I hate the word Diet!


Seasoned Expediter
I'm sure this subject has been posted before but I can't help but ask. I'm always searching the internet reading womans world for ways to loose weight and maintain. Eating right should be easy right? But, Im finding it REALLY hard. I eat lots of fruit. I live on raw vegs and light ranch and salid. But, when the truck supply is gone and we can't get to the store and cant go "in" and sit to eat. Im stuck I dont like hot dogs so if I can't find yogart, or something I end up grabbing crunchy cheetos... GREAT choice or what? but its in the middle of the night and if I eat heavey... it will bother me. So, does anyone have healthy snacks and meals. I can cook it all in the truck but not bake. (yet, but then again I have had no time to make anything for the last 3 months) So, fast grab and go food it great for me. ( What does everyone think of a fall/ winter recipes threads?)
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Staff member
Kim good idea. I also snack between 5 and 7 in the morning start snacking. I have discovered Pumpkin Seeds which are a pain to eat so that keeps you busy. We also try to buy fresh fruits and vegetables but when that runs out I turn to not very good choices. I do enjoy water crackers and low fat cheese and I keep thinking that is not the end of the world.
I love fall soups and stews so I hope we can share some recipes and help each other.


Expert Expediter
We both drive some at night and we enjoy having grapes and sliced apples or fresh veggies.

One thing I have found that seems to work well for an easy meal in the truck...I recently tried one of those Tuna Helper meals and they are really good - if you like warm tuna. We enjoy it. I have fixed the Tuna Fettuccini and the Tuna Tetrazinni. I fixed these meals (one at a time!) in the rice cooker. It is easy to make sure I keep a can of Albacore Tuna in the truck and if I have one of these meals I am ready to throw a supper out there. If you add a tossed salad from Wendy's or do your own tossed salad you'll have a really good meal in about 30 min. Each meal makes enough for two dinner meals for us along with a salad or vegetable.


Veteran Expediter
Summer is a great time for salad, and I like to toss one up in a plastic bag, from which I can scoop out a cupful (I mean a BIG cup, lol) to snack on while driving. Adding some popcorn chicken or other bite sized meat makes it a good dinner, too, that doesn't need much else in the way of a 'side dish'.
For the sweet tooth, 'driver chow' is a favorite: cereal (Cheerios), tossed with dried fruit, nuts, and whatever is handy - yummy! Sometimes, I even put it in a bowl with milk.:)


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
I hear you. The irregular hours of expedite driving does not make it easy to maintain a healthy eating routine. It can be as much a personal desire thing as anything else. Sometimes you just don't want to do anything other than grab a fast food meal to satisfy your hunger. You get tired. There are other things to do. You don't feel like preparing food. You don't feel like finding a grocery store. You want hot food and you want it now. So you grab an Arby's or McDonald's and go. And every now and then, a Cracker Barrel breakfast or a sit-down steak dinner is the ticket.

When driving overnight, I used to munch on potato chips and ended up eating a full-size bag in a few hours. When I started buying larger pants I knew the chips had to go. Now I munch on baby carrots when driving overnight and am back to the pant-size I had when we started trucking.


Veteran Expediter
You might try what I did: Had a total knee replacement in Nov 07. Had a reaction to the anesthetic and vomited for over 4 weeks. Lost 30 pounds, though. Had a kidney removed in April 08, lost a few more lbs. Good news is that I've kept it off. I'm not sure this diet is for everyone, but it's something you might want to keep in mind.


Veteran Expediter
a most important thing to eat while on the road is VITAMINS ,
one a day .
and get some exercise if you can.
always volunteer to load/unload the truck if possible,
i have spend 3 hours with a professional Dieatition (?) before getting back on the road ,and have a good diet in place , for now,i don't think it will work for a lady... sorry, its involved a lot of divers exercise as well ,and i have to change it if am not active .
try to eat your food about 30 min. or so before being active , never eat before going to bed .
and ask a professional nutritionist to help you.
it well worth the money and time , and will reward you with a great life style.
Dont believe anyone that tell you there is no time in trucking for a healthy lifestayle .
its all about the choices we make.



Veteran Expediter
It is all up to the drivers. The healthy choices are there, and sometimes it is not always convenient, but it's what you choose to do and what you want out of it. The food at fast food places and restaraunts is not good for you. Way too many calories, very high sodium, and even the things you think might be good choices, are ruined with these things. Try snacking on fresh fruit, vegetables, whole wheat crackers, cheese, some granola bars. There's many options out there, but just read the labels.


Seasoned Expediter
I went to a bariatric doctor in April. He put me on some prescription medication and I have lost 45 lbs. There are a couple of problems with this diet.

1) If you already have medical conditions because of your weight, then you may not be able to take the meds. High blood pressure, heart problems, cholesterol, and other conditions may disqualify a person from taking the meds.

2) The meds alone will pull weight off, but as always diet and exercise help. There is no magic cure for tubby butt.

The meds remove your hunger. No more tummy growls. It also gives you energy. I take one a night that helps me sleep and helps with those monthly cravings. The one for the day is a mild stimulant similar to ADD meds. The one for night is a mild anti-depressant. Great stuff for healthy people willing to put effort into it, but that need chemical assistance.


Not a Member
When I first started out over the road, I put on 50 lbs real quick and leveled off. Finally I got sick of it and I've been losing (about 20lbs so far) lately. I've discovered a great Subway sandwich, the roasted chicken breast (no cheese, you won't miss it) with a little light mayo and honey mustard. Add all the veggies you want and zap it just a little. It's funny, they say fat is addicting and it is so true. After a few days of eating these, I quit craving Burgers, Fries and other fatty foods that I used to drool over. Good Luck and DON"T GIVE UP!! 1324177778_m.jpg


Veteran Expediter
Another easy way to cut calories.....when eating a salad, order dressing on the side then dip your fork into the dressing before taking a bite of your salad. It's amazing! I used to drown my salad in dressing, now I don't have to because I get that little taste of the dressing with each bite. :)


Seasoned Expediter
Good idea. I like Vig and Oil. But, my biggest problem is Ranch... I eat it with almost everything, including pizza and steak. Is there a way to make it at home with less cal. ?


Seasoned Expediter
I know that I've mentioned it on the forum a few times and probably sound like a broken record but drinking green tea in between meals really helps you to lose weight and keep it off. The bottled stuff has too much 'stuff' in it and won't work, so you'll have to make it yourself from the bags. I use the LIPTON tea bags myself but I'm sure that any brand will do. The key is to make it as strong as you can stand it. It'll speed up your metabloism, kill your appetite, and leave you feeling full without any bad side affects. Green tea also has a ton of good things in it to improve your health. It doesn't matter if you drink it hot or cold...just don't add things like sugar, milk, etc to it.
I also get that "gotta have a snack" feeling when I drive so I got into the habit of eating pretzels (without the salt), wheat thins, and celery.