Greg, do you really see nothing wrong with the white house withholding information the GAO was requesting about that energy summit in 2000? What bearing does the Clinton administration, or the Nixon administration or FDR have on our current political leaders. We pay the salaries of these guys, they're accountable to us. Remember.. "Of the people, by the people, for the people.."?
I don't disagree with you about Clinton(s), the health care situation was not workable nor is Hillary's current plan. Talk about placating the insurance/pharmaceutical companies under the guise of 'giving everyone healthcare'. Bill was also a co-conspirator in the NAFTA program and carried out what Bush 1 began (read Mexican trucks on our Highways). He really jumped in bed with China and if I remember correctly helped them get a couple of super computers which they're now using for their military/nuclear/weaponry programs. Not to mention the increased trade deficit created as we have become more and more reliant on their mfg. All things I'm sure we'll regret in the not too distant future.
I believe our current administration has taken matters to an entirely different level of secrecy. Accountability is practically non-existant, and instead of cigars and blue dresses, we're debating the legality of *sorta* drowning prisoners, and scratching our heads wondering why Blackwater is guarding our VIP's.
The war in Iraq hasn't given us the oil (independence) we wanted, at least not yet. It has "collaterally" driven oil costs sky high. Look at the relationship between cost increases and the saber rattling with Iran. We threaten Iran, the price goes up, Turkey threatens the Kurds, price goes up, not to mention that guy in Venezuela.. etc, etc...
I did read your other posts about the lack of refining capabilities. Isn't it obvious that limited refinery capability helps drive up the price of fuel? I really doubt if the old argument about the Sierra Club stopping the big oil companies from building more refineries will hold up in today's world.
Democrat.. Republican.. I can't see a big difference. As long as lobbyists have the ability to pedal dollars and influence in Washington, we're always going to have the best government money can buy.
Finally, I heard something on XM the other day. Some Harvard business professor has written a book questioning whether or not business degree programs have served the community as promised a hundered or so years back when they were petitioning to be added to college cirriculums. He poses a question I believe to be relevant:
"Is the function of the corporation to serve the worker, the community or the stockholder?"