We need more gun control


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
>Coming full circle on this thread, keep in mind that gun
>control was actually in place at Va. Tech. It is illegal for
>anyone other than law enforcement personnel to possess
>firearms of any kind on the VT campus.

Exactly the point I was making. The answer is 180 degrees opposed to gun control. Gun control is the problem, not the solution. Gun control is the answer of the uninformed. Those with intelligence and sense know the only answer gun control is is the wrong answer.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
One other option Leo(God love you too)is to send our children to college in a civilized country where automatic weapons cannot fall into the hands of any nut case who wish's to take out our children.
It's getting to that point.Your arguments are the same each time this happens to our young people.You just don't get it do you Leo.
How about something other then the car argument.That is just not flying any longer.I'm sickened beyond belief by this weeks events,and am ashamed of our inability as a nation to face the truth.It is not in the car argument.That is simply a silly excuse that needs to not see the light of day again.
And I will NEVER agree that arming the teachers amd making our college's and universities armories is where our future lies.
Your facination with guns and the ability to kill when you "think"you are being threatened is you bag buddy(and for now your right)but I take great exception to your facination with this brand of extremeism and so called right.
Just my opinion after a week of unspeakable events.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Here's another possible scenario for you. I'm in the first room the guy comes into. I'm going to see him as soon as he opens the door. I always face the door and I look at everyone. As soon as I see him with gun in hand I'm preparing to fire, from cover. As soon as he points his weapon at the first person he's engaged. In all probability he's stopped at that point with no other casualties. I know plenty of other people who would bring about the same conclusion.

Your insistence that honest capable people be unable to do what should be done is puzzling and troubling. Why is a person paid by the city or county any better than any other equally qualified and trained citizen? In the end they are both citizens and both doing what is right, just with different callings in life.

You may not like my cars analogy but it is equivalent and valid none the less. There's no reason a police officer is any more worthy of being armed than I am. Statistics have proven the armed citizen such as myself is less threat to the innocent public than police.

I appreciate your position and your right to it but facts are against you as far as the number of firearm misuse incidents annually which is a tiny fraction of the legitimate usages.

I don't expect to ever convince you. You've probably been programmed the way you are too long and are in the land of lala which does nothing for reality. I just know the difference it would make for something like that to happen in my presence, as well as many other fine citizens I know.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Land of LaLa?I think not.There are just as many nut case's, gun crazed individuals in my state as yours.They stand on their "rights"as you do.
You never mention the young people who are now NOT going to have a future in your single minded and over the top insistance that we all need to be armed.It's maddning to believe that a guy as bright as you simlpy does not get it.I believe you were probably brought up in a culture of guns,and never had a chance to understnad the destruction they have wrought in our society.Your brazen attitude that these young people were simply the result of a correct system that has a few flaws(anybody can get automatic weapons any day,any time)is just wrong.What about the dead students?.Collateral damage in the fight to keep gun ownership a right?Is that what they are?.Tell me I'm wrong Leo.
Your rights are getting in the way of our ability to continue to function as a civilized nation.We are becoming no better then the terroists,can't you see that?Any American can become a terroist any time they want,for any reason, because it's their right.NASA,in Houston became another killing ground yesterday.An engineer,an educated man,had a grudge.Other then his murdering an innocent person with a gun he purchased three days before,he was an outsatnding American.With the gun,he was now in charge.
No Leo,I'm sorry,your unfortunate brain wash from your early childhood appears to have had terminal results.Your appearent dismissal of the death of so many young people so that you may continue to be armed to the hilt is against my believe in right and wrong.Sorry if I offend you,but you have offended me.
Please correct me so that I may come to understand your moral high ground.I'm sickened to think you have not even considered some form of real gun control this week.
We don't have it now.The back ground check system is a joke at best,and a complete and total failure at worst.And I'm not talking about your hunting weapons either.Just the one's that are only good for hunting people.
I'm trying to be honest and not personal,as you know I respect you,but I have had it up to here with this paticular topic,and the misuse of the word rights in this argumentThe framers never had any of this in mind.
The Iraqi's should have as much right to slaughter each other as we do in your world.Bring the troops home to protect us from ourselves.


Veteran Expediter
You’re again are funny. I think you don’t get it, sorry but you need to take a serious look at real causes and prevention of crime, not the party line.

Look it is simple; the gun is part of our culture. It is not the reason that we have crime; it would not matter if the gun existed or not, people will find ways to kill other people for what ever reason.

The system failed the system that was build to appease the idiot gun control crowd. This system is the background check system, which could be a lot, lot better. One of the biggest issues I have with it is the mental health record access part of it, it don’t exist. The system should be more fool proof and uniformed throughout the country, I find that there is no excuse for this but it is the same as the medical records issue, no one will put into law a date when a system must be done and most of the systems out there are a real joke. Without access to the mental health records, which the ACLU will jump all over if access is given, any system is a failure. The same actually goes for the criminal records system, there is some info that is not available, like juvenile records.

