shoot to kill


Retired Expediter
One thing I do believe is a country shouldn't abandoned it's core beliefs or values...whatever they believe...The Lords Prayer, Christmas, God should not be ruled out.


Retired Expediter
and criminals?? warning first if applicable and then shoot them down if they don't stop..and IF still alive then read them their rights!
Punishment first... then rehab if qualified.
Capitol punishment...YES


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yes, you sound more and more like me!!! McCain/Palin all the way!!!!!!!!! A gun toting, NRA member, woman conseritive. Layoutshooter


Retired Expediter
Yes, you sound more and more like me!!! McCain/Palin all the way!!!!!!!!! A gun toting, NRA member, woman conseritive. Layoutshooter

Where I am soft is social programs....I haven't quite grasped not sure if I will, your position on them...just being honest...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I like honest. I think if we ever get to meet it would be fun. I think I could prove that these "so-called" social programs don't work. I am not at all opposed to helping people, just in a way the encourages self-reliance and limits government intervention. I don't believe that government is ever effective in social policy. Dignity is important. Teach rather then dictate. Lead rather then rule. Encourage rather that mandate. Slove promlems rather than create them. Layoutshooter


Retired Expediter
I belive somewhat of what you say....a Government shouldn't coddle people but re-enforce and nudge...for those really needing help...separate the curd from the whey so to speak...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Now you got it my friend, the difference between a liberal and a human. Liberals think(?) that everyone but them are unable to care for themselfs and only they can fix things. They think that no one should ever have to suffer the results of thier own stupidity. They think that economies only go up and never go down unless a Republican makes it go down. They don't believe in normal business cycles. You are not as far off from what I believe as you think. I believe that people that are REALLY unable to support themelfs should be helped. That is what charity is for. I don't mean paying dis-ablilty to drug/acholcahol addicts, bums, mal-contents etc. I mean people who are severlly retarted or phyisically unable to work. You have to be pretty bad off to do phone or computer work. Take out the lazy factor and we would have plenty of money to take care of those who really need it. If you and I can take care of our needs, so can anyone else. There are no valid excuses. Can't read? Learn. Can't speak the languge? Learn. No jobs where you live? Move. No job skills? Learn some. I did, I am sure you did. So can most everyone else. Don't support bums, lazy and/or useless people. It never works. Man kind has done fairly well taking care of thier own needs. After all, who knows better than the individual what those needs are? Layoutshooter

always confused

Seasoned Expediter
what many people in the 'developed' countries often fail to admit is for most of the world population life is much simpler. ie: no work no eat. there are few people who like going hungry. so for most of the world there are few 'lazys'. of course in our enlightened progressive nation the idea of 'no work no eat' is unacceptable. which explains most of the social welfare programs, the acceptance of 'undocumented' workers and families making use of 'our' schools -- hospitals -- etc.

i freely admit that there are many beggars around the world hoping they can get something for nothing. some are in situations that are dire (refugees in areas of civil war) (victims of natural disasters , some are pawns of political agendas --palistine lebanon ... ... and don't forget the starving children.

but don't forget the millions who manage to survive under adverse conditions. manage to find some work, and therefore eat.

it would be interesting to see how many in this country would choose to go hungry rather than find a job,,,, any job. might make it hard for that undocumented worker to find a job ... ... ...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Un-documented worker? OH, you mean a criminal that entered my country illegally? Working here, illegally? Yes Virginia, it is time to call a horse a horse, a person that breaks the law is a criminal. I am sorry, can't help. If you start from a wrong assumption then everything else is wrong. No one said that self-reliance is easy, it is not. It is hard, that is why it is so good for everyone to be self-reliant. Again, we must and should help those who are truly in need. Truly being what is important. That does not mean supporting bums. It is not really all that hard in one respect, if I take care of the needs of my family and myself, and Sam does the same, and Sally etc, there will soon only be the few that really need the help to help. That is where charity comes in. That is what charity is for. Charity is a gift, not a government function. Layoutshooter


