Obama administration determined to stop Petraeus testimony on Benghazi attack.


Veteran Expediter
OH and were suppose to belive this is all true ???
Well, considering it was written by an Israeli Jew ... in fact the very guy, Gershon Baskin, who played a critical role in brokering and securing the release of the IDF solider Gilad_Shalit - who Hamas had held for over 5 years - I would say that it might at least merit at least a little consideration.

You can read more about Mr. Baskin's efforts in the above effort below:

The Israeli academic who played a critical role in the Shalit deal

Or you can just continue to listen to O'Really and Shammity and the remainder of the Focks Nooz clown parade ... and persist in believing they are giving you "the truth" ...
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Veteran Expediter
SOme CIA guy with no other evidence ??? gee really the just word of one CIA guy. with no agenda of his own???
There many within the intelligence community, or who were in the community at the time, that have spoken out about what happened with the gaming of the intel in regards to Iraq ...

To construct the sentences in the quote above in the manner that they were constructed, speaks of a level of fundamental ignorance on the matter - one that would require quite a bit of time and a good deal of effort to rectify.

An endeavor whose ultimate success could be considered dubious at best - if the individual whose ignorance is in question, is unwilling to consider some actual facts ... rather than the mythology they have adopted, in support of a misguided worldview that they are desperately clinging to ...

If you so choose, you can act and expend a little effort to educate yourself ... if you do choose to do so, Google might be your friend.

If not, well hey - by all means: feel free to remain in the condition that you currently are.

your source for your info as pure as the wind driven snow??? not likely
You tell me - since you raise it as an issue.

If he isn't, what is it specifically that makes that so ?

What have you to offer to support your premise ?

Anything ... anything Bueller ?
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Veteran Expediter
Interesting comment on Roger Ailes (head of Focks Nooz) I found:

Ailes' advice to the GOP in th early 70's:

“Today television news is watched more often than people read newspapers, than people listen to the radio, than people read or gather any other form of communication. The reason: People are lazy. With television you just sitwatchlisten. The thinking is done for you.”

He went on to lead Fox News; "The network where the thinking is done for you."

Richard Nixon and Roger Ailes 1970s plan to put the GOP on TV


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
More on Johnny Boy's butt-hurted-ness:

John McCain’s Scheduling Error

Apparently, McCain (along with Lindsey "Yes-that-certainly-is-my-toe-you-hear-tapping" Graham) is missing the finer optics of the recent electoral results ... given their nearly unquenchable predilection for continuing to beat up on a well-thought of, younger, black woman - one who merely served as public spokesperson for the administration ...

Next shoe to drop: Maybe that McCain had the same intel "talking points" as Rice did, at the same time she had them.

Be sure to stay tuned for the next episode of the John McLame Clown Show ...

Kind of left out the fact that also there was a WOMAN senator named Kelly Ayotte. I guess regardless of the apparent optics, of having two white male senators along with a female senator demanding answers of their government, it will probably deteriote wrongly into some type of sexist, racist witch hunt on Susan Rice. Note to Barry supporters and PC lib crowd.: Witch wasn't necessarily describing Rice because she happens to be a female.Ok? ok.
Bad news: Turns out it’s sexist and racist to criticize Susan Rice for giving bad information to the public « Hot Air


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Don't have to look too deep in to this one if the White House is already playing the race card.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yep, you got that right. The description of Rice as well-thought of,woman might not be totally accurate as well. Even Washington Post writer Dana Milbank, no right winger is he, says she has had a few issues such as flipping the middle finger to a colleague,shouting matches and arguments as well.
WSJ: Hillary’s on the hot seat, not Rice « Hot Air


Expert Expediter
Yep, you got that right. The description of Rice as well-thought of,woman might not be totally accurate as well. Even Washington Post writer Dana Milbank, no right winger is he, says she has had a few issues such as flipping the middle finger to a colleague,shouting matches and arguments as well.
WSJ: Hillary’s on the hot seat, not Rice « Hot Air

In the bigger picture. All of this negative attention on Rice will simply make it easier to get Senator John Kerry Confirmed for the Secretary of State position. Obama still wins. :cool:


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Just looking at democrats, Kerry would be a better pick than Rice. I'm not sure Obama really wins anything?


Veteran Expediter
Kind of left out the fact that also there was a WOMAN senator named Kelly Ayotte.
While leaving aside the fact that the above appears to an incomplete thought, if you are referring to some particular appearance of McCain or Graham (and Ayotte ?) in the press, or on TV, I really didn't leave anything out ... since my comments were simply based on my own observations of who has been at the forefront, and primary beneficiaries, of the preponderance of the press coverage of the matter ...

Clearly, it's the Mutt and Jeff duo ... and that fact will feed into the general of perception of it ...

