

Expert Expediter
Defined: An undoubted or self-evident truth; a statement which is pliantly true; a proposition needing no proof or argument; -- opposed to falsism. "Trifling truisms clothed in great, swelling words." J. P. Smith.

The world will never sing in accord because of "differences". Always live life knowing that there is always going to be someone prettier, smarter, faster, wealthier, healthier, wiser, etc. than you. If you live by this rule you will gain knowledge from those that have something to contribute, but if you live your life closed to the offerings of others you will stagnate in ignorance.

This statement explains why the world is in so much trouble. We all live in hypocrisy. Remember that those people with differences of opinions have a reason for having them. When we feel we are right we close our minds to other possibilities:)


Expert Expediter

A closed mind is a sign of an ignorant or unenlightened person.
A closed mind leads to intolerance and rejection of other people and other ideas.
Open minds, on the other hand, can open lives to unimagined possibilities and opportunities.
Best wishes to all,


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member

Threatened litigation and insulting comments unfortunately close minds that had been open.


Expert Expediter

I understand what you mean.
I sincerely hope that both sides have since gained some benefit from that unpleasant experience -- and that both sides have become even better in their abilities to deal with such adversity.
We all sometimes make mistakes.
One big challenge is to recover from the mistakes, learn from them, and get on with life and business -- without trying to refight old fights.
Very sincerely,
PS. When I wrote my comments in this thread, I intended them in a general way (not slanted toward the specific recent discussions) -- since the starting post seemed to be intended in a general way.


Veteran Expediter

I think that many of you mistake passion and convictions for closed mindedist, ignorance and unenlighten people.

You can spin it any which way you want but it seems that people who apprear to be closed minded seem to be the first to accept people for who they are, don't judge them and listen to others but don't waiver from their convictions and passions. The people who stand by thier convictions and are passionate about thier feelings, ideas and thoughts are the enlighten ones - they are the ones that succeed.

You can not judge a person from a comment, statement or anything like that - doing so is closed minded.


Seasoned Expediter
RE: Passionate?

Passionate about a belief system that could be apparently wrong has nothing to do with truism "unless" it is true and factual. Alot of people believed in slavery and were very passionate about it to where all war was broke out to keep it. Does that have anything to do with truism? Yes, it is true that this nation believed passionately about slavery that Americans fought on their own soil to keep it. Yes, we as human beings believed passionately about lynching black people for sport and for bragging rights. "Crowd mentality". Hitler was passionate about killing all Jews. Yes, we as a nation believe passionately that we have a right to kill other cultures and uproot their government for our own benefits. "We" as humans believed passionately that this land was ours that we drove the native Indians out west. What you have to ask yourself is why you are so passionate and where did you get your belief system from. Are you easily fooled? Do you believe in a belief system just because the next person does? Heck the U.S. Constitution is based on a belief system and it has been amended throughout the years.

My point is that "beliefs" are not always truisms. Justice does not always see truth. A truth is wrapped in integrity. When a man has integrity and lives by it there is always truth. The "heart" is where truth lies.

Look around and see how society creates differences. Do you where a slogan tee-shirt or a cowboy hat just because you want to fit into a crowd? When you enter a restaurant do you notice that different races segregate themselves We all want our "individuality", but we imitate the next guy or gal. When we want to voice our opinions we "choose" our words carefully. Why? Are we so scared to be individuals and think as individuals? Is it because of what society might think? Thinking as a collective stifles creativity. Think outside the box and listen to what is being said. We all our willing to fight for a belief system that was not originally ours to begin with. We all go into debt because we "want" not because we "need", and we are so willing to destroy our earth for a pair of Nikes. Nikes that you wont want anymore after the fad is over or when the next new thing comes out. Do we listen to certain songs because of the words or because society as a whole thinks it is great? Think about the belief systems of killers, rapers, child molestors, etc. They feel passionately about their beliefs. Not the beliefs that I would want to feel passionately about. Truth withstands the test of time. It is unchanging!

"I get down on my knees, and I pray we don’t get fooled again".


Veteran Expediter
RE: Passionate?

