Liberals murder four California law enforcement officers


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Liberals murder four California law enforcement officers

Liberals murdered four California law enforcement officers. Their news media quickly covered it up and falsely laid the blame at the feet of honest citizens. The media, as is their custom, immediately dragged out the tired slogans of “assault weapons” and other false labels used to mislead the ignorant.

Liberals, such as Judge William Wayne Justice, in their ridiculous misguided sympathy for criminals have put prison population caps at 95% occupancy. Criminals that should not be seeing the light of day much less freedom are free to roam the streets and murder police because we can’t even use the full capacity of the prisons. Liberals such as this murdered those four officers.

Liberals are afraid of responsibility and accountability. They’ve taken discipline and punishment away from the schools. They’ve instituted and guaranteed a drug filled, crime infested slum for our children. Liberals can’t bear the idea that some children will be smarter than others, some children will work harder than others, some children will have more desire than others, so they’ve taken those evil red grading pens away and instituted social promotion so the children will learn they don’t need to work and earn their way. They just need to wait for it to be given to them or take it if they have to. Liberals such as this murdered those four officers.

Liberals can’t stand the idea of capitalism. Work and earn and keep are four letter words to liberals in more ways than one. Liberals like Maxine Waters can’t stand the idea of free enterprise. She doesn’t want people to work and earn and keep what’s theirs. She wants the government to keep and distribute what honest productive people work for because poor misunderstood and mistreated souls like Lovelle Mixon shouldn’t be deprived just because they didn’t have all the opportunities growing up. It’s up to the government to socialize everything and make Lovelle’s life better.

Liberals murdered four police officers with failure after failure after failure to use any common sense. Liberals murdered four police officers just the same as if they’d held a gun or knife or bat or hammer. Liberals murdered them and now they don’t want that fact discussed so they’ll go to one of their old standbys. They’ll blame the honest citizens who had nothing to do with the crime.

Liberals are expert at shifting blame and responsibility from those who should shoulder it, those who deserve it, to innocent honest citizens. Liberals believe that by blaming the honest and taking away more and more of the rights of the honest they’ll solve the problems they themselves create. Liberals will be vociferously demanding more gun laws as if the 26,000 plus already in place aren’t enough. Liberals will be pointing fingers, calling names, and placing blame everywhere except the one place it belongs, in their own laps. Liberals murdered four Oakland police officers. Given the opportunity they would do the same thing again even knowing they’d get the same outcome. That’s part of the liberal mindset. If you repeat the same failed policy enough times it will miraculously work.

Liberals murdered four police officers. Their families are immediately paying the liberals required price. Given time and their wish, all honest citizens will be paying the liberals price.


Veteran Expediter
Thank you Leo! If you wrote it, may I use it on a few other borads? If you got it else where, can you provide the link so i can get it there. Thanks, it says it all very well.

The saddest part is that 4 LEO's died because of it.........


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Leo, I am glad you figured it out. I was beginning to think that it was a few law-abiding deer hunters in Michigan that were responsible for that. I glad it was liberals, I am getting tired of getting blamed for all the crime. YOU nailed it. Give 'em H*LL Leo, you got my vote!!! Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Every once in a while I get the idea that I have a clue and sometimes in that same moment I get the idea I can write fairly well so yes, I wrote that myself. As long as it stays as written I don't mind it being used with a note included that it's copyright and can't be edited. I'll put my words in front of anyone but I don't want someone editing me and then passing it off as me. (I don't think you guys would do that but 3 or 4 steps down the line who knows)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I PROMISE!! Raising my right hand high and the left hand on a bible!!! Your words are very much to the point. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Well Leo, you certainly have shown more then one time that you have a clue, and the writing and sharing of those clues certainly do benefit those that read them.

I will be more then happy to share your words and give you total attribution and state that this is not to be edited .

Thank you and yes your points are right on..........


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
One thing I failed to address originally is the liberal penchant for misrepresenting events and misreporting facts to better fit their agenda. Prime examples are their constant use of the term "assault weapon" when there are very few true assault weapons and none in the catalog of any civilian firearm manufacturer or gun dealer nor in the hand of honest, law-abiding citizens. Given a little more time, these four officers will likely have been killed with a machine gun. Nevermind the fact that two were killed with a handgun and two with a rifle, the liberals don't care about that. Sadly they care more about villainizing firearms than they do about reducing the crime problem and most sad of all they care more about villainizing firearms than they do about the slain officers. The slain officers are a sad necessity in their agenda, nothing more.