But I am glad you raised the matter of Ayotte's involvement though ... since, given her record, it simply serves to reinforce that those who are out front on the issue are crass political opportunists ...

Thanks for the extra ammo ... ;)

I guess regardless of the apparent optics, of having two white male senators along with a female senator demanding answers of their government, it will probably deteriote wrongly into some type of sexist, racist witch hunt on Susan Rice.
Well, as pointed out above, who gets the mic and the face time will determine the general perception of it ... as long as it's primarily McCain and the South Carolina Toe Tapper, it will be what it will be ...

What I'm wondering is how long it will take the rank and file GOP in Congress to figure out that having these two 'tards out in front on the matter is a loser from a PR perspective ...

Given that it's the Party of Stupid I really don't expect much, but one can always hope for miracles ...


Veteran Expediter
In the bigger picture. All of this negative attention on Rice will simply make it easier to get Senator John Kerry Confirmed for the Secretary of State position. Obama still wins.
May well be true (that it would make it easier) ... my own guess though is that he ends up going with Rice ...

I suspect that Obama is more than just a little ticked off ... and the opportunity to have the clown brigade ranting and raving in opposition to the appointment, will make for good political positioning, particularly given McCain's recently demonstrated competence at foot-nuking himself ...

I say: Bring it ...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
While leaving aside the fact that the above appears to an incomplete thought, if you are referring to some particular appearance of McCain or Graham (and Ayotte ?) in the press, or on TV, I really didn't leave anything out ... since my comments were simply based on my own observations of who has been at the forefront, and primary beneficiaries, of the preponderance of the press coverage of the matter ...

Clearly, it's the Mutt and Jeff duo ... and that fact will feed into the general of perception of it ...

But I am glad you raised the matter of Ayotte's involvement though ... since, given her record, it simply serves to reinforce that those who are out front on the issue are crass political opportunists ...

Thanks for the extra ammo ... ;)

Well, as pointed out above, who gets the mic and the face time will determine the general perception of it ... as long as it's primarily McCain and the South Carolina Toe Tapper, it will be what it will be ...

What I'm wondering is how long it will take the rank and file GOP in Congress to figure out that having these two 'tards out in front on the matter is a loser from a PR perspective ...

Given that it's the Party of Stupid I really don't expect much, but one can always hope for miracles ...

If you were watching Fox News you would have seen her speak. You were probably watching something like MSNBC ,where the memo from the higher ups was probably: Show the two GOP males but don't show the GOP women. The audience over there is so easily fooled. It would account for your erroneus observations.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
May well be true (that it would make it easier) ... my own guess though is that he ends up going with Rice ...

I suspect that Obama is more than just a little ticked off ... and the opportunity to have the clown brigade ranting and raving in opposition to the appointment, will make for good political positioning, particularly given McCain's recently demonstrated competence at foot-nuking himself ...

I say: Bring it ...

Yep, because it is more important to have "political positioning" than to nominate someone who is best qualified and competant for the job. Right? Right.


Veteran Expediter
If you were watching Fox News you would have seen her speak. You were probably watching something like MSNBC
Well, mutt I actually watch Fox, MSNBC, CNN, Current ... and a few others.

And I have seen her speak - never said I hadn't - try reading what I wrote again ... you know where I talked about the preponderance of coverage that I observed.

where the memo from the higher ups was probably: Show the two GOP males but don't show the GOP women.
Uh-huh ...

Well, I dunno about internal memos from MSNBC ... haven't seen any of them as regards instructions from management to slant their coverage any particular way - I doubt that it would be required considering who the hosts are - clearly they lean left.

But we certainly do know about the memo's from Focks Nooz ... it's been documented and a variety of whistleblowers (ex Focks Nooz folks) that have sung like canaries.

On the matter of MSNBC's coverage ... well, there is this:

Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) on Thursday said United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice still needs to answer some "serious questions" about Benghazi, despite President Obama warning that Republicans should not "go after" Rice on the issue.

"We have so many questions that need to be answered," Ayotte said on MSNBC's "Andrea Mitchell Reports."

Andrea Mitchell Reports: Kelly Ayotte on Susan Rice & Benghazi

The audience over there is so easily fooled.
Coming from you that's a real hoot ...

At some point you'll probably get tired of being slapped around ... and decide to stop sticking your schlong in the meat grinder ...

Me ?

I'm a pretty patient fellow ... and I have plenty of time ...

By the way, has anyone seen dear old Bub-bah-lah around lately ... how's he doing these days ?

Where did that little scamp get off to anyways ?

It would account for your erroneus observations.
My observations are entirely accurate - based on what I watched. And I suspect that observation would hold true, in terms of the entirety of coverage in the media.

Are you now asserting that McCain and Graham have not received the majority of the press coverage as GOP mouthpieces thus far ?