A perfect example of "truth",and the need for some to have an opinion that defies logic,is global warming.
The skeptics site proof that green house gas's have nothing to do with the ice cap melting(even glaciers in Wyoming are melting)and try to use history to make their point.All scientists(except quacks) are in agreement that greenhouse gas's are the cause.
Yet climate change,and how to deal with it,escapes W and his corporate buddies.
There is no disagreement among the scientific community about this problem,but the attitude of W's loyal army is just what big oil wants,no problem.
We are a nation controlled by morons,who have been feeding misinformation, paid for by oil company boys(one heading W's energy porgram)to the mass's for 4 years.
Denial,and proclaiming God to be a Republican,is now a common trait among many of this group.
Once again,it comes down to the perception of right and wrong and truth.I stear clear of anyone who starts a sentence with"The truth is......."or "The correct(or right)way to approach this is to........)
Passion about an opinion is a respectable quality,except when it is costing life and destroying the Earth,in my "opinion".Close minded and dogmatic actions(W again folks),like not recognizing the Kyoto Agreement as a first step towards dealing with Global warming, cannot be defended,and the majority of Americans are not buying it.
Our childrens childrens will inherit the greed and profit motivated mess on Earth that this current administration(disguised as a government of the people)will leave them.WE need to get started right away to save the Earth.
Vote for change in the fall.
By the way,check out the new documentry "Enron"for some interesting insights in W and KennyBoy's friendship.(Not produced or directed by Michael Moore)

Just my opinion.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
RE: Passionate?

I wouldn't worry too much. With all the advances in alternative energy, we are see the gasping breaths of the oil industry. They will exist but in a different capacity. Bio diesel, electric, hydrogen you name it will come around. We are seeing it now. The oil industry sees it. That is why they are on to make as much profit now while they still can. Numerous industry reports are that they (oil industry) is hoping to sell refined products to other nations. Why? because in 20 years, their market share here will be drying up.
It is partially politial as well as supply and demand.
If advances stay on track, the world will be fine. The US can't do it alone as China and other industrious nations have to follow suit.
Japan has been way ahead of the US in this regard yet still has some of the dirtiest air.
All you can do is hope for the best.

21 years
EO moderator


Veteran Expediter
RE: YES Passionate

You know Tallcal101; I think that the focus was more philosophical in nature than what actually is happening in our twisted bi-party world. I am not defending W, far from it I have to say that with Kyoto, he did the right thing but with some of the corporations, he has fallen short to my standards – especially of late.

But since you opened up the door, I have to ask you what purpose would the Kyoto treaty actually do, it subjugates the US, GB and a few other countries to the whims and wants of the third world with a shift in wealth and a point system that is close to what you would even consider too way left at the same time not even considering the fact that the US led the seriousness of pollution controls to the point that we have had the cleanness air in the world outside of Tibet and we have been making serious strides in tightening up our pollution standards every 3 years, look out retrofitting your truck is around the corner. WOW that was a lot!

In addition to this if you look at Europe, they are struggling with the EU, a lack of a true coherent government structure, nationalism forming within France and Germany again and cities that are as polluted if not more polluted as we were 30 years ago. They still have a serious acid rain problem and most of the illnesses related in the cities are a direct result of ignoring obvious signs of pollution. They lack the political system that allows things like the EPA to be more or less in the center with oversight to create progressive policies and not be a political pawn in the bigger picture of things. China, Russia, the pacific rim, India, South America and others are not held to any real standard under that treaty only the “industrialized†nations are. Read the treaty summarization out there.

As for Global Warming, when I was in college I had to take a lecture on cause and effects of global climate changes and the solar system, yes it was boring and it had a lot to do with the chemistry make up of the earths many layers of atmosphere and how it is effected by the space and things happening out there. It was a lecture taught by one of the people who run NASA today, forget his name right now. See the problem is that we humans only contribute a small percentage of the global warming, most of which is a nature occurrence that cycles over 800 to 1000 years. What we can do is little when you think about it; one natural occurrence (very bad solar month) can effect the earth as much as five years of man made pollution can. In addition to this, I have to point out that places like Greenland were actually green 1000 years ago, Europe had their warmest years 1000 years ago, there was a big population boom 1000 years ago and the ice caps were a lot smaller than they are today. This lecture from what I understand is still being taught as it was 25 years ago.

