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  1. dhalltoyo

    Obama’s U.N. Nominee Thwarted Efforts To Capture Osama bin Laden

    December 3, 2008 – President-Elect Barack Obama has picked Dr. Susan Rice to be the new United Nations Ambassador. Rice served as Bill Clinton’s Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs and later worked as foreign policy advisor to John Kerry and John Edwards during their 2004...
  2. dhalltoyo

    Obama - Self-Proclaimed Messiah

    YouTube - Obama Antichrist - Barack Is Self Proclaimed New Messiah ("The One" McCain Ad On B.O.)
  3. dhalltoyo

    ObAMA/OsAMA - The difference is just a little bs

    Same-Sex Unions: Sen. Obama favors full repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, which protects your state from forced recognition of Same-Sex "Marriages" from other states where courts have ordered gay marriage (MA, CA, CT). Expansion of Partial Birth Abortion, a barbaric procedure which...
  4. dhalltoyo

    Presidential Character

    In his Inaugural Address on 20 January, 1961, President John F. Kennedy closed his remarks with these famous words: "And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." With those words, JFK, the most exemplary leader of the Democrat...
  5. dhalltoyo

    Esay Loans. Fat City.

    America just got fat. Fat on lending practices. The mindset of most that I have met is typified by a line from The Doors, "We want the world and we want it now!" We are convenience-oriented society. Folks will go into a 7-11 and pay $2.09 for a 2 liter when they could have gone to a grocery...
  6. dhalltoyo

    Bummer Rebuttal

    We note with bittersweet reverence the passing of the torch for Multi-National Force Iraq from Gen. David Petraeus to Gen. Ray Odierno. Gen. Petraeus’ outstanding leadership has been a regular part of these pages. Indeed, who can forget the remarkable counterinsurgency strategy he devised and...
  7. dhalltoyo

    Obama Had Close Ties to Top Saudi Adviser at Early Age

    Obama Had Close Ties to Top Saudi Adviser at Early Age Wednesday, September 3, 2008 5:58 PM By: Kenneth R. Timmerman New evidence has emerged that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama was closely associated as early as age 25 to a key adviser to a Saudi billionaire who had...
  8. dhalltoyo

    Obama's Half-Truths

    Sen. Obama’s Acceptance Speech Filled With Half-Truths And Distortions About Sen. John McCain Throughout the Democratic National Convention, liberal politicians either distorted or told half-truths about Republican Senator John McCain and puffed up Sen. Obama’s thin resume. August 29, 2008...
  9. dhalltoyo

    Obama Fan Club

    We can all agree that Senator Barack Obama is one of the world's biggest celebrities and every celebrity needs a fan club filled with adoring fans and Senator Obama certainly has his fair share. You might even be tempted to join this fan club. If you love Senator Barack Obama enough to join...
  10. dhalltoyo

    Book links Obama to massacre of Christians

    Senator's continuing ally launches genocidal tribal violence. U.S. Sen. Barack Obama has continued to support Kenya's Raila Odinga, even after Odinga has been blamed for inciting tribal violence and slaughtering Christians, according to an explosive new book written by WND senior staff...
  11. dhalltoyo

    The Case Against Barack Obama

    A Personal Note from John O'Neill (and Human Events' sister company, Regnery Publishing) Dear Friend, As you may recall, I was privileged to play a role in helping prevent John Kerry from being elected president when my fellow Swift Boat Veterans and I released the book Unfit for Command. As...
  12. dhalltoyo

    Obama, the national security neophyte

    By Mark Alexander This week, Iranian Islamist Mahmud Ahmadi-Nejad tested his new ballistic missile, the Shahab-3—range 1,250 miles. Next door in Iraq, 550 metric tons of “yellowcake” uranium ore, which Saddam intended to weaponize for use in his non-existent WMD program, were removed from...
  13. dhalltoyo

    Coming To America Via California's Homosexuals

    A Canadian human rights tribunal ordered a Christian pastor to renounce his faith and never again express moral opposition to homosexuality, according to a new report. In a decision dated May 30 in the penalty phase of the quasi-judicial proceedings run by the Alberta Human Rights...
  14. dhalltoyo

    Three strikes and you're out.

    Homosexuality fails morally, ethically and logically. Ethically – Homosexual behavior is of no benefit to society. Homosexuals can not reproduce. Than can not procreate. Society ceases to exist. Logically – Same sex anatomies are not compatible for reproduction. Homosexual behavior defies...
  15. dhalltoyo

    Boumediene: A supremely problematic court decision

    By Fred Thompson As I pointed out last week, and as legal scholar John Yoo did earlier this week in the Wall Street Journal, the “Boumediene Five” have done our nation and our Constitution no great service. But beyond the rhetoric, we really need to understand the real world impact of this...
  16. dhalltoyo

    Bring Lawyers, Guns and Money

    “For more than two decades, I’ve opposed efforts to ban guns, ban ammunition, ban magazines, and dismiss gun owners as some kind of fringe group unwelcome in ‘modern’ America. The Second Amendment isn’t some archaic custom that matters only to rural Americans, who find solace in firearms out of...
  17. dhalltoyo

    Barack who?

    By Mark Alexander Though Clinton has pledged to “fight to the convention,” having pulled out all the stops she and hubby Bill could muster to sink Obama, the once seeming inevitability of her nomination has faded to black, and she may drop her bid by June. So, that leaves us with Barack...
  18. dhalltoyo

    New Harvard Study On Iraq

    Is There an “Emboldenment” Effect? Evidence from the Insurgency in Iraq Radha Iyengar Jonathan Monten February 2008 ABSTRACT Are insurgents affected by information on US casualty sensitivity? Using data on attacks and variation in access to international news across Iraqi provinces...
  19. dhalltoyo

    Why I Switched

    Let me preface this post with a statement. I am not a CB Rambo. In fact, I really do not enjoy listening to the CB radio as the speaker spews its continual stream of vulgar rants and lewd sexual comments. Nor do I listen to learn the location of law enforcement vehicles, because I do not exceed...
  20. dhalltoyo

    Oh, Happy Day

    Truck Tonnage Is Up! The latest seasonally adjusted increase marked the third sequential gain, totaling 5.7 percent. The tonnage index stood at 117.3 (2000 = 100) in January, a 26-month high. Tonnage was also up 5.3 percent from a year earlier, which was the largest year-over-year gain since...