Cancel Culture


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Fox News continues its kamikaze mission, cancels Lou Dobbs #1 rated show on Fox Business channel. This was one of the few shows worth watching left on any network. Varney and Tucker Carlson now stand alone.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Fox News sees the light, cancels Lou Dobbs #1 rated show on Fox Business channel.
Fixed it for ya.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Fixed it for ya.
Yep, Fox Business "sees the light" and cancels its most highly rated prime time show, even as their viewers are leaving in droves. That time slot goes to the crapper and the associated ad dollars evaporate, never to be seen again. A true stroke of economic genius. Meanwhile, liberals gloat as another opposing viewpoint is eliminated.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Opposing viewpoints are fine, lies and slander are not.
The problem is that the Left is now defining most any opposing viewpoint as a lie. There's "my truth" and anything that doesn't agree is a lie. The very concept of "two sides to every story" isn't even a thing to the Left anymore. That became crystal clear a couple of weeks ago during a conversation between Rand Paul and George Stephanopoulos when Stephie flat told Paul, "There are not two sides to this story... I'm standing by facts. There are not two sides to facts. I did not say this was a perfect election, I said the results were certified, I said it was not stolen. It is a lie."

So talking about voter irregularities that need to be examined, because no evidence of fraud was presented and litigated in court, and because the States certified the results, that is therefore ipso fscto proof that the election was free, fair and transparent and that claiming otherwise is not merely another side to the story, but an outright lie. The fact of the matter is, we don't have proof of election fraud, but we also don't have proof of election transparency, and there are serious questions about both.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
That saying "you can indict a ham sandwich" is similar to this: " you can certify a ham sandwich". Meaning just "certifying" it (election)makes it immune from examination and analysis.
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Veteran Expediter
Arizona officials are trying to do a forensic analysis on the dominion machines and the county officials will not hand the machines over to know the bosses of the country officials.
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Veteran Expediter
The problem is that the Left is now defining most any opposing viewpoint as a lie. There's "my truth" and anything that doesn't agree is a lie. The very concept of "two sides to every story" isn't even a thing to the Left anymore. That became crystal clear a couple of weeks ago during a conversation between Rand Paul and George Stephanopoulos when Stephie flat told Paul, "There are not two sides to this story... I'm standing by facts. There are not two sides to facts. I did not say this was a perfect election, I said the results were certified, I said it was not stolen. It is a lie."

So talking about voter irregularities that need to be examined, because no evidence of fraud was presented and litigated in court, and because the States certified the results, that is therefore ipso fscto proof that the election was free, fair and transparent and that claiming otherwise is not merely another side to the story, but an outright lie. The fact of the matter is, we don't have proof of election fraud, but we also don't have proof of election transparency, and there are serious questions about both.

Some folks are starting to catch on to the whole gaslighting shtick ... and how it actually works.


Veteran Expediter
Arizona officials are trying to do a forensic analysis on the dominion machines and the county officials will not hand the machines over to know the bosses of the country officials.

Yeah, I'm assuming "county officials" on the second instance (not "country") was what was intended above ... but that's not how government actually works.

County officials are primarily accountable, first and foremost, to the law and the voters that elected them, or the officials that appointed them.

Arizona Senate to conduct own audit of 2020 election results after all


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Some folks are starting to catch on to the whole gaslighting shtick ... and how it actually works.
Yep. And it's why the media's approval and trust ratings are where they are.


Veteran Expediter
Yep. And it's why the media's approval and trust ratings are where they are.

My focus (and possibly my takeaway) is a little different, but isn't necessarily in conflict with that statement:

The rightwing has waged a proverbial war on the media for years, gaslighting them to the general public.

So it stands to reason that public opinion of the media might be affected by that, if for no other reason (and there are surely others)

But guess whose approval and trust ratings are even lower:

Is trust in the media lower than trust in Congress?