But the question is can we do better? Yes we can but not with any treaty forcing us to do things that would damage our country. With that I am done - sorry to go off topic.


Veteran Expediter
RE: YES Passionate

Greg,I have just a couple of comments.
The USA is the largest producer of green house gas's in the World.We have one tenth the population of the Worlds most populated countries.Get it?Who cares about Europe,Japan or China or the moon.We are the biggest problem,the BIGGEST POLLUTERS IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!
It's our house that needs cleaning.Thats why Kyoto is important,it shows the future big polluters that we CARE.As the dirtiest country on Earth,we can't wait until others step in line,we have to lead the line.My God,we still have leaders who deny there is even a problem!!
Former third World countries who are prospering are indeed a threat to more green house gas's,but it is the good old USA who has done 75 % of the damage up till now.
I put this question out to my fellow truckers.Are we ready to shop Bio diesel,perhaps drive 30 to 50 miles out of the way to use it?Because thats our choice right now,and that will be our choice for 5 to 10 years,until the Johnny's come latley(the oil companies)get off their a**'s.
The almost dead and buried US auto industry has waited to long,and will not be a player,at least a major player,in fuel efficiant(or alternative power)passanger vehicles in the future.Once again,thank politics, the oil lobby,and the unions for waiting to long,and putting out volumes of mis-information.They have collectivly killed one of our proudest industries.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
RE: YES Passionate

Is it just scientists who are "quacks" because they don't agree with you? Even those that yell loudest about green-house gases, admit that it isn't proven fact. The fact that the planet has experienced extremes of every kind since the beginning is a much stronger argument that these things are cyclical. It was only about 30 years ago we were supposed to be worried about the next ice age.


Veteran Expediter
RE: YES Passionate

Sorry Star,that argument no longer carries water.It is now beyond a debate,but I understand that some need to keep the door open.
There is not one recent scientific study,not one,that suggests anything other then green house gas's.
I don't equate you with a friend of big oil,or a denial for profit guy,and repect your opinion.However,I repectfully suggest we may need to defer to science this time.We don't have forever to argue over this.


Veteran Expediter
RE: YES Passionate

I agree with you (believe it or not) that we are one of the problems, but we are leading – the rest of the world and the media says otherwise but look around, the world wants our money.

So how are we leading? Well we were the

first to recognize the problem of pollution within our cities

first who demanded autos to be equipped with pollution control devices AND DID NOT COMPRIMISE WITH THE REQUIRMENTS

first to demand that all imported autos to be equipped with the same pollution control devices

first to find solutions for removal of sulfur and other acid producing from fuels to clean up the air and reduce acid rain

first to take steps to enforce environmental laws which includes jail time without compromise

first to find technology to clean up soil and return a lot of land to a usable condition

We don’t lead with the following;

Monetary incentives to use alternative fuels

we don’t have a serious mass transit program nation wide, which includes rail systems. I would love to see (and use) a real rail system but rebuilding it would take a lot of money

we don’t still haven’t figured out (in masse) that solar and wind is really the way to go in many situations but we also have this not in my back yard with wind attitude, especially people who say they care and supposed to lead – example Sen. Kennedy and the windmill situation.

As far as I am concern countries like India, China and others should be forced to control pollution right from the start, not allowed to pollute as they see fit. We are blamed for a lot but we are still far ahead than others.

As far as truckers, I hate to say this but no one seems to really give a d**n about the new fuel mixture, the new engines or the fact that all indications say that if you get 10 MPG expect 6 MPG from your new truck with the 2007 engine. Beside this there is talk about retrofitting your truck to meet the 2007 standards by 2010 if not sooner without considering the negative impact to you. As I said before and will again (and TallCal101 may agree) if you don’t get involved, you can’t complain. Well I did it again, sorry. Talcall101 – if you want to continue, PM me.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
RE: YES Passionate

I think we could have a great and entertaining forum here similar to Hannity and Colmes.

