist but
>honestly there is no reason that they should provide a
>communications channel to someone who wants to see americans
>dead, it tells us that they are reporters first and
>americans second if at all. In addition to this, look at the
>hero status some have gotten lately and not one of them
>deserve it.
>Yep we are being played by something you used to call the
>establishment, the political parties who can lie and steal
>from all of us and from a media that really is not there for
>anything but to espouse a hateful rhetoric towards the
>president and see that he fails at all cost.
>You may not agree with me and my position but... well...
>that’s OK.

great post Doug here here


Veteran Expediter
RE: Bush Aint got no Kohunas

I beg to differ my good man.There would be no insanity called the war in Iraq if the Supreme court had not have intervened as a result of the republican voter fraud and corruption in Florida.
Boy,you guys are getting desparate for excuse's.Blame it on those guilible liberals who can't think for themselves and only listen to that left wing media.You sound like a lost soul hilltop.By the way,where is that Hill Top,you might want to get cable up there so you can become INFORMED!!!