That Ayotte has received more ?
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Veteran Expediter
Yep, because it is more important to have "political positioning" than to nominate someone who is best qualified and competant for the job. Right?
Nope - that's a strawman of your own construction - I never said any such thing.

But hey ... if logical fallacy is the best ya got, then I say:

"Governor ... please proceed ..."

FWIW, it's my opinion that the GOP is so inclined towards politicization and obstructionism that they need slapped down ... hard ... and if the results of the election weren't enough to get them to rethink their ongoing stupidity, then by all means: please bring on further political humiliation.

And I'll sit back and partake in a little Schadenfreude as it occurs ... with the hope that wiser minds will eventually prevail ...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well, mutt I actually watch Fox, MSNBC, CNN, Current ... and a few others.

And I have seen her speak - never said I hadn't - try reading what I wrote again ... you know where I talked about the preponderance of coverage that I observed.

Uh-huh ...

Well, I dunno about internal memos from MSNBC ... haven't seen any of them as regards instructions from management to slant their coverage any particular way - I doubt that it would be required considering who the hosts are - clearly they lean left.

But we certainly do know about the memo's from Focks Nooz ... it's been documented and a variety of whistleblowers (ex Focks Nooz folks) that have sung like canaries.

On the matter of MSNBC's coverage ... well, there is this:

Andrea Mitchell Reports: Kelly Ayotte on Susan Rice & Benghazi

Coming from you that's a real hoot ...

At some point you'll probably get tired of being slapped around ... and decide to stop sticking your schlong in the meat grinder ...

Me ?

I'm a pretty patient fellow ... and I have plenty of time ...

By the way, has anyone seen dear old Bub-bah-lah around lately ... how's he doing these days ?

Where did that little scamp get off to anyways ?

My observations are entirely accurate - based on what I watched. And I suspect that observation would hold true, in terms of the entirety of coverage in the media.

Are you now asserting that McCain and Graham have not received the majority of the press coverage as GOP mouthpieces thus far ?

That Ayotte has received more ?

Thanks for making my point. The fact that most of the lame stream media,other than Fox News would give a preponderance of the coverage and minimize Kelly Ayotte is what I'm referring to. The media list given in your first sentence is a clear indication that you are misinformed by one of your following statements " My observations are accurate based on what I watched." Again, given that erroneus information, one would give an innaccurate statement on here as to what took place at the News conference. The fact that the FEMALE Sen. Kelly Ayotte was there and also gave a statement about her concerns was lost on you as you gave your opinion about the "optics" of ONLY the two white male GOP senators criticisng the well thought of, black female.
Can't let an inconvenent fact like Kelly Ayotte being there get into your false narrative.
Seriously, did the Barry supporters sign up for four more years of this racial and sexist politicking? Telling idnit?
Oooh...lookie here. The President did the same thing. He conveniently ommitted Kelly Ayotte from his remarks. "John McCain,Lindsey Graham, and others......" Sneaky,sneaky.

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yep, because it is more important to have "political positioning" than to nominate someone who is best qualified and competant for the job. Right? Right.
Based on the current SECSTATE, competence and qualifications don't seem to be high on the list for this particular cabinet position. Of course Obama didn't score too well in those two areas either.

The fact that most of the lame stream media,other than Fox News would give a preponderance of the coverage and minimize Kelly Ayotte is what I'm referring to... The fact that the FEMALE Sen. Kelly Ayotte was there and also gave a statement about her concerns was lost on you as you gave your opinion about the "optics" of ONLY the two white male GOP senators criticisng the well thought of, black female.
Can't let an inconvenent fact like Kelly Ayotte being there get into your false narrative.
Seriously, did the Barry supporters sign up for four more years of this racial and sexist politicking? Telling idnit?
Oooh...lookie here. The President did the same thing. He conveniently ommitted Kelly Ayotte from his remarks. "John McCain,Lindsey Graham, and others......" Sneaky,sneaky.

Media, Obama Ignore Female Senator's Criticism of Susan Rice
As is usually the case with Obama, it's all about appearances instead of substance. The GOP needs to get better at their production of these media events. This news conference should have put Sen Ayotte in front of the cameras with McCain and Graham on either side in support roles. She is very capable and could easily have taken the lead in making the necessary points about Rice's participation in the internet video sham. But Rice is just a pawn in the larger cover-up effort.

Considering the loss of life in Benghazi, the primary focus of any investigation by the Senate or House should be to determine:
(1) who failed to provide the necessary levels of security for our people in Libya?
(2) who failed to give the orders that would have allowed our forces to fight off and possibly rescue our people from their terrorist attackers?
This responsibility falls on the White House and State Dept; one is in the "direct denial" mode, and the other is MIA - Hillary conveniently on the other side of the planet right now.