Is it not also interesting that she wrote a book, is marketing doing book tours and profiting from her book just as AlDork did but when Newt Gingrich did the same it was challenged as being illegal? Hmm. Also seems like violation of free speech in cutting the C Span cameras off and finally the lights. It was okay for the cameras in there just as long as it supported Pewwwlousee views. Anybody see Stephenopolis on Sunday I believe it was? Even the former Bill Clinton's press man nailed her on not allowing an up or down vote on drilling and included continued alternative fuel reseach. Alternative fuel research has been going on and on and on for a long time. He asked her at least 6 times and she refused to answer. And to those who claim oil has the (R) in their pocket consider this. Hussein Obama has received $400,000 from oil execs per public records and Bill Clinton got over $20,000,000 from the Saudis. Bush never got anything near that. Obama's good friend Reski got $10,000,000 from oil which is when he was arrested finally due to fears he was about to run. After questions concerning the Clinton Saudi millions one of the library contractors is found dead beside the road just after talking to family...hmmm Can anyone spell Vince Foster. Also interesting how many times Enron excs stayed in the white house -----------WITH BILL CLINTON. ALSO interesting that BILL CLINTON helped ENRON get $600,000,000 during his administration. That is spelled C L I N T O N not C H E N E Y.
One last thought though for zero emission Pewlousee/Gore car---10 foot piece of garden hose and rag to keep it in tailpipe. Other end in car. Zero emissions!! Might even be able for them to fuel their car with natural gas if they use another piece of hose from engine to their ----