The dog days of summer: AUGUST!


Veteran Expediter
One today, no joy. Moved to Temple, GA. Company has two days to get me out of Atlanta, otherwise I'll hafta slink home and figure out wtf to do next.

The "black holes" are roving around these days. Seemingly. There are several areas we used to love to go to and even those are harder to get out of at any rate these days.
Everyone has a bad week or two here and there. Hopefully the good ones make up for it. But, by design, the market is adjusting and the market will flush out any carriers and trucks that cannot withstand and adjust with the "market corrections".


Veteran Expediter
Back at home waiting for the next call that will send me back to Indiana.

Sent from: The wrong side of the tracks.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Hope she is ok...Joe.....:) Take care of her...she is your BEST asset!!....;)

Yes, she IS my best asset. It turned out to be a combination, sort of a perfect storm, of things. It was seasonal allergies, allergy to a medication, AND a bit of a summer cold to go with it! She will be fine and we plan on going back out on Monday. Thanks for asking.


Retired Expediter
Yes, she IS my best asset. It turned out to be a combination, sort of a perfect storm, of things. It was seasonal allergies, allergy to a medication, AND a bit of a summer cold to go with it! She will be fine and we plan on going back out on Monday. Thanks for asking.
Give her my best...maybe another dinner sometime.....:)


Fleet Owner
Nothing going on in South Beloit . Had a call this morning but a no go. Getting ready to DH out of here!!


Fleet Owner
Well was going to DH to Ind, called dispatch and someone has beat me to the punch. So being #1 here hopefully get a call Fri and see what happens.


Veteran Expediter
Empty in Howell Michigan , out of service gonna pick up the wife and head down to Mountaineer to add to my retirement fund.

Sent from: The wrong side of the tracks.
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Veteran Expediter
There must be demons afoot out there; I got desperate enough to bid .80 on a run from Conyers, GA to Alexandria, VA and DID NOT get it. That is patently ridiculous :mad:


Veteran Expediter
There must be demons afoot out there; I got desperate enough to bid .80 on a run from Conyers, GA to Alexandria, VA and DID NOT get it. That is patently ridiculous :mad:

That sucks, lowest I go is .83cpm but still that sucks. Hope ya get a good one soon.

Why is it things are so incredibly slow?


Veteran Expediter
I only bid .80 because Alex is 150 miles from home, and my brother lives 10 miles south of it. I haven't been home since 7/15 :(

I had hoped to earn at least $6-7K being out this long. Not even halfway there. I now have $90 in the bank, a twenty in my wallet, and a 3/4 full tank, all to get me 800 miles home.


Veteran Expediter
US Air Force
Got one yesterday from Sparta, IL to Toledo, OH but dead headed back home to Dayton since there were 4 CV, 2 Sprinter and a ST within 40 miles and only a sprinter in Dayton. Had one loading at 4pm in Lebanon, OH to Jasper, AL but it got pushed back a day then an 8am pickup in Cincinnati to Lebanon, IN direct that I hope to get a follow up on tomorrow


Veteran Expediter
I only bid .80 because Alex is 150 miles from home, and my brother lives 10 miles south of it. I haven't been home since 7/15 :(

I had hoped to earn at least $6-7K being out this long. Not even halfway there. I now have $90 in the bank, a twenty in my wallet, and a 3/4 full tank, all to get me 800 miles home.

I really hope you get a good load then because being out that long you are right that should equate to more earnings