The car companies and culture wars


Veteran Expediter
Maybe some of you can ponder on it and come up with an opinion

Today I was at Ford, having lunch with a few Ford people. We touched on the subject of Chrysler and GM and how it is going screw everything up. These guys are not stupid and one was clear that Ford was warned not to take a dime of the government money.

The conversation led into the opinions and thoughts on why the banking industry was allowed to do so much more fraudulent stuff and the auto industry was vilified when they asked for some help.

What came out of this lunch was simply an issue of not political ideologies but of cultural differences and these cultural differences led to what we have now, an industry that was forced into something for borrowing money while others were not.

See let me put it another way.

When I started working in the Pharma industry; I worked at a large company based in Michigan. From a hostile takeover, I ended up working for a large Pharma company based on the East Coast. I worked for a division that was just north of NYC and made up of mostly North Eastern people.

There were serious cultural differences, most of which the NY people looked down upon almost everyone from the other company because we were hicks. We were incapable of doing anything right, even produce the drugs we sold.

The prevailing attitude was if there were any disputes, the NY people were right. They were much smarted than we were and were enlightened. IF we were right and proven right by some miracle which made the NY people look bad, then we had the hell to pay. There was a lot of jealousy going on and a lot of backstabbing for political gains within the company.

So back to the auto industry

The people at Ford see it that these three companies are looked down upon by the people in power; the elites who are in the treasury department, in the White House and so on - we are a bunch of hicks who don’t really understand what it takes to run a business, especially an auto business. I thought about that for a while and then looked at some of the speeches and press conference highlights that Obama and his people have made over the issue and it seems that the Ford people hit it right on, their rhetoric has been such that they know better.

But let’s take this a step further.

The forced bankruptcy is not about helping the companies but punishing Detroit's success. All of this could be avoided if the companies are allowed to do what they need to do without a task force of unconnected people telling them what to do.

The creditors, the people who are legally entitled to take the stock are being told that the UAW is the new owners, not the creditors. The WH has stepped up their efforts to stop any release of funds that were already allocated for green cars and so on which makes it look like this has been engineered right from the start.

To add to all of that, it seems that the WH and treasury department has told a lot of creditors that they will either taker the deal or else the WH will use their power to ruin them.

It this the Wilson administration all over again?

Your thoughts and comments.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Take it the rest of the way. These people are extreme left wingers. They despise the so-called Military-Industrial complex. The left world wide, these people support them, have been trying for years to take out our industrial capabilites so we would no longer be a military power. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
See Layout it is not a right or left thing, but an elite vs. the common man thing - it doesn't even approach union vs. non-union.

If you read the Forgotten man (either the book or the essay) you will clearly see what I am getting at.

We are peeons for the elite, the plebs who do the work and can't be enlighten by any means. They know better, it is the elite, the Obama's and the FDR's who know better for us.


Veteran Expediter
There is no doubt that barry thinks he is better then the common person, and he thinks he has surrounded himself with the same types, how biden got there i have no idea, he must have pictures of barry doin something or someone....look at turbo tim, he was the ONLY one that could fix this economic one else could do it....

Yeap thos looks like the "wilson, progressive" movement and the nationalization of industry, finance and next the healthcare will be our way of rahm said, never let a crisis go how this swine flu deal is used to further the national healthcare program............

Yeap, they think they know better then the people do......BUT, has they gain control, the weaken the country and open it up to being taken over by outside forces....the 1st enemy is "the enemy within", then their enemy is the one holding their debt...and with a weaken country, a broken military...we are done.............


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I see that, Greg, as the teaching of the "Left". I heard that garbage about elites and peaons etc from almost every college professor I had. The more left wing they were the more I heard it. They use it like class warfare to undercut those who succeed. Make those who do well look like they are BAD and exploiting you. Plant the seed of discontent and you can take out the Military-Industrial complex. a major goal of the Soviets. I read it all the time in thier teachings and planning. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
hmmm, the exc branch doesn't like how private contracts are written so they bust them and threaten the holders of the contract with ruin. Then the exc branch moves to intervene in the judical branch to break more laws.....all the while violating The constitution of our country on several fronts.....wonder whos rights barry and his minions will violate next......when will he step on a few rights each of us hold dear...gun owners already know, but what about the rest, when is your time coming............

Yea the elite feel they know whats best for everyone and come hell or high water, by legal or illegal means, by god they will get it the mean time we just shrug our shoulders and say "oh well, what do you expect from DC......"

Hope all of you that voted for this pos are happy with the way things are really going..........
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