The idea that we can get automatic weapons are a joke, sorry to be insulting but the fact is a true automatic weapon ownership is so highly regulated that it is a serious matter and the ability to just to sell one is a big mess to deal with. In fact an automatic weapon is considered so lethal that the treasury department has been known to send not only the ATF to do an inspection but also the FBI and Secret Service.

Outside of this, did you know that for the first 65 years of the 20th century were much safer than the last 35 years?

Why is that?

Did you know that the ‘wild west’ was much safer than our safest city is now?

Why is that?

Could it be that we treated crime seriously and did not take the position that we ‘rehabilitate’ murders or people who are serious threats to society like we do now. If you were mentally ill, you were locked away, not dumped on the street to live.

Could it be that the idea that not knowing if someone was armed and able to protect their property and their family stopped a lot of crime? Remember all the tourist getting killed in Florida, why was that? One of the criminals who was caught after murdering a German couple said it well ‘we know that tourist don’t carry guns’.

By the way, your statement “Your rights are getting in the way of our ability to continue to function as a civilized nation.†is so far off it is not funny.

Bring the troops home to protect us? please. Just let them win.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Cal, I spent quite a lot of time on the 16th thinking about those young people. I thought about how they were robbed of their future because I wasn't there. I thought about how very different the outcome would have been if I or any number of my friends had been there. The outcome would have been far different with far fewer casualties. Any one of them, or I, would have gotten to the individual and stopped him.

What would the outcome have been if you or any of your friends had been there? In all probability I would no longer get to point out your error in this debate. :+ Seriously though, there is the tiniest of chances, microscopic at best, that you or one of your friends would have talked him into surrender. There is a far greater chance the casualty count would be one higher and you would be gone.

Isn't it interesting these things always happen at schools and not police stations? Isn't it interesting these things never happened before the 60's? Isn't it interesting that in the first half of the century kids took their guns to school with them and stashed them in the principal's office to use on the way home after school? Isn't it interesting those were the days of the pledge and a prayer before school officially began.

No Cal, guns are no different now than they were a century ago. They cause no crimes now just as they've never caused a crime. You can not say guns are the cause of any crime unless you also say alcohol is the cause of crimes and cars are the cause of crimes and countless other objects are the cause of crime. Either only people are to blame OR people are not to blame for anything and only objects are to blame. It isn't one way for everything but guns and the other way for guns just because the misinformed wish it to be so.

I wasn't brought up "brainwashed". I was brought up in a household that had a solid grasp of reality. The framers fully intended every citizen the right to be armed if they so choose.

We the People of the United States

The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures....

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

As you go through this fine document of ours, you find it perfectly and absolutely clear that the people are each and every one of us as individual citizens. Again Cal, you can not claim any Constitutional right applies to a single individual citizen unless you acknowledge they all do. They would not and did not use the exact same phraseology to mean one thing in most instances and something different in one other instance.

Objects are not criminals. Objects do not cause crime. Objects are neither good nor bad. Objects do not commit crimes.

I challenge you to tell me how a police officer is any better than I am or has any greater right to the ability to protect himself and others than I do? Please keep in mind the number of corrupt and disgraced police, especially in major cities, when explaining this to me. Better yet, please explain to me how those young people should only be saved by a police officer if there are others available and capable of saving them.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Guns don't kill people, people kill people. People with illegal guns that is, not legal ones. Gun control is nothing more than a political idea drummed up by the left to use against the right.
It is truly meaningless. It is of no advantage to anyone but the badguys. It allows unarmed law abiding citizens to be left vulnerable to those who are less than law abiding. The man in the picture to the left once sang that "happiness is a warm gun". Some years later he was killed by a nut job with an illegal gun. Would it have mattered if gun control was in effect? I doubt it. If somebody wants something bad enough they'll get it.


Seasoned Expediter
I love it when I hear someone tell me about how the police are the ones that have guns to protect me or mine,what do I need one for? I have a concealed carry permit because.... I can!I am not a felon and therefore have the priviledge of being able to legally carry a concealed handgun. Do I? Rarely, the permit comes in handy when Im traveling or just walking around outside with a loaded gun. Try to get one of those in Cali! I used to carry my Colt Commander 45 model 1911A1 on the car seat next to me when I lived in LA, why? Because I had to drive the streets of Long Beach and Downey at 2am coming home from work. And because I knew I would only have that to protect me on the streets of LA long before a cop would respond to my cell call. And I refuse to be a victim-again. A hunting rifle to protect your family at home?? Unwieldy at best, a hazard to neighbors blocks away. Dont need to worry? Me paranoid? No, I love my family, and Im realistic enough to know that there are pieces of s##t in this world that are too lazy to work for things and are more than happy to come into your home and kill you for yours, and the Police will show up just in time to string up yellow tape, long after any home invasion creeps kicked the door in. Dont need automatic weapons in the collection? Why the heck not? I have two legally owned and registered AK-47s and love to go out with the wife at our public gun range and blow stuff up- its a hoot!! Semi-automatic handguns? Use mine in timed events of speed and skill against steel silhouette targets, an extremely competitive and popular sport. Dont knock it if you ain't tried it. And protecting the family thing--yup, a gun will make it easier to do that. Anyone who doesn't think it's their responsibilty to prevent being a victim by animals deserves to be a victim. And if that means making sure your little girl can put all rounds in the 10 ring at 7 paces then so be it. Until the courts in this country mete out realistic punishment we will have to act like savages to prevent being savaged. Unless, of course you can talk your way out of you and your loved ones being raped, beaten, robbed,good luck with that. Cops are on the way sir.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
For those women like my wife who don't have a the hand-eye coordination required for handguns, a sawed-off .12-gauge shotgun with a magnum load of #4 turkey shot does the trick. Just point and shoot. An added bonus is the deterrent factor - every perp alive that sees one of these knows the damage it will do without requiring a lot of skill.


