A NEW Gov for Michigan??


Veteran Expediter
Maybe Jennifer will have seen her day and a Conservative could get the job of making an effort to rebuild the state...nothing is for sure, and the Dem party doesn't look to happy about it, but one never knows in politics...

Bart Stupak serious about Michigan gubernatorial run


By JAMES HOHMANN | 1/12/10 9:09 PM EST

Rep. Bart Stupak, a conservative Democrat who has pushed for strong pro-life language in the health care overhaul bill, has already been on a short list of potential Democratic candidates for governor, and said Tuesday night he is “really concerned about where we’re going as a Democratic Party in Michigan.”

But for Democratic leadership, Stupak's departure from the House could be cause for concern. Democrats would have trouble holding on to his first district seat, which includes a conservative northern swath of the Wolverine state and the Upper Peninsula. DCCC Chairman Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) has called Stupak about running for reelection to the House, Stupak said.

You can read the complete article at the link above


Retired Expediter
So I've heard thru the grapevine that The Great Governess of Michigan is going to introduce her own bill to do away with term limits for her position..

She is quoted as saying...that if Mr Bloomberg could do it so could she....There is much work left to do to rebuild Michigan and many projects in the works.

She is now in consultation with Greg334 her new personal advisor.


Veteran Expediter
Yea I told her to take the gas pipe to solve all of our problems but she didn't like the idea.

We do not need a democratic governor any more but we need someone who has not been involved on the state or federal end of our representation - stupak is not the guy for the job. Abortion part of the health care doesn't make him bright enough to fix our problems.

Just like Hoekstra is wrong too, an idiot jenny-like politician in the making who has returned nothing to the state as has stupak.

Cox our AG shot himself in the foot with the entire Kawmee debacle and his comment about how unimportant it is to find a killer so the only one who has come out and actually said something about how to get this state moving again is Bouchard.

The republicans have a great opertunity here since they crapped on us in the election.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I should run. I could straighten our straight out. The population of Michigan would go way down if I took over. The free ride for the scum and bums would be over.


Expert Expediter
I should run. I could straighten our straight out. The population of Michigan would go way down if I took over. The free ride for the scum and bums would be over.

I Believe that you would Make a Great Governor Layout! But please don't send the Scum amd Bums down here to Ohio Cuz we Have More than Our Fair Share of Them! :D


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Bart Stupak is not a conservative democrat. There is no such thing as a conservative democrat.