Sooo ... Who is in charge of the RNC


Veteran Expediter
Steele got one thing right, Rush is simply an "entertainer" nothing more. He backed off because of the 20 million listeners that Rush has and he knew his inbox and fax machine and his phone operator was going to get burnt up with alot of nasty messages.

I am sure some of what he said didn't come out has he wanted it too, but he in no way thinks Rush runs the RP...

LOL, i liked Rush's comment that if he WERE the head of the RNC, he would resign in embarrassment!! LOL, that was funny... but his reasoning is true and right on as to what the party has become..

and then Barry has Gibbs bring Rush up at his "press briefing"..LOL! 1st he takes on Rush and tells people not to listen to him, then Gibbs bust on santelli and doesn't even understand what he is talking about and now again they take on Rush... They look like school kids when the bullies pick on them, the need to run a tattle !! is really getting funny and shows just how "strong" this administaration is......Who they going to whine to when Putin tells them they are nuts and to get loss?? Or when uncle "imadumbazz" in iran tells them to bite it we will do what we want with our nuclear program??

What a joke....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
We need to get rid of the Re-Bum-Lican party too. They are just as corrupt and rotten as the Dumb-O-Crats are. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!!!! Funny, the phrase was the rally cry of the Left in the '60's and now that they have power they are doing EVERYTHING that they can do take away the power from the People. Only goes to show that power corrupts. The Dumb-O-Crats are after total power which equals total corruption. Scary times in the Republic. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Oh believe me, i totally agree that neither party as a ifxed right to taking this country down the tubes...from bushs domentic policies and spending like a dem, to his stance on illegal immigration to the bailout on his way out then we have the almost total loss of anything conservative in the repub party..

If the people of this country would take the time to understand what is going on , and not take the MSM as the truth, we would have a 3 party system if not open elections with no party affiliation that had a chance of working..but hey, when the Media shows the contempt for one party and the fawning over the other, the sheeple will follow along...its just how it is...I'd love nothing more then the populace rising up in whatever direction populace takes....and taking back our government


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Remember the old Jim Croce lyric "You don't tug on Superman's cape?" Up until now I thought Michael Steele was a sharp guy and would make a good leader for the RNC. He has proven himself to be otherwise by trashing the voice of conservative Republicans just to appease a few inside-the-beltway media clowns. His timing couldn't have been worse, considering how fractured the party is right now. After he finishes eating crow, this political lightweight needs to try to get on Rush's show to do the appropriate groveling and then concentrate on the business at hand - refocusing the party on its core values, restructuring the primary system and getting some good candidates in place for 2010.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
We need to get some "Little People" on these shows to lambaste these polititions and expose them all for the frauds that they are. They all suck. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
We need to get rid of the Re-Bum-Lican party too. They are just as corrupt and rotten as the Dumb-O-Crats are. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!!!! Funny, the phrase was the rally cry of the Left in the '60's and now that they have power they are doing EVERYTHING that they can do take away the power from the People. Only goes to show that power corrupts. The Dumb-O-Crats are after total power which equals total corruption. Scary times in the Republic. Layoutshooter

Power to the People is a collective term. At least that's what the Dems and their lemmings mean by it. China has it as well. In fact, it's in their name... The PEOPLE'S Republic (HA! They wish) of China. The fact that these ppl want a true Democracy is resulting in the mob rule we have now... we want, therefore we get... on YOUR dime.

chefdennis wrote:
"and then Barry has Gibbs bring Rush up at his "press briefing"..LOL! 1st he takes on Rush and tells people not to listen to him, then Gibbs bust on santelli and doesn't even understand what he is talking about and now again they take on Rush... They look like school kids when the bullies pick on them, the need to run a tattle !! is really getting funny and shows just how "strong" this administaration is......Who they going to whine to when Putin tells them they are nuts and to get loss?? Or when uncle "imadumbazz" in iran tells them to bite it we will do what we want with our nuclear program??"

Here's a bit from Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals":
Rule 13 is: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. The opposition must be singled out as the target and frozen…and carry out your attacks…one acts decisively only in the conviction that all angels are on one side and all the devils [i.e., the opposition] on the other.”

That explains the tattling, with help from the media. If it weren't for Rush, and those like him, the news and soundbites that never make it to CNN wouldn't get heard. Entertainment, yes. But I also constantly see things from angles I've never thought of. It's not the criticisms from talk radio that are causing the libs to bring back the "Silence Doctrine"; it's the fact that their back door governing keeps getting light shed on it.


Veteran Expediter
Remember the old Jim Croce lyric "You don't tug on Superman's cape?" Up until now I thought Michael Steele was a sharp guy and would make a good leader for the RNC. He has proven himself to be otherwise by trashing the voice of conservative Republicans just to appease a few inside-the-beltway media clowns. His timing couldn't have been worse, considering how fractured the party is right now. After he finishes eating crow, this political lightweight needs to try to get on Rush's show to do the appropriate groveling and then concentrate on the business at hand - refocusing the party on its core values, restructuring the primary system and getting some good candidates in place for 2010.

Pilgrim, I agree with your assessment of Michael Steele. For a Republican to attack Limbaugh is political suicide. Like him or not, Limbaugh is the de facto leader of conservatism in America. He has proven himself reliable over two decades where he has been at the forefront of the conservative movement.

Yeah, Limbaugh can be bombastic, arrogant at times, even crude, but his political instincts are staunchly conservative 99% of the time. As a political commentator in America, Rush Limbaugh has no peers. He is a unique talent, mostly self taught.

For the last 12 months or so, I have largely tuned out all radio and television news, except to catch the headlines occasionally. My disgust with America's political elite only grows.