My Dr said I had Hypertension, the early form of High BP, is started taking Garlic, 1200MG and Fish Oil and it has lowered my BP back down to very normal, talking to a Nurse at the Hospital she says Garlic is very good for your Blood and Heart, so without drugs so to speak I have saved myself from the Issue, I have been riding my bike about an hour a day also.....I got this email from the FMCSA...about Sleep Cramming which is the practice of Clinics forcing people into sleep studys.....
There is no law that requires a sleep study. A medical examiner can choose to ask for one if he/she thinks it is needed, but this needs to be ordered by your regular doctor. Otherwise, it will not be covered by insurance. FMCSA has no guidance or regulation that requires or suggests a sleep study for a driver
Pamela Perry, RN
Nurse Consultant
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
1200 New Jersey Ave, SE
Washington DC 20590
(202) 366-4001