Veteran Expediter
I blame california, no one else is to blame for this.

Leo, didn't I point out that there is only one assualt rifle?

I was just reading about the price hikes in parts kits for things like ak47, sks and other battle rifles - wow five times the cost of last year.


Veteran Expediter
Oh God Leo.think for yourself just once.You stole my original idea (brilliant) of a weapon speaking in the third party and floated all your idiotic ideas around it. I know I must have hit a hot nerve for all the nonsense you came forward with.

If you would widen your world just a tiny bit and quit logging onto every dim witted right wing blog you mught actually come up with an argument or rebuttle that is not rediculous on face value. I try to speak to a middle ground Leo. Where you can have your pea shooter,but Nevada can no longer have wide open swap meets offereing semi automatic rifles that can be turned into fully automatic rifles for $50.00 worth of machining.Who is reponsible for the klilling of the 4 police officers Leo? Certainly not the libereals.Your buddies load up their pick ups and haul these weapons to Nevada and set up their little tents and porta poties. All you have to do is talk to 1 or 2 of them to understand they are about 2 cans short of a six pack. These weapons end up in the hands of Californa gangs within 24 hours. By that time the proper remanufacturing has taken place and the bad guys are better armened then law enforcement. Starting to see the light Leo,any hint ?

It's once again the paranoind girly men amongest us who continue to spread their ignorant philosiphy of hatred and narrow mindedness thinking an over armed civilian populace is somehow the answer.This just provokes the manufactures of these toys for big boys to crank out more and more, knowing full well gun dealers don't care not where the guns end up. It's all about the money.
The GOP dealt iin cocaine under raygun and provided arms to the Contras. Your party has been at the fore front of arming militants worldwide. They armed Sadam Hussain,Bin Laudin the Contra rebels and now the street gangs and the drug cartels. Your argument is rediculous Leo. It's absurd.
Your folks are so lost in their warped sense of justice and their need to vilify anything that remotly resembles a sane gun policy that they are patently dismissed by most Americans as a "bunch of kooks".
If you have no problem with that label,and all the death and destruction that is associated with it,then rock on big guy,rock on.
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Veteran Expediter
But Tallcal, the gangs don't go to gun shows and buy the conversion kits... They don't even go to Nevada, I think they have a great supply from the docks of LA and SF.

The funny thing is I really feel sorry for you, not because of some misplaced ideology but because your state is going to release more felons on the street and the state does not care about the safety of its citizens. By reducing the prison population through court order craps on the victims because it doesn't matter how you look at it, a crime deserves a real punishment.

If there was such a concern, you would welcome armed citizens, not worrying about what happened with gangs. Gangs don't feed off of armed people, they look for unarmed people to victimize.

Beside, how many automatic weapon crimes actaully happen? The more important question is where do they happen? The last time I looked California heads the state for crime with automatic weapons.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I think I'm beginning to see the light, connect the dots, or whatever and Leo I hope for your sake you will have this eureka! moment also. These guys that sell guns at flea markets or whatever in Nevada are obviously one social notch above cavemen - uneducated, backward and probably white, in our part of the country we call them "rednecks." They not only attend flea markets and gun shows, they also go to NASCAR races and drink Pabst Blue Ribbon. Within 24 hours of buying their "assault weapons" in NV, they head out to LA, Oakland, or wherever and (picture this in your mind's eye) meet up with their buddies from the Bloods or M-13, have a few beers, catch up on the latest news from the 'hood and resell the armaments they just bought.