Seasoned Expediter
Just the sound of a shotgun's slide action being racked is enough to make anyone stop what they are doing and evaluate what their next move will be.
Ironically one of the biggest proponents of gun control is wonderful Diane Feinstein of San Francisco who doesn't like people to know that she packs a concealed pistol wherever she goes to protect herself from... I'm guessing fellow San Franciscans who have been "disarmed" by the city ban on gun ownership...??


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
>Just the sound of a shotgun's slide action being racked is
>enough to make anyone stop what they are doing and evaluate
>what their next move will be.

If you train with someone truly good they will tell you to never do that. Many people believe that is the thing to do in their home if they hear an intruder. It is not. You've just informed the intruder of where you are and what you have for protection. Now if they are a determined intruder they are not going to do anything other than shoot first. Yes, it will send some of them packing. Others it will only cause to shoot anything that moves. The only sound should be the safety of the shotgun coming off and that should be close enough to silent to not give anything away to the intruder.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I do pray for those who should have been saved, for all those who haven't yet been attacked that they never are or if they are they have someone to save them, and for you and your friends that you'll eventually see the light.

I do wish you had responded to my post however. I'm curious how you will refute the irrefutable. I'm curious how you see me as inferior to a police officer and my rights as less than his/hers. I'm especially curious how you answer my question of why those young people could/should not have been saved by someone other than a police officer but still qualified and capable of saving them.

I know you can't see that you are the one in denial. I know you can't see or admit your position is wrong. I don't expect that to happen although I do believe in and pray for miracles.

Given a willingness to help, and provided a short bio listing qualifications and equipment to help with, do you think those young people would have asked for you or me? If your daughter, who you very rightly are very proud of, were in a similar situation, would you want your same thinking friend to be there, or me?

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I guess the answer is in the silence.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
I've posted my position before, in total agreement with Leo, so I'm not going to restate that, but I find it sad that we are bemoaning the media's glorification of criminals, nearly 200 years after Mark Twain pointed out how bad an idea that is - do we never learn? Or is it just that 'anything goes' in the effort to attract an audience?


Veteran Expediter

"nearly 200 years after Mark Twain pointed out how bad an idea that is "

Ahh.... 200 years?

Samuel Langhorne Clemens (a.k.a. Mark Twain) November 30, 1835 — April 21, 1910

You really got a time machine?


Veteran Expediter
Most people who die from guns in America know the person who shot them.More often then not it's a family member.The guns are legal,and so is the instant rage that brings out the hand guns.
Any comment Leo?Something other then more hot air rhetoric about your rights would be appreciated.Otherwise,you need not repond.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Some of the people who die in this country know the shooter. It isn't most because it's nowhere near a 51% majority to qualify as most. The number who are saved from death by firearm availability and capability to use them properly is exponentially greater. The number of people killed by drunk drivers is also greater than those killed by a relative during rage. The number of children killed by drowning in swimming pools is higher than the number of children killed by firearms. Pools are certainly not a necessity. Let's concrete them all in and save children. I do wish Cal that you'd also answer my tough question for you from post number 53.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Seasoned Expediter
Leo you have to stop expecting or hoping cal will use facts in his responses. What he said "sounded" logical and made sense to anyone that shares his opinion. That it isn't factual is of no consequence and does'nt matter to him and people with similar beliefs. Bill C. was the master of making things "sound" good.

He hasn't answered your question because he doesn't want his true feelings to get in the way of his righteous rants. Of course he would want anyone that would be willing to do anything to do it if a loved one were in harms way. If he can't admit that then he is fooling no one but himself because you and I know better. All you have to do is look at the Hollywood ilk and the political left and their bodygaurds for the answer to how they really feel when it could be their a** on the line.

As I have said before, train and arm some teachers please. That is our only true defense to these situations.

Does it really take a genius to know a criminal would rather attack an unarmed person versus an armed person?