
Expert Expediter
I am curious. How many drivers do you suppose don't know what those three letters in the subject, stand for?
The reason I am asking, there is a suggestion by our Panther "Driver Council" to change "FAQ" to "Frequently Asked Questions".


Veteran Expediter
Haven't got a clue as to how many wouldn't know what it means, but what would it hurt to change it?


Expert Expediter
It seems Cheri you assume I have a problem with them changing it.
My only question was how many might know what it stands for and I explained my reason for wondering.
I could draw from your reaction I have a problem with the council. Quite the contrary, I like what they are doing. But I won't assume that is what you meant.


Veteran Expediter
No, Fish, I didn't think you had a problem with the change - just thought the question of 'how many' is one no one could answer. Since FAQ is a computer term, it stands to reason that some will be unfamiliar with it, (heck, it took me weeks to figure out what it meant!) so why not make it easier for everyone? When we use terminology that's specific to an area of interest, we sometimes forget that everyone doesn't have the same level of interest, you know?


Expert Expediter
I always thought FAQ stood for Feeble-Assinine-Questions.
Could be wrong, been wrong before, might be again, I don't know!?!?



Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Hy Fish , I fail to see how Cheri indicated that YOU had a problem with FAQ or the Panther Council. She replied that she didn't know who or what effect changing the FAQ would affect anyone. Man you need to chill out.


Expert Expediter
Cheri, I wasn't aware it was a computer term, I know I've seen it used many times for many years, but your right in terms of "area of interest". Packmule showed his area of interest.
Precisely why I asked the question. It only meant one thing to me, but apparently others might not see the abbreviation much.
Is it an acronym yet?


Expert Expediter
RichM, I don't have a problem with anyone here. And if you read my post you'll see I only was curious if that (FAQ) is a colloquialism or had national exposure. I didn't ask correctly.
I think some of my response came from another post I read earlier about sitting in Detroit for 15 days and how things tend to escalate at certain times.
I changed my tune several months ago. There are to many personalities on here to generalise about anything.
I hope everyone has a prosperous balance of 1/4 quarter.


Expert Expediter
FAK Federasie Van Afrikaanse Kultuurvereniginge
(Federation of Afrikaans Culture Organisations, South Africa)
FAK First Aid Kit
FAK Flyaway Kit (Royal Australian Air Force)
FAK Focal Adhesion Kinase
FAK Freight All Kinds
FAK Fußballklub Austria Wien (German: Vienna, Austria soccer club)

What is your area of interest?


Veteran Expediter
I am curious. How many drivers do you suppose don't know what those three letters in the subject, stand for?
The reason I am asking, there is a suggestion by our Panther "Driver Council" to change "FAQ" to "Frequently Asked Questions".

I know what you mean, I don't know how many know what it means. I know when I say anything about FAQ's I say check the FACTS out.

I actually think that the suggestion it a good one, it should be changes. For one like me who has dome a lot of developing of websites and know what can be done to make the visit of a user a pleasant one, the use of FAQ opposed to Frequently Asked Questions is actually one that make the "Web Pages that S*ck" list for me. FAQ should not be used at all.


Veteran Expediter
I don't 'know' that it's a computer term, really - just assumed it is, cause I never saw it before it began appearing on websites. And I'm one of those dorks who actually read the usermanuals, so if it had been there, I'd have seen it.
My current area of interest, since you asked, would be south of the Mason Dixon line!;)


Veteran Expediter
I hope they never label it as Freight of all kinds, expedited - FAKE could cause some trouble with Customs, I bet.


Not a Member
Awe ##### everyone gets like this when it gets slower than expected...
My personal fav is WTF "Weird tired feeble"


Veteran Expediter
Are you SURE that's what it stands for, Mr Tude? I always thought it meant 'Waaay tooo funny':p


Veteran Expediter
That's either a secret reference to The Chairman, or it could mean "My azz's onfire!" not sure which...