The main point however, is that if these "assault weapons" ceased to exist there would be no more street killings. Instead of dealing drugs and shooting cops and/or each other, these gang members would undergo a complete change of mindset and enroll in college or trade school. Same thing with Osama, Saddam, or our other enemies. If we hadn't given them the weapons they wouldn't have killed anybody. And if Boeing or Airbus hadn't made those planes the attacks of 911 never would have happened. It's all crystal clear now.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You got it Pilgrim. Hey, I wonder if TalCal has turned my name into Osama Obama yet? I hope he got the email address right if he did!!! :D Layoutshoooter


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I think for myself all the time. I don't need Sarah Brady et al to provide me with flawed thinking for my positions. I have clear thinking and common sense for that. I don't log onto any blogs, common sense or otherwise, nor do I log onto any websites other than EO, my ebook sites and ham radio sites. Certainly my post was pointed and sharp but I wanted to try to be as ridiculously outrageous as the prior thread. Sadly I fell far short because my post is composed of facts of the liberal mindset and agenda.

You'll notice, if you are honest, that you grossly misrepresented the facts. That's understandable because that's one of the liberals favorite tactics. You said the 4 were killed with assault rifles when in fact none were. Two were killed with a rifle and two with a handgun. It doesn't sound nearly as inflammatory when the truth is told and doesn't promote the primary liberal agenda of gun grabbing though like when it's four killed by "automatic weapons".

If there were any light in your rambling it must be a black light because there's no light of day in it. It's more of the same name calling (paranoind girly men etc.) and generalizing in misinformation and facts not only not in evidence but not valid to the discussion at hand. The death and destruction is attributable only to those who restrict the proper handling of those who disregard the law. You can call my kettle black all you want but it's ridiculous ramblings and accusations such as this one combined with failed failed failed liberal ideas and policies that cause the problems and led to the deaths of those four officers and many many others.


Veteran Expediter
LDB, you wrote "Liberals murder four California law enforcement officers". Best info I got is that the Liberal label is usually placed on a person voting predominantly Democratic. Whereas the Conservative label is usually for those of a Republican persuasion. I assume that the voting records and voting registration cards were checked for these guys? Like most bad guys they probably don't take the time to vote. How can you be so sure they are Liberals?


Veteran Expediter
LDB, you wrote "Liberals murder four California law enforcement officers". Best info I got is that the Liberal label is usually placed on a person voting predominantly Democratic. Whereas the Conservative label is usually for those of a Republican persuasion. I assume that the voting records and voting registration cards were checked for these guys? Like most bad guys they probably don't take the time to vote. How can you be so sure they are Liberals?
May I interject, gently, that to be a Republican in California is to be liberal.


Veteran Expediter
OK Pilgram,let me draw the picture,or connect the dots if thats your favorite reference base.

1)Scum bag gun dealer (legal and licenesed in B'ama) purchaces weapon at retail outlet in home state.(Walmart?)

2) Scum bag gun dealer drives to Elko,NV to swap meet in a parking lot. ("Y'all can pee behind Walgreens" is heard all day).Tent is set up and everyone's cozy.

2) Scum bag illigal gun dealer from California has girl friend or paid accomplice with clean record attend the swap with him. Who ever has a clean record buys the gun and picks it up 48 hours later.

3) Scum bag California gun dealer brings rifle back and has third party scum bag machinist/rifle technition convert rifle into fully automatic body slammer.

4) Rifle hits the street and a series of gang members buy,sell kill,trade,kill,resell etc.

4) Who and how many make up this epic?

1) Rifle manufacture, original retail seller, (possible scum bag #1 who bought from retailer and resold to scumbag #2) California scum bags #1 and #2, scum bag machinist #1 then a series of gang bangers. and finally the cops.


Boy,do I ever feel safer now.
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Veteran Expediter
It would be a simple thing to blame everyone else for the problems that you all have in that state but the truth seems to be that California is to blame for what happened, not the gun dealers, not the citizens who want to protect themselves but the state who has created the mess in the first place. I heard more excuses why we have so much crime, why there is so much gang activity and it all comes down to some idiot saying it is because we have too many poor people. You know and I know we don’t have poor, you have seen what poor is like and know when someone here is complaining about not having the latest cell phone, it is trivial in comparison of someone who has little hope.

If you want to stop gun violence, it is simple, bring back punishment for crimes that involve victims.


Veteran Expediter
tallcall101 presents a reasonable scenerio, but I read no place where any of these scumbag bad guys are liberal/Democrats, or as aristotle mentions, liberal California Republicans.