An Historic Week


Expert Expediter
I'm still trying to figure out how this deal is going to affect Vets. I mean are we going to be forced to buy this insurance, or if we just see our docs at the VA without the insurance will the government fine us?

From what i understand, if you already have insurance you just keep it unless you want to change.


Veteran Expediter
Wow, so everyone that voted for Obama is dumb? huh

Not everyone but a lot of people who are so h*ll bent on following in the footsteps of a community activist. I met a few last night, they were dumb as rocks and thought that their money shouldn't be touched but because I am an independent contractor, I should be paying a lot more in taxes and be punished for working hard.

I thought the check an balances were elimanted in the Bush era, kinda thought maybe that was the reason for the recession, wall street running wild and all, guess i was wrong. As far as degrading people, you seem to do a fine job of that by name calling, what is this? 5th grade?

Well first name calling is something the left has been doing well for 10 years, so please look up quotes by Garafolo, Goldberg, Newman, and others who seem to represent the left pretty well. I have to also mention Randy Rhodes who called for Buish to be killed, she did it on the air and I have yet to see her go to jail for a threat but then you have people who scream racism when they are against something the messiah says.

Second if you can even think about checks and balances being eliminated, look at the confirmation of judges under Bush. Not all positions were filled and that is because the senate members from the dem party demanded a lot of concessions and got them.

As of this morning, Senator McCluskey d (sp?) said that we need to overhaul the senate rules (Meaning that they want to 'adjust' the constitution) to disallow filibusters and other procedural rules to streamline the process in order to pass these types of bills - kind of bringing to reality what you believe, the end of checks and balances. What this means is a loss of the process that actually keeps the executive office in check.

Oh and IF YOU WANT REAL PROOF - two words


Read how the repubs and even the president stepped in to help this treasonous *******.

As far as his party stopping him, look at who they are, democrats from republican states afraid of getting voted out, thats all

Not true, Stupak is not from a republican state, to be exact he is from my state in an area that depends on tourism and welfare to keep going. I think he is a sell out and most of my family (also dems) won't go to his district for vacation until he is replaced.

If his agenda isnt the americans agenda then why is his approve ratings still above his disaprove ratings even after the health care vote, hate to tell you this but your opinion is in the minority.

Polls are fixed as far as I'm concern. Rasmussen made a point the other day when he was talking about the Harris poll and he explained how it was setup to be a narrow question, which means some polls (Time) actually is fixed by the delivery of the question and by the questions themselves. Like "do you think Bush is a good president?" - it is either yes or no but most of the people said no without an explnation making it look like he was donig a crappy job.

Maybe fron 94 to 06 the democrats were more willing to work within congress then the republicans are now, just maybe

Actaully they cried a lot and complained about being shut out. I don't think durng that time there was a closed door meeting which excluded members of any party except the balck caucus - but that's a whole 'nother issue.

Actually this kind of bill was a republican idea from past yrs that they supported, if you care to go back and research

Yep they did support parts of the bill, but not everything in it. The solutions were easily done at the state level - it didn't need the feds to be involved. For example my State AG is moving ahead with the lawsuit but my inept democratic governor is going to help fight the lawsuit. I would think they would welcome the lawsuit to make sure it goes in their favor but I say boycott this state, we don't need people coming to spend money.

ARK, The military are going to get really screwed over this health care bill.
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Veteran Expediter
From what i understand, if you already have insurance you just keep it unless you want to change.

No one knows the full ramifications of the healthcare takeover. Many new regulatory agencies will by necessity spring up to promulgate new rules. All having the force of law. Most new law doesn't come from legislative bodies, but through regulatory agencies.


Expert Expediter
No one knows the full ramifications of the healthcare takeover. Many new regulatory agencies will by necessity spring up to promulgate new rules. All having the force of law. Most new law doesn't come from legislative bodies, but through regulatory agencies.

I agree, we dont know all and probably never will, good and bad.


Veteran Expediter
Oiler wrote:

really? the numbers show different, his approval ratings went up after the health care vote.

LOL, its called a "BOUNCE" and an old need to look "DAILY"....he is back to the low he was at before healthcare and going lower....

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Sunday, March 28, 2010 TODAY...LOL

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 28% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-four percent (44%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -16 (see trends).

The President enjoyed a modest bounce in the polls following the passage of health care legislation last week. However, his Approval Index rating is now back to where it was last Sunday, just before the House voted in favor of his health care plan. All the bouncing of the past week has come among Democrats. There has been virtually no change in the opinions of Republicans and unaffiliated voters.

While many if official Washington consider the Tea Party movement to be a fringe element of society, voters across the nation feel closer to the Tea Party than to Congress. Voters also tend to see the Tea Party Members as better informed and more ethical than Congress.