Gregg on one side and TallCal on the other. People could post their comments about the World in General and off we would go. Both guys are obviously educated and Gentleman so there could be some real good and take.

What say we all??


Veteran Expediter
RE: YES Passionate

I say it's a great idea - open debate always is, I think. You can sign me up on TallCall's side, because, while I enjoy Gregg's posts, I think the facts are on TallCall's side here. America has a chance to be great in areas that are beneficial to the world, & I hope our leaders don't blow it. A tiny, forlorn hope - but maybe the change of leadership with the next election will move us forward for a change. It would be great to see the USA lead in more than greed & aggression, and I believe we have a responsibility to the future to clean up our own messes, not leave it for them to deal with.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
RE: YES Passionate

The good thing about a debate here is we can easily see what everyone is saying. Hanity and Colmes quickly becomes just so much noise with everyone yelling at the same time. If the liberals would just admit they're wrong and be quiet we could hear what needs to be said.:+ :+


Veteran Expediter
RE: YES Passionate

Good point Star.The reason the Liberals can't keep quiet is that W and the boys keep changing the script.
Now lets see:
1.Mission accomplished
2.Victory is at hand
3..Well,maybe not just at hand(maybe by 2008)
4.They are just a small group of ex bathists,no problem
5.Well,maybe there are more then we thought,but it's a mop up operation(excuse me Mr. VP,is this your educated guess)?
6.We have 150,000 Iraqi troops trained and ready to go
7.Well,maybe it 's only 7000 now,but just wait till next month.
8.There will be no civil war,we are the liberators of all the Iraqi's.
9.They will embrace us(starting to look like civil war)
10.And it goes on and on and on and on and.........
Not sure why,Fox seems to miss alot of the news.........
So,what do you expect the liberals to do,somebody has to keep the American people informed of the facts.It's our billions that are going down a fat rat hole,yours and mine.
Who needs an exit plan,"bring em on "Famous last words.


Veteran Expediter
RE: YES Passionate

Oh no don’t keep quiet – I wouldn’t have anything to do, lol.

Ok something to throw in.

You know I remember hearing a famous person (tallcal101 would know this person, he is an Oakland native) justify some stuff that is as bad as we hear today. This person who was an auto exec turned secretary of defense say that escalation is necessary in order to fight the communist and win the war. Even though he was saying this at the beginning of the war, he repeated it several times during his tenure and even after but all the time he had the power to put an end to the war then through his influence.

I met this rather sorry *** a number of years back and told him with all his power, he lacked the integrity to put his foot down to stop it – he had the political power to do so, why didn’t he? He said that it was for the people of Vietnam that depended on us to win for them then paused and said that it was the right thing to do – opposite from his statements in his book (which he still signed with a rather odd note). Mind you we today have the armored vest debacle but then you had one man telling weapons manufacture how to manufacture a weapon to be cost effective and at the same time be defective in the field and how many died then as now because of this reasoning? OH yea this model democrat also gave us the outrageous lending policies of the world bank.

So I agree with some of your points, but it isn’t only fox, CNN has been repeating some fox things lately. I still like BBC for the news.


Seasoned Expediter

Ever heard of the "Kool-Aid Drinker" party? They are the worse kind of people. It is nice to see the differences of opinions, but have we learned anything from them? I am an environmentalist and I recycle all my plastics, cans, and I give my applause to the states that have the easy access recycling centers available to the public. I also give my bottles and cans to the homeless so they can cash them in. I see more homeless people making a difference by digging in the garbage cans and picking up the trash left on the road side than people that sleep in warm houses. Humans treat each other badly. I help my neighbor when I can. There is no reason for hungry mouths in this country.

I am in total agreement with TallCal. We need help on a bigger scale w/ this problem. Here is an interesting article: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060401/ap_on_sc/bugs_global_warming

Progress defined: http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/Papers/Progress.html

"It Takes The Good Of Many To Erase The Evil Of One"