Retired Expediter
In the mid 80's I was trying to raise 3 kids the recession was about over but cost me my high paying job when Firestone folded and everyone downsized...I tossed newspapers at night and picked fruit in Niagara by day...I was about the only white guy out there! We lived in a low income part of town and my neighbours thought I was crazy when I coulda sat back and collected welfare go to a food bank and drink beer all day! I felt this was wrong because a was able bodied back then and lazy was a foreign word to my upbringing...I couldn't understand why take resources from a food bank when I was capable of doing it my way? I says to some of my friends..The farmers need help to get the crops in come make some extra cash like 30-40 bucks a day cash at the end of the day...they said you nuts...Being Canadian I was glad that safety net was there BUT It was then and is now abused by wat too many Fat A$$'s ...and sponges. I was glad when they tightened up the welfare system and the able bodied were forced to work for their snow storms..Able bodied when called must go out (with a city crew)and shovel walks around bus stops and hospitals and nursing homes. Refuse and check was reduced by potential income lost. You get the drift.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I see part of the confusion by the use of "undocumented worker" to incorrectly label criminal aliens. It parallels the confusion of those who use the term "affirmative action" to incorrectly label discrimination. No matter how you label them they are still criminal aliens and discrimination. We've raised generations of ill taught citizens who have listened to nothing but the touchy feely side and are so mentally screwed up they couldn't see reality and what's right if they were immersed in it 24/7/365. Heaven help us as they've taken over the universities and continue to multiply. Yes, shoot to stop the threat, whatever the threat is. If that results in death so be it.


Retired Expediter
undocumented worker sounds like we are soft on immigration...
Just like I can't call Greg a short a$$ nows he's height challenged!!!:rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I like your attitude OVM. You sound more like a conservative every day. That is exactly what I am talking about, have a "safety net" not a hammack. We have tried here many times to "force" people to earn thier welfare money. Reagan called it "Workfare"> Man you should have heard the NAACP, Demecrats, Jessie Jackson, Joe Biden, Uncle (she's knocked up let's drive her off the bridge ) Teddy, and so on. Reagan was mean spirited, racist (even though there are more white people on welfare than black) and just cruel. They just could not understand how anyone could think that these people should have to earn thier way through life. They are "entilted" to other peoples' money. Our "free press" (Pravda) sang a VERY sad toon, draggin the slums for the worst hard luck stories they could find and playing the worlds biggest violin. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, should have to watch the movie "Cinderella Man" once a month. Once a week though high school. James Braddock was a real MAN ( Osama Obama could take lessons from him.) He went on relief for just a little bit and PAID IT BACK TO THE GOVERNMENT WHEN HE GOT BACK ON HIS FEET!!!!!! He said it is not right to take from other people when he did not need it. After his boxing career was over he started a construction company and put lot's of people to work. He also fought in WW2, with honor. I have never been opposed to helping when it is need. I hate the WELFARE state, it saps dignity and creates a "Garden Slug" sociaty. Lazy should NEVER be rewarded. Layoutshooter


Retired Expediter
Welfare is a provincial responsibility and the then Mike Harris premier of Ontario was the bad guy...made people work for thier money, made kids stay in school till 18 if they did drop out the parents were responsible for them....the drop out rate really dropped...because the welfare was increased from age 16 to more student welfare checks..he even won re-election because to working class was tired of supporting these bums...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
In this country it is Federal, first problem. It is also run by the press and "specail interest" groups like "welfare rights" organizations, stired up by the Jessie Jackson's, Al (lying sack of dung) Sharpton and the Obama types. They have tought and convinced generations that they are "entiled" to the fruits of others hard work and is the "right" and duty of the government to "assist" them by stealing it from those who work. Layoutshooter


Retired Expediter
In the last 10 years or so with BOTH levels of government in Canada tighten the noose on the social's been a slow move to more to the center then liberal...I think they've realized a completely social system is too costly...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
We still continue to move further and further left. Osama Obama is the first "Openly" Marxist candiate to be nominated by a main line political party. At least he is out of the closet. Layoutshooter