Check out our review of last week’s key polls to see “What They Told Us.” Also, take a moment to check out our new state home pages for Texas, New York, Florida and California. Other states will be coming soon.

The Presidential Approval Index is calculated by subtracting the number who Strongly Disapprove from the number who Strongly Approve. It is updated daily at 9:30 a.m. Eastern (sign up for free daily e-mail update). Updates are also available on Twitter and Facebook.

Overall, 47% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President's performance. Fifty-three percent (53%) disapprove.

Roll your mouse over the Rasmussen Reports Media Meter to see what share of media mentions about the President were positive or negative over the past seven days. This feature is updated daily.

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On Monday, we will release another Media Meter feature offering a slightly different perspective on media’s coverage of the President

READ the rest of the article at the link above.....LOL..."the will of the people"...that's fricking this administration even considers what the citizens want....

And with that it is time to go to Church to pray for this country.


Expert Expediter
Oiler wrote:

LOL, its called a "BOUNCE" and an old need to look "DAILY"....he is back to the low he was at before healthcare and going lower....

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Sunday, March 28, 2010 TODAY...LOL

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports

READ the rest of the article at the link above.....LOL..."the will of the people"...that's fricking this administration even considers what the citizens want....

And with that it is time to go to Church to pray for this country.

Oh no, My poll was from yesterday, lol Just all depends on which poll you post chef, surely you know that


Veteran Expediter
Oiler wrote:

LOL, its called a "BOUNCE" and an old need to look "DAILY"....he is back to the low he was at before healthcare and going lower....

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Sunday, March 28, 2010 TODAY...LOL

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports

Oh no, My poll was from yesterday, lol Just all depends on which poll you post chef, surely you know that

Yep... if you don't like a poll, wait for a brighter one, and STICK WITH THAT!


Retired Expediter
Wow... Polls posted by people who continuously deride and say polls are useless...

Selective Poll usage.:rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Regarding polls - Real Clear Politics is a good site to get a look at all the different polls and the disparities between them. It also gives an average of all the polls, which is helpful because the poll results are sometimes so different. Right now the average of Obama's ratings are 47.6 approval and 46.4 disapproval as of Mar 26, and that's after the "bounce" he should have received from the fawning press coverage.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

Interestingly enough, the poll average on the health care bill shows the disapproval gap widening after the bill was passed, now standing at 50.1 disapproval to 40.8 approval.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Obama and Democrats' Health Care Plan

The thing to keep in mind is that polls only reflect prevailing attitudes of a moment in time. The American people still don't know what's in this bill, and about the time someone figures it out the politicians will have changed it. There's four years remaining for the House and Senate to screw around with this messy thing and we all knew that the numbers they gave us to sell it were meaningless. The more we learn about what this thing does, the higher the disapproval ratings will rise.


Veteran Expediter
We Americans are being consumed by Big Government. Our lives' energy, work and wages are literally confiscated, consumed and controlled by Big Government. Regardless of which party is in power, an ever-increasing Big Government is our mortal threat.

We cannot support the huge government we have right now. Big Government certainly can't, and shouldn't, support us. It is an untenable position.

As Turtle mentioned recently, it may require the sudden emergence of a cataclysmic event to bring people to their senses. With each passing day, the task of returning government to the people becomes more difficult.

Good government depends upon broad participation from citizens. We have been lax in that respect. Now that Big Government is emboldened by recent success with huge power grabs, expect more. Big Government will have its day of reckoning; this time by meat ax. It is too late for the scalpel.


Veteran Expediter
Oiler wrote:

Oh no, My poll was from yesterday, lol Just all depends on which poll you post chef, surely you know that

Yea thats is why i posted TODAYS poll...they come out DAILY as the headline said...i know libs can read and count..well most anyhow..and you seem to be one that can, but incase you missed it:

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Sunday, March 28, 2010 TODAY...:rolleyes:


Expert Expediter
Oiler wrote:

Yea thats is why i posted TODAYS poll...they come out DAILY as the headline said...i know libs can read and count..well most anyhow..and you seem to be one that can, but incase you missed it:

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Sunday, March 28, 2010 TODAY...:rolleyes:

Do you think they asked the exact same people from yesterdays poll? doubt it


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It's too bad the giddy schoolgirls full of koolaid with the happy stuff running down their legs can't shoulder the full burden of this and leave the rest of us who are smart enough and mature enough to know better alone.


Veteran Expediter
From what i understand, if you already have insurance you just keep it unless you want to change.

That's the thing alot of us don't have insurance. We go to the V.A. I kinda felt like the government and myself had an understanding. I had their back, and if got hurt they had mine, i.e. providing for our healthcare. As soon as I get hard proof they are planning on fining Vets for going to the VA instead of getting insurance I will be trying my best to get some Vets to want to change that. They shouldn't have promised us something and then gone back on it.