NO best friend for you.


Veteran Expediter
Eerie! If you've ever seen The Wall, the school scene is not far off from this crap. They are molding these kids to be mindless MEAT.


Seasoned Expediter
Children need to learn to deal with the issues that will come in life. I think we need to stop coddling them so much and let them be kids.


Veteran Expediter
Wait, wait, wait.......The Sun? Really? This is just too funny.

We now have members linking stories from the Sun, a tabloid from the UK, a sister tabloid to the News of the World paper, a tabloid which is owned by the nefarious Rupert Murdoch, a tabloid with a long history of running stories with little or no known facts, a taboloid surrounded by scandal since its inseption, the tabloid where five senior journalists had been arrested, a tabloid that's being investigating for having a "network of corrupt officials", a tabloid being accused of phone hacking, police corruption and illegal payments authorised by senior members of the corporation. Your getting stories from that tabloid and taking the time to post them here? Wow!!!! That's classic.

But hey, just like FoxNews everyone will tout how successful the paper is and how many readers they have and justify the journalism for that alone.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You know what makes it even more hilarious? Its a story from a UK tabloid.

So what? They are bad over there too. Most "news outlets" are nothing more than propaganda machines. It is very difficult to find reliable news. That is just one of the reasons we have what we have in politics these days.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
To go along with no best friend we also have the ban on using red ink to grade papers and the ban on any grade lower than a D even if every single answer is wrong. We just can't risk hurting anyone's feelings.


Veteran Expediter
My daughter is learning about best friends. Her old BF get between her and her new BF, and lies, cheats, and is not BF material for my daughter. It is teaching her proper standards. She is starting to understand the Golden Rule. And it makes her not only a better BF, but a better daughter, and person in general.

As far as her grades... she is her own worst critic. But she still doesn't want to do